- Nook's Homes Model from timmy's fortune cookie
- vacuum cleaner from timmy's fortune cookie
- box of tissues from tommy's fortune cookie (given to me by fauna)
So far have been geting dupes and dupes and dupes from plain ol timmy tommy and clothing cookies... but I did get the Stardust Table and Terrycloth Bow from the cookies in the Bug Catching event.
All I want is the stardust top hat from julians cookie is that too much to ask for?! All i got so far from his cookie is 2 tables, 2 dividers, star pin, and the star fountain
I got Julian's Stardust Cookie and Tia's Rosewater Cookie for ACPC Bells today. Got another Stardust dress from Julian's Stardust Cookie while I got the Grandiose Chair from Tia's Rosewater Cookie.
I was doing so well saving my leaf tickets. Then I decided it couldn’t hurt to buy a Tia cookie since I want the dress so much. One cookie turned into three and I got two duplicates. Two. And no dress, either. My luck has run out. :/