What got you into animal crossing?

I bought a wii as a family present for Christmas. I was looking around for games as an extra present for my son. i thought Animal crossing looked cute and he loved it. He kept asking me to play, which of course I did to please him. Never quite got it until I made lots of money on bunny day and managed to get all the princess furniture 😍
Saw an article on Animal Crossing Gamecube before it released in Europe probably Summer 2004. Distinctly remember it going into detail on shaking trees for furniture and hitting rocks for currency and the game being real time and something about that just vibed with me. (I am all about tearing up a garden/town for mystery prizes!)
Had a store near me that regularly imported games and broke region locks and release dates and went and found it there (so glad Nintendo don't wait months/years to release in Europe anymore!) and I've been buckled into this ride ever since.
What got you into [“Animal Crossing”...]?

I bought the Wii console in 2008. I came across “City Folk” around December 2008. I purchased that game. I played it for a few months. (Less than six months.) I liked part of the concept. Some of it, like having to go to town, I found to be a chore.

In August 2013, I came across “New Leaf.” I did not have the 3DS console. So, I thought to myself, “I am taking a risk—around $250 or so—if I take on the game and, perhaps, not like it enough.” I decided to take the risk. And I loved it right away. I played “New Leaf” until March 2020, leading up to the March 20, 2020 release of “New Horizons.” (You can tell just from all the publicly-available towns which are listed in my current signature.)
i got city folk as a gift from my uncle in i would say 2011 or 2012 and started playing a little. had a friend who also had the game so we played together once or twice. i didn't play much after that until the summer when i started playing every day all summer. then i stopped playing until the next summer, when i played every day again. in 2015 i bought new leaf and since then i've been hooked.
I had seen the game before on gamecube, but never thought about buying it until one day I was looking for a new game to buy for my 3ds and came across New leaf and decided to try it as i knew that i liked games that are similar. I loved every minute of it and wished that i had bought it sooner as well as the other games in the series.
Official Nintendo Magazine got me into AC back with Wild World !! I had just bought a DS Lite and wanted games to play on it ... I read their 2-or-3 line summary of the game and thought it sound different and interesting, so I bought it, and have bought every game since :)

On a more personal note, I wanted someone to play the game with so I bought a copy for my youngest brother. He used to sit in the garden shed to play online as that was where they got the best internet connection in my parents' house !! We lost him 6 years ago, a few months after New Leaf was released, so AC will always have a place in my heart ... It brings back a lot of good memories and I'm glad that I read that summary in ONM all those years ago ;)
My brother and I used to spend a lot of time hanging out and playing games at my neighbor's house. One day her dad brought home a few cheap used games for the GameCube, and among them was Animal Crossing. The three of us spent hours taking turns playing that game, and then my neighbor lent it to me when she grew out of video games, and I still have that copy to this day lol
I was looking for a game that I can just pick up and play at anytime that would last a long time. I never considered animal crossing until new horizons. What caught my eye was the crafting. Turns out there is more to animal crossing than I ever thought and I am really enjoying it. I do have some gripes about it but I still think it is a fun game and would recommend it to others unless they are impatient.
My parents bought animal crossing wild world for me for Christmas many years ago! I was really little and hardly knew how to play haha GOD THE WEEDS I HAD 😂 Since then, I bought new leaf with my 3ds when it came out with all the money I saved all year and as soon as new horizons came out, I HAD to buy it! I also had let's go to the city on the wii :) I'm so glad my parents bought me that game in 2006!
When I bought my Gamecube, I was still a kid. I had no job, very limited money available to me (saving from Birthday and Christmas cards, doing tasks like weeding the gardens for my mom)...in other words, it took a very long time to save an decent amount of money. So...when I finally saved enough to go to Gamestop and buy a Gamecube, I had exactly that...(barely enough for the system). For some reason, I think Animal Crossing was very cheap...and it came with a memory card (which was another expense that I hadn't accounted for otherwise). Hence, I used my saved money to buy a Gamecube with this game that I had never heard of (because it was cheap and had its own memory card). And I was off to the races. In retrospect, Animal Crossing was the best game to have at that time...because, it lasted for so long...and I was able to milk it for every penny of its value. Anything else, I would have beaten in a week and had an expensive paperweight sitting in my bedroom. Instead, I started a love affair with this seemingly endless game that "kept playing" when I was away. I spent that entire first summer staying up till dawn...almost every day. My sleep schedule was awful. Lol.
Literally the back of this little advertising booklet that they used to put in DS game cases. This isn’t my picture (mine was probably recycled a long time ago sadly) but it’s definitely the exact one I used to have. I just remember seeing this ad and thinking that the game looked so cool to 10 year old me haha. I’ve played all the games since.

When my little brother and I were kids we found a physical copy in the store and laughed at how big everyone's heads were on the cover. The teenager behind the counter said "stop laughing, this game is the best". So that Christmas we asked our mother to buy it for us.
My first AC game was New Leaf and I purchased it after I saw posts about it on Tumblr. People were really excited for its release and I was curious to see what it was like since the only other video game I play is Pokemon. I didn't purchase the game right away and instead waited to see people's screenshots and reviews about it on my Tumblr dash, and after it was all positive, I got the game for my birthday and my sister later got one too. We both loved it immediately!

I think what also drew me to the games is the design and customization aspect. I do art as a hobby and use it as a way to express myself and I have always loved customization games for this reason.
I didn't get into video games until my last year of university; my parents are very traditional and think video games are only for boys, all video games are violent (i.e. first-player shooters). Honestly, I got interested in them because I kept feeling left out of some social gatherings where my friends would play SSBU and I was watching on the sidelines. XD The Switch is my first console.

My S/O showed me Outside Xtra's ACNH gameplay, and I instantly fell in love with the cute aesthetic and the creative aspects around it. It also helped that I had reached a standstill playing Slime Rancher on PC; I had completed all aspects of the game and had a bunch of in-game currency, with nothing to spend it on.

My parents sometimes ask me about my villagers, so in some ways, it's given us something else to talk about at home. Otherwise, it's a great channel for me to spend time with my S/O, who lives a few hours away.
When I got a Nintendo DS at age 11, I spent a lot of time reading reviews for top DS games on eBay and Amazon. After many hours of research, I bought Wild World because it was so well reviewed. I absolutely loved it and have been playing ever since.
I honestly have no idea why my parents bought it. I just remember my parents got me the Gamecube version of the game when I was a kid for Christmas--it came with a memory card that had Rover on it. I started to play it and became so amazed with it--I remember just spending so much time trying to get my house fully paid off. It was so fun. I think my parents were just glad I was playing a game paying off my mortgage rather than murdering a bunch of people or something. I've played every game since then.
I can't even remember, I either asked for New Leaf for a birthday randomly, or my parents bought it for me on their own volition. I only really got into it after watching YouTube videos of people playing the game a few years after having it.
I was six when Population Growing came out in North America, and I suppose my parents had seen it and thought it would be a fun game for the family. Everyone's in-game name rhymed except mine (I was the last person to create my character so there was no excuse, lol), and my brother and I were only allowed to play for one hour each day. Fond times.