do you enjoy cooking?

do you like to cook?

  • I love cooking!

    Votes: 27 30.0%
  • sometimes, yeah.

    Votes: 30 33.3%
  • not really.

    Votes: 15 16.7%
  • no, I hate cooking.

    Votes: 12 13.3%
  • other? (comment)

    Votes: 6 6.7%

  • Total voters
I don't know how to cook but I would love to learn how to at some point
Just go for it if you're interested. Start with something simple and go from there. Maybe like pancakes or a grilled cheese and up the ante when you're ready.

I like cooking and all other types. Some of my recent recipes have been very experimental because it's something I always wanted to try, but never bothered because it would be a hit or miss if I would like it. But I'd never know unless I tried.

I dehydrated fruit recently. It's something I always wanted to do, but never pushed myself. The b-day event was the perfect opportunity to test it out. I learned watermelon tastes like fruit-roll ups when dehydrated and shrivels up to almost nothing, but dang is it tasty! Same with cherries they tasted like a fruit snack.

I found this super old-timey recipe for apple pie using dehydrated apples. I had so much left over after the event and figured why not. I heard about it long ago, but never had the dried fruit to try. Plus I thought it'd be really hard cause dried fruit is. The dried apples are boiled in a spice and cider blend to soften them. All of it is then dumped in a pie shell. Which I thought was kind of weird cause it'd just be soupy? But turns out the blend caramelizes in the oven and it really tasted good. Maybe not as superior as regular apple pie, but it tasted better than I thought it would. I guess people back then didn't have access to fresh fruit all the time so this is how they had to bake pies and the such.

It can be really fun and I love experimenting!
At this point in my life, I don't really enjoy it anymore.
I never seem to have all of the ingredients I need to make anything. Also a lot of times I'll wait too long to cook something and end up past hungry while I'm cooking which makes the whole process even more unpleasant. Furthermore I really don't care for the layout of my kitchen, so there's a number of barriers for me when it comes to cooking.
Honestly no, I used to and would love to enjoy it again but I’ve been feeding people for too many years I think I’m cooked out 🙈
i still really enjoy cooking! cleaning up and doing all the dishes sucks though…
Atm I don’t like to cook or bake since I’m so impatient and also I am particular about touching some things (like baking, cracking open eggs and getting yolk on my hands).

But…I’m interested in trying it more since I have a video game cookbook with lots of stuff I still haven’t tried making along with some that I did that turned out great (like dalaran brownies - WoW cookbook, though they didn’t look like how they do in the book). I just recently ordered Sanji’s cookbook (One Piece). I’m hoping to try to make something from it.
Yes I enjoy cooking! I love making new things. Right now I have a massive interest in baking. We got a new oven and I am very eager to make some nice baked goods. We recently bought a lot of canned pumpkin so we were thinking of making some pumpkin related foods.
I enjoy eating good food but I hate the process of cooking. It takes time and you have to clean up later.
I really enjoy cooking, but Im not the best. I often get sucked into the process of making a lovely long meal, like a roast dinner or homemade soup that's taken me all day to prepare but there's some foods Im still not very good at yet - roast potatoes are the current challenge for me, since I don't want to necessarily use fat of any kind.
Over the years I've learned that I hate cooking. Need to plan what I want to make, what to buy, how to prepare it and then follow many many little steps to complete the dish. Too much effort for something that is gone in 15 minutes, waste of time and energy. And the dishes, ughh. I wish I didn't have to cook at all, I wish I didn't have to eat.
I love all kinds of cooking, baking, whatnot. But here's the thing, I like to do it on my own terms and what I want to do. It's sort of like school assignments. You do it because you have to do it to get a good grade. I would never do half of the school projects as a hobby or for fun. Even school projects I find fun have some annoying guidelines that you have to follow that put a damper on what you would like to do. It's annoying have that creativity stunted by rigid guidelines.

Same with cooking. If I have to cook for others and they are very picky eaters, I'm not going to have fun. Especially if their tastes are so vanilla that I don't get to experiment and have fun. They should just shut up and be grateful someone is cooking for them or get off their butt and make their own food.

But if I get to let my creativity flow, I enjoy it. 🎉
I don't know how to cook but I would love to learn how to at some point
It's a very worthwhile skill to have! I reduced my grocery bills massively by learning to cook from scratch. It tastes better and is healthier too. Once you learn how to make curry/pasta sauces and soups you'll never go back to pre-made.

The first dish I ever cooked was pho. It's not something my parents made at home and I really wanted to try it, so I looked up a recipe and then tagged along with my mum when she did the grocery shop to pick up the ingredients. One of my favourite things about cooking is that it's a great way to explore other cuisines without needing to pay restaurant prices or travel.
I don't mind cooking most of the time.
i would say i like cooking sometimes! the only problem is if im following a recipe, i tend to forget or misplace steps (i would say this happens to me mostly during baking rather) and sometimes i get overwhelmed when im making a big recipe that includes a lot of ingredients and i have to watch over several different pots, pans, etc. while prepping other things at the same time. i would say i cook semi-often though as i like trying out different recipes, and it feels accomplishing to be able to finish making it and sit down to enjoy it in peace :-)
if it’s something super simple, i don’t mind it. but if it’s something tedious and hard i might get super discouraged and not want to actually make it LOOL
i don’t mind it if it’s not too much work and sometimes find it interesting if it’s something new but i don’t get hungry often so cooking can sometimes feel a bit of a chore, do love baking though.
It tastes better and is healthier too
seconding this, I can't even eat frozen stuff anymore because it tastes so artificial and bland and gross. there are still a few things I'd like to learn, like how to make my own bread and pasta sauce, but I know I'll get there soon! ☺️
I can't cook anything other than the most basic things. Almost every recipe feels too complicated for me and I end up slipping at least one thing up. Because of that I don't really enjoy it.
I recently learned how to make Japanese style fried chicken cutlets and the sauce to serve them with. It’s pretty fun flattening the pieces with a kitchen mallet and I imagine myself as a Tinkaton smashing a Corviknight with my hammer.
I don't really know how to cook. If I learned, maybe I would like it? I would like to learn. I do know how to cook basic things though.