What is the dumbest way you have broken a DS system?

I dropped it and broke the hinge while I was picking up a villager from a user here. I couldn't type or move and she just walked around me in circles like, "wtf is up with this person?" and I spammed her with VMs until she seen it and she was surprisingly understanding. I was panicking for a solid 5 mins lmao. After that, I bought a 2ds
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Uh, using an R4 card and cheating the games... R4 card broke but somehow ds still alive...
Not a DS, But I once drop my Gameboy in a sink full of water by accident.
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Put it down next to a jar of salsa, which fell over and leaked into a puddle around it. The vinegar corroded the hardware within an hour.

The whole thing or just the top layer that is glued on?
I have just been pressing down for the majority hoping for the best, as that thing is totally off for me.

The whole thing or just the top layer that is glued on?
I have just been pressing down for the majority hoping for the best, as that thing is totally off for me.

It was the rubber that was glued on. That did work for a bit but the rubber would distort and become worn down to the point where it wouldn't clip back onto the thumb-stick at all.

Oh, that is unfortunate. I do not think mine is too terribly beat up (yet), so I am hoping to get a bit more use out of it. Were you able to fix it?
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Oh, that is unfortunate. I do not think mine is too terrible beat up (yet), so I am hoping to get a bit more use out of it. Were you able to fix it?

Unfortunately no, Later on the hinge cracked. (To be fair my 3ds was really old) So I just investing in a super cheap 2ds

Ahhh, that is the worst. I am glad you were able to find something else at a good price however. :)
I'm lucky in that I haven't completely destroyed a 3DS system. I think the worst that's happened is my old Link Between Worlds special edition's headphone jack stopped working, since I used it so often. That incident made me incredibly careful about using headphones to make sure I don't damage anything else. The system works fine otherwise, you just can't use headphones with it anymore.
For my DS lite, the R button, probably from too much Sims apartment pets.
For my original 3DS, probably too much smash bros. for the circle pad. I noticed while playin games like AC and RF4, my character would walk up despite the fact my finger wasn't even on the circle pad, and they didn't go left or right the first time. Other times they woundn't go up if I went up on the circle pad.
Thank god my XL doesn't have any issues...yet. I 'retired' my original 3DS, I only use it now for transferring stuff between my towns.
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I was playing mario kart ds online and some guy was hacking in infinite stars and kept hitting me over and over and i got mad so i slammed my ds on the floor and got in trouble
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Other than the hinges breaking, I’ve never broke one. Though I did leave one in a hotel when I went on vacation, 700 miles away lol I never got that back. I did once break an animal crossing wild world game because it fell out of my pocket outside, and it got ran over by a car :/
not entirely broken just ruined the touch screen. ok so with my big brick original ds I didn't have a stylus available so I grabbed the next best thing: a fake rose with wires and shiz which kinda just left the touch screen patchy looking
Didn't break the whole pink DS but the buttons don't work now. It had a long lifespan but yeah unless you can fix the buttons it will be impossible to play on!
I had a pink DSi when I was in the 1st grade. I kept failing on this level on a game. I got so mad, I grabbed the screen and bent it so far, it broke. My parents tried to get it fixed but, it was beyond repair.

RIP Pink DSi
I'm so sorry :(