What is the first thing you will do when the update drops on November 5th?

Probably cry, since I’ll be packing for a trip the very next day. 😭 But you know I’m gonna take my switch with me. I wanna check out gardening and cooking!
I think the first thing after downloading the updates and DLC, I wanna plant my crops needed for food items and design some vacation homes, because it never speficied how we are able to use, say like being able to make walls and wall pillars, but I'm guessing once you've used it for one home, it should be accessible for your island; to which I would spend my time working on my house.
The first thing I'll do is see Brewster and then hunt for all of the new items!! I'll finally be able to start my island now that the game is pretty much complete. I haven't touched my island since launch as I felt very overwhelmed with the idea of doing so much with it. I'm very excited for the DLC which I will be buying as I'm aiming to get space squirrel to hopefully move into my village!
- Visit the Resident Center so I can grab everything I can that should update my current apps [ construction+, patterns+, etc ].
- Get all the new Nook Miles DIYs
- Check Able's first since we didn't see much in terms of new clothing showcased, but I have to imagine there might be some. Also pray for a shopping cart having just not been showcased ... ( A guy can dream )
- Head to Nook's Cranny and investigate anything that might be out.
- Do my usual normal daily stuff, of talking to villagers, and if I have trees sorted by then, shake out my fruit and furniture and bells.
- Investigate new phone apps. See if construction+ has anything else hidden that they didn't tell us about, beyond just 2 more bridges + inclines.
- Try out a minimum of two islands with Kapp'n, to see if I can't find new fruits or flowers.
- Off to Harv's island with pockets full of bells to get everyone I possibly can ready to settle in so I can make use of their facilities.
- Check out what I need to do at the museum to unlock Brewster, and either do that or get started on it.

After that? Probably TT around and repeat. :>
What I'm going to do first is try and get all of the crops and make gardens, Go to mystery islands and see what is available, Visit with Brewster, Try and find Gyroid fragments, I'm excited for everything though and there are so much stuff to discover and find!!!! Unfortunately I won't be able to get the Happy Home Paradise, but I'm hoping they bring out a card with the code you can redeem so I could get it that way. But I'm happy either way with just the free update!!!
Definitely going to bug my villagers and have some fun with the new first person/tripod camera angles. I hope its available for use indoors as well
Any other UK crew here who might be stuck doing Bonfire Night while everybody is playing the update?

I'll probably just be ignoring the fireworks and playing anyways :p
I love this thread idea!

Just a note, we may have to work to get Brewster. Like I don't think he's just going to show up in the museum, but who knows! They've surprised us clearly already.

Anyway, for me: Watch the direct again, check nooks shop, set up meteonook (or whatever it's called) to learn raining pattern so I can make gyroid hunting easier for me, get to work on harvs island!

(Someone just mentioned a question about the Brewster note while i was typing this)
You can work on setting up Meteonook now if you want to be prepared. It took me over a week of weather tracking to get it set up and it still didn't find my seed until I had a double rainbow.
I have a dentist appointment on the morning of the 5th, so I'll be preoccupied with that for about an hour. I'm going to be so giddy in that chair and in a hurry to get home so I can play lol! (I plan on preordering the dlc on the 29th so it'll download while I'm asleep at night/gone in the morning).

But the first thing I'm going to do when I get home is buy EVERYTHING new! All the new DIYs, NM upgrades, and any new veggies for sale (I hope Leif comes that day). I'm going to check Nook's Cranny for any of the newly added furniture and then swing by the café to have my first coffee from Brewster. After that I'm going to buy the Windmill and look at all the new items added to NM to determine what else I want to buy. And then I'm going to Harv's to start working at Reese and Cyrus' spot on his campground. And then I'll probably check out a few islands with Kapp'n and see what kind of places you can run into. And then, FINALLY, I will start playing HHP. :D
Night Owl Ordinance. Immediately. Then I'll head with Kapp'n to the islands and get some vines/fungi/new bushes.
IMMEDIATELY campsite cycling for the new villagers that I want lol. Shino and Sasha will be on my island right away!!
I’ll probably try to remember everything about the game and what I was trying to do before I left.
might and to refresh what items I have.
Definitely gonna try to get Mac inventory space and then work towards getting all the new update stuff like the shops.
Then of course start completing the game. Finish my museum. Get all items and DIYs.
I'm going to try to unlock as much as I can. I'll probably head straight to resident services to see what I can buy with my miles. After that, I'll probably try to head to the RV area/figure all that out. Finally, I'll swing by brewster's.
Finally give my entrance a much needed upgrade, I’ve been using the same one from when I first decorated it. I already know how I’m going to do it, but I need the two extra inclines to make it happen.