What is Your Personality Type?

What is your personality type?

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I for one am INTP (Logician) which basically means I'm a robot who doesn't really enjoy social interaction, and who solves problems for fun. I'm also probably the worst person to come to for emotional support.

Oh that's what my boyfriend is!! That's kind of an exact description of him tbh

I love him so much he's adorable he loves puzzles and he's always doing like picross and sudoku and stuff on his phone he's the cutest thing in the whole world (he's also very shy but he's gotten better with that in the past couple of years and I'm so proud of him)

Anyway I'm an INFP which is pretty cool haha
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I believe that is very accurate and I really dislike social events. I spend more time in my imagination then reality to be quite honest, and I tend to worry about what people think about me all of the time.
INTJ iz me. When I first took the test as a HS senior, I was an INTP. :lemon:
INFP here. Get this answer everytime and pretty much everything about it is true. And maybe this test does have flaws but it is still fun. It says only 4% make up the population yet so many are on here so that's kinda weird and cool.
I got INFP, though I don't exactly agree with the site's description. I got the same answer around five times, even with changing a few of my answers. I think a flaw in this test is that they don't take mental illness into consideration. A person who has anxiety and/or depression makes it so that answers to certain questions are different, I feel. I dunno, just a thought.
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I've taken personality tests from a variety of different websites, and at the beginning I always seemed to get INTJ. However, in recent years I just keep getting INFJ (got the same thing again just now).

I doubt that these personality tests on the internet are entirely accurate, but I guess they're sometimes fun to take.
I'm an ISFJ, Defender! I think it suits me pretty well! Its neat to see how different and similar everybody else is. :)
Personality quizzes are my guilty pleasure! I’m an ENTP, apparently only one of two? I guess we’re not really the “hangs out on a video game forum” type, huh? Lol. It fits me pretty well, I think.
I always get INFJ, which feels accurate. It’s surprising to see so many people with that type!
Many years ago, i took this test at the height of a
negative life event. My result was INFJ.
After the event had subsided, my results have been a consistent INFP
first time taking the test i got INFJ, then INFP, maybe INTP along the way, then ENFP, and now its always INFP-T.
i was always torn between ENFP or INFP, sometimes it would be a 1% difference between extravert and introvert. after finding out about enneagram the most common combination i get is 7w6 which makes sense to me and why i score so high on extraversion. i am definitely an introvert though as social interaction, as much as i like doing it, drains me a lot and i get that energy back from spending time in my own world, i also relate to INFP a lot more.
I’m one of the (many) INFPs! I’ve taken the quiz a handful of times over the years and I always get INFP. I think more specifically I’m an INFP-T? But I can’t be bothered to take the quiz again because it is fairly long and I’ll likely get the same result.

I think it feels mostly accurate for me. It’s not 100% spot on, but it wouldn’t be fair of me to expect it to be. I love little personality quizzes though they’re always fun to take 🥰