What is the meaning behind your island name?

My previous AC town names have all been just gibberish so I wanted to go with something using real words this time around. I was actually searching for coffee inspired names cause I really like coffee and apparently Rainshine is a coffee blend that Starbucks has? And I actually loved the name idea! I ditched any coffee association though and just sort of went with a literal interpretation of "rain" and "shine".

I've always sort of associated rain with animal crossing because I love rainy days in the game. It barely ever rains where I live so I experience so much more rain in AC than real life. So for me it really just captured my memories of AC and I though it sounded cute :)
I love that idea! The name is beautiful. Ive always loved the rainy days on ac as well, they're so relaxing and peaceful :)
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Mine is Lunar. I wanted a name to do with the night sky because up at our family's cottage, the night sky is so gorgeous. <3
Aww that's so sweet! I love that so much :love: <3
It’s a continuation of my new leaf town. My old town was gloomy themed, but it didn’t have a gloomy name. The character names didn’t match either. This time around I prepared myself and put some thought into it.
I came up with the name Evwirt a couple months ago. I was thinking up an odd-sounding fantasy-like name for a forest and I believe Evwirt fits the bill!

Arctin is a legacy name from back in CF. My sister came up with it, and I think she was inspired by the winter weather (she started the town around Christmas).
It’s a continuation of my new leaf town. My old town was gloomy themed, but it didn’t have a gloomy name. The character names didn’t match either. This time around I prepared myself and put some thought into it.
Oooo I love that! The name's so fitting! Have you put any halloween decs up?
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I came up with the name Evwirt a couple months ago. I was thinking up an odd-sounding fantasy-like name for a forest and I believe Evwirt fits the bill!

Arctin is a legacy name from back in CF. My sister came up with it, and I think she was inspired by the winter weather (she started the town around Christmas).
Oh that definitely fits the bill! Love it!
“In music, an aria is a self-contained piece for one voice, with or without instrumental or orchestral accompaniment, normally part of a larger work. An aria is a formal musical composition unlike its counterpart, the recitative. Wikipedia

My island’s name is Aria! I wanted a name related to music, and Aria was the name I decided on after taking the time to look at some musical terms~
Oooo I love that! The name's so fitting! Have you put any halloween decs up?
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Oh that definitely fits the bill! Love it!
I’m working on it. I’ve put some down but now as much as I would like. I haven’t really had time to decorate much because of work. I love Halloween but it’s the busiest season at work right now.
My acnl town was HeeHee. I just kind of rode off the laughing vibe and came up with TeeheeTiki.

The story is, this will be the last thing you'll hear alive. 🤫
Just run like hell to the airport if you hear a "tee-hee" behind you.
Mine is CocoaBeach. I was going for a Florida coast type theme and wanted a realistic name (my character is named after me and I'm from Florida.) I have a sort of love-hate relationship with the name. Some days I like it, and others I wish I had picked something different. Not a fan of the missing space, but I can live with it. :)
I named mine the same as my New Leaf town, which was Skyhold, a base in Dragon Age Inquisition. I was initially planning on recreating some designs that I made in HHD and New Leaf, but I’ve come up with some other ideas as well (some of my original ideas are not possible atm). I did want to name it something different and have a different theme, but none of the names I picked sounded good or I didn’t have any ideas how to make it work ahead of time (or custom designs since I had a couple from NL and HHD and a tumblr that I followed for the outfits I was hoping to dress my villagers in).
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My island names are Vylbrand and Kilika. Both are Final Fantasy (XIV and X respectively) references.

I love that! Those are really good names for an island :). I was actually thinking of naming my island after Zanarkand or Ivalice from XII, but I had no ideas how I’d make it work with the furniture and no custom designs on hand so, I went with my NL town name. Kinda a shame though since I think I could’ve made it work and probably would’ve used multiple sources of inspiration anyways like I have been doing.
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My island is called Einstök. It's what I called my town in New Leaf, because at the time, it was a beer I liked. But I don't drink anymore. My brother and I ended up having our island have the same name. It's Icelandic for "unique".
My island is called Liliana. Not really any particular reason for that name, I just really liked the sound of it and couldn't think of anything else. And everything I did think of sounded stupid XD.

My New Leaf town was called Peachy, and originally. I was going to name my island Peach so it would be similar but not exactly the same. Then I decided I wanted something completely different, so Liliana it was.