do you enjoy cooking?

do you like to cook?

  • I love cooking!

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • sometimes, yeah.

    Votes: 23 37.1%
  • not really.

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • no, I hate cooking.

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • other? (comment)

    Votes: 3 4.8%

  • Total voters
Sometimes! I think it can be fun, and I enjoy feeling like I've made something good, and also making food for other people. But sometimes I just can't be bothered, especially when I'm only cooking for myself.
Cooking is a means to an end for me, I generally don't enjoy it all that much and I'm just doing it to feed myself. I'm someone who prefers baking since there are simple guardrails in place; you know what ingredients to put in and what exact amount, you know the temperature you need to use, and I like baking cakes and stuff like Christmas cookies for loved ones to enjoy. Cooking feels more complicated than baking, and often more of a hassle as well, and I don't know how people ever build up the courage to experiment by like, adding new ingredients and whatnot. I worry too much about potentially ruining or wasting food that way. Some people in some friend groups I'm in will sometimes show nice meals that they made and my brain is just like "??? How?!" I wish I was more comfortable with cooking.
i love cooking! definitely wished i had better culinary instincts since anytime i veer off a recipe or try to make up a recipe things don't always go well. i also wish washing dishes wasn't a thing 😂 but overrall i find cooking really fun.
I do enjoy cooking however prepping something for like 30 mins, 30 mins cook time then only 10 mins to eat it and another 20 minutes tidying up your mess? It just irritates me. I also have 2 fussy kids so end up making 3 different meals which in itself is so time consuming.
I don't mind cooking! I'd love to be better at it though. I know it takes practice, but often the things I want to make seem too overwhelming. I downloaded the Pepper app and that's giving me lots of inspiration. Here's hoping to cooking more good dishes!
I enjoy cooking and I think it's pretty fun, or at least to a certain point. When you spend a lot of time working, shopping, cooking, and cleaning, just to eat your meal in 10 minutes... I can see why it'd be infuriating.

I'm also not that great at cooking and have a hard time following complex recipes, so I tend to stick to easy or simple meals. I like baking a lot more; It's nice when you make something and share it with others. ^^
The answer is no, since I’m not that great at it. And when you’re a mom, that’s not a good thing. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Sometimes I enjoy cooking but sometimes it can be a bit of a chore, especially the cleaning up afterwards part. I prefer to cook a few big meals a week instead of cooking every day.
yeah, most of the time! i've lived at uni for three years now (into my fourth) so i've been doing it every day for a while, but a lot of the time i just don't have the energy to do anything fancy. now that i feel super solid in the basics though i'm trying to build myself up, and i love saving recipes that i'm interested in so hopefully one day this translates into actually cooking them lol
it's only fun and enjoyable when what i make comes out decent and doesn't taste like total suckage.
No. My mind gets way to scattered and plus I usually don't know what I'm doing. I guess I'd be better at it if I asked my grandma to teach me but she's always a hassle in the kitchen.