Splatoon What is your main weapon?

Splat Dualies. Decent for both filling the terf and splating from a distance. Tenta Missiles are effective too.
I used to main the Octobrush but eventually got tired of continously tapping the button every match lol so ended up using Splat/Dapple Dualies, N-Zap or Splattershot Jr. But eh.. it's been awhile since I played PvP. I'm fine with any weapon on Salmon Run though.
At the moment, I have the N-Zap as my main, but I sometimes change to the Custom Dualie Squelchers.
Any roller really because I can't aim :lemon:

Now I know blasters are also good for cheesing but nah I'm not that cheap
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In the first game it was the fresh squiffer, then when i got splatoon 2 i was really sad that it wasn't in so i mained mostly every charger for a while then we got that weapon update and it got in! i even predicted the set it would have lol i'm really happy about that and now i main it again.
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Don't really have a main weapon right now. I'm trying out different weapons, using at the moment
the Aerospray PG to learn how to use that Booyah Bomb right.
Heavy splatling and Gootuber! I would say heavy (vanilla and remix) is my main though because I use that in both regular modes and ranked/league but the gootuber not so much because i’m not that consistent with it and i’m not fond of the kits for ranked. Gootuber is my personal favorite though and both those weapons have over 1mil turfed :’D
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The N-ZAP '89 is still my main, but I also start to use more the Octobrush (or alternative the Octobrush Nouveau), Aerospray PG, N-ZAP '83 and Custom Splattershot Jr.
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In Splatoon 2 though, I don't really have a main. My 5 most used weapons are the Inkbrush, the Tri-Slosher (same as MayorOfMagix where that's mostly from when the game first released and it was busted), the Firefin Splatterscope, the Mini Splatling, and the Hero Brella Replica. Those 5 weapons are the only ones I have over 100k points on, and none of them are even above 200k points. And I wouldn't really say that any of those are my main except for maybe the Inkbrush and Mini Splatling. I change around too much :lemon:

I guess throwing up an update nearly a year later would be nice!
The Fingza Roller is my new most used weapon at about 235k points, and everything else in in the same order as before, just moved down 1 slot. I also dropped the Inkbrush when the Permanent Inkbrush released since it had the absolute dream kit that I wanted on it. I don't need anything offensive, jist let me cover a bunch of turf and offer support. Although it's taking a bit of time for it to catch up with everything else.
So I guess if I had to give 3 mains now, I'd go with the Flingza Roller, the Permanent Inkbrush, and the .96 Gal!
My favorite is probably the Roller one: it's easy to take out enemies and it really helps out with the territory capture. @_@ Though, I always change up weapons to have variety.
Usually the Aerospray MG and the Carbon Roller Deco for Splatoon 1. Don't own a copy of Splatoon 2 yet.
I tried really hard to main the standard brella & also the splattershot and I ended up quitting the game for a while. Picked it back up recently and maining dualie squelchers for now! I think it fits my playstyle a lot better.
octobrush/stamp sub, dualies, roller, n8x guns etc.

anything that is not sniper/slosher(though i like the bubble guns) based tbf lol
Ohhh!! I had no idea there was a Splatoon section on here!

I know this post is a bit older, but my main flip flops between dualies and rollers. ^^
I’ve started playing again and I see myself going back to the Inkbrush, N-ZAP 89, Carbon Roller, and Undercover Brella, which are the ones I mainly used before.

However I’ve recently picked up the Mini Splatling because that’s fun too.
In the first game, my main weapon was the N-Zap '89, but I also loved to use the Gold Dynamo Roller, Berry Splattershot Pro, Inkbrush and Zinc Mini Splatling.

In Splatoon 2, I'm only at around level 20 so haven't unlocked all the weapons yet, but so far I'd say my favourite weapons to use are the Octobrush and Bloblobber. Recently though, I've found that the Dualie Squelchers, Heavy Splatling and Bamboozler are also super fun to mess around with.
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