What have you been cooking?


I made brownies last Friday and they turned out thin lol. I usually don't make them and I couldn't find a smaller pan that it called for. I can try again this week. They appeared to still be soft. I'll double the batter this time.
Okay so this may pale in comparison to everyone’s cooking and baking lol, you guys make me want to learn more!

I’ve grown up not cooking much besides maybe eggs and pancakes (it was mostly my grandmother cooking for everyone). Besides her cooking, I used to eat very junky (still do sometimes ofc I’m only human lol). And while I don’t mind cooking things that are more complex, I like to cook simple things nowadays:

- Sweet potato and sour cream
- Sweet potato chips (baked)
- Chicken breast with carrot noodles w/ peanut sauce
(sauce: peanut butter, sriracha, salt, sugar, soy sauce, flax seed, water)
- Chicken tacos
- Rice with peanut sauce, flax seed, and boiled eggs and/or avocado
- Boiled eggs w/ salt

Not “cooking” but:

- High fiber bran cereal w/ cinnamon, flax seed
- Apples mixed with cottage cheese and cinnamon (I swear it tastes like desert).
- Natural peanut butter on sprouted bread toast (sometimes with cottage cheese, cinnamon, and flax seed on top)

More I can’t think of at the moment lol.
not too long ago, i made coffee cupcakes with buttercream - they rose a bit but then sunk too- but they were pretty good!!

plan to make some italian food from the big zuu's big eats episode with alex brooker (comedian) which looked absolutely poggers.
involves garlic butter over some oven cooked/toasted-ish rolls in an oven with meatballs + ragu. and some cheese on top

it was also with zucchini in batter which is very rad