What is the meaning behind your island name?

Mine is Mistfall. I wanted something that sounded nice but had no particular meaning behind it as it was something I always did with past games and probably the most likely reason why I always restarted. It may or may not have come from thinking about waterfalls.
Opalwood is based on how my NL town was "Redwood" (named after the California trees after visiting my brother there), so I wanted to pay a bit of homage to that as a sort of "continuation." And the "opal" part just fit the letter limit. If there was more space, I would have named it Opalwood Isle, but instead I just pretend that's the official full name :p
My first two islands had the name Morchella, which is the scientific name for a family of mushrooms like Morels (my favorite mushrooms). My new island has the name Seychelles, an island country in the indian ocean. I'm making the island palm tree themed since the coco de mer originates there (sad story about the coco de mer if you do research :< ). I've loved reading through allot of the meanings behind island names on this thread <3
my island is lunasoleil, it means moon sun. it was in book i read years ago. it popped into my head when i was trying to think of a name for my island and its pretty so i went with it.
The name of my island is Magicant, based on the surreal land of pink clouds you visit in the video game Mother. In That land there is a kingdom ruled by a queen who holds onto memories she does not quite understand, but you help her to remember by collecting 8 special memories that form a heartfelt song. You also visit the land of Magicant in Mother 2, although there it is far more surreal.

There is nothing truly surreal about my island. I just really liked the name and have decided to name my island that way before the game came out. I also did really consider the name Santo Domango (a play on words of Santo Domingo of the Dominican Republic) because, you know, mangoes, tropical island... But unfortunately the name did not fit. But that's okay :) I'm very fond now of my Magicant. We all have our own Magicant, a place we go to in our minds to feel at home and at peace.
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New Leaf released when I was in school for music. I named my town Poco, from the musical phrase "poco a poco" which means "little by little." After careful thought before NH came out, I decided I still wanted a name that was based off some kind of musical term, but I couldn't think of one I liked enough. I had a few in mind that I was prepared to settle on, when more pre-release footage showed crafting and terraforming. Basically, this game let you play with the building blocks of the world. I decided to echo that in my island name, and I went with the word Solfège. Solfège or solfeggio refers to the pitch-naming system of "do-re-mi" and I thought that was very fitting for the theme of the island and the game in general. I couldn't be more happy with my decision.
My island is RainbowBay! I chose rainbow for both, uh, gay reasons and artist reasons. I was also wanted to name my island after something in nature to suit a more natural, spaced out layout.
Bay was chosen because it was the only the word that made it sound like a location and fit the character limit. (Even though I did have to sacrifice the space... D,: )
i named my island Somewhere bc i feel like it's ambiguous enough for me to keep my island for once and not reset :) im not suffering just having a hard time. sometimes i feel like the names i come up with tie me down to a specific theme which is why i opted for something that didn't feel that way as much. and if for some reason i ever wanted to make a horror-themed town it'd be perfect.
i named my island Somewhere bc i feel like it's ambiguous enough for me to keep my island for once and not reset :) im not suffering just having a hard time. sometimes i feel like the names i come up with tie me down to a specific theme which is why i opted for something that didn't feel that way as much. and if for some reason i ever wanted to make a horror-themed town it'd be perfect.
Does it happen to be that place I saw over the rainbow?
My main island is Reverie as I wanted the island to represent a peaceful dreamy life. Plus I think the word sounds nice ❤️

my second island is Jagaimo which is basically just the Japanese word for potato. It’s an inside joke with my bf and also bc I love potatoes 🥔❤️