What did you cook or bake today?

Just finished making a batch of Swedish meatball pasta! This is a bit laborious, but I like that it lasts or family of 4 for several meals without getting old.

I reduce the nutmeg and allspice a bit, as they can be overpowering.
i made some kladdkaka!! although i think i baked it for too long because it's not as gooey as i wanted it to be huhu :( but it's still good!!
guys veganism is so restrictive 😩 /s


spring mix greens with a french vinaigrette and diced garlic with nutritional yeast, quinoa cooked in vegetable broth and mixed with a bit of vegan mayo for some crEaMinEss, mushroom risotto vegetable burger with a side of baked golden beets *chefs kiss*
i made some quesadillas for my partner and i for lunch! with black beans, peppers, and onions <3