What is Your Personality Type?

What is your personality type?

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I go back and forth between INFJ and INTJ. They are almost equal but I selected INFJ in the poll because that comes up just a little bit more. I can be both an emotional and analytical person, so I'm not surprised these show up equally. None of the others ever change.
Just took the quiz and I'm ISFJ-T, a turbulent defender, though its quite close between introvert and extrovert as while I'm mostly happy doing things by myself I'm also quite social so do quite a lot with friends too. Highly observant and judging which is accurate as I'm a very practical person and I've always been very organised. I'm classed as a feeler but it was nearly split down the middle with thinker, I'm empathic and I've often been told that I put everyone else first but I can be very competitive too. The biggest % difference was in Identity where I was classed a turbulent which fits me as I'm a perfectionist who has a lot of self doubt, I always want to improve on everything I do even if I've done it well enough the first time.
I'm an INFP most of the time, bordering on INFJ. I think it's interesting how INFJ is considered the "rarest" personality type, but according to the poll there are alot of them here. I guess INFJ's like to hang out on forum sites haha.
I was clinically assessed as INTP by BeyondPersonality.com. I got a 36 page report on my type.

It doesn't surprise me that there are a lot of NFs here. Animal Crossing is a very warm and fuzzy, imaginative game, and it doesn't require a lot of strategy or tactics. I do love my AC, but the T in me needs some tactics and strategy once in awhile, so I have sports games and RPGs for that. :)
i'm an infp! not sure if it means anything but i really love these kinds of personality quizzes lol
I'm ENTJ. It's accurate tho, I read a lot of articles on the internet about ENTJs and most of the things written there were correct for me.
Here is one of the most interesting websites where you can read about your personality type: click!
Actually, you can learn a lot about yourself by reading about your type! :'D
I got ISFP which is kind of me but not me at the same time.
what OP linked isnt the most accurate MBTI test (not blaming them of course its the most popular website to use for this i think) ive heard similarminds and keys2cognition are better.

also responding to the post i made at the beginning of feb im getting a lot of ENFP results more recently......hrm..idk what i be at this point
INFJ. It’s supposed to be one of the rarest types but the results of the poll show otherwise haha.
i just got intp and i dont agree with it much? lol

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i got istp last time which made a lil more sense
i used to get INTP all the time. then ISTP a few times. now i always get ENTP
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I'm not going to bother answering as one of them because they were proven to be a fluke by Adam Ruins Everything.

Instead, I will just say that I'm 50% introverted/50% extroverted. I'm loyal to anyone that shows me kindness, and vengeful to those that wish to harm the ones I love.
i know this comment is old but this made me laugh
My results always come back different. This time I got INFJ, a few months ago I got ISTJ. I find that my emotions change the results if I am content or depressed that day.
Pretty sure I've gotten every possible combo over the years. The link in the OP claims ENFJ-A.
Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community.
Does this mean I can claim to be a superhero? Life goal accomplished if so.
I've been wondering how the distribution of types on TBT differs from the average. I can already make a few guesses, but it would be interesting to actually see it, especially among the site's more active users.

I for one am INTP (Logician) which basically means I'm a robot who doesn't really enjoy social interaction, and who solves problems for fun. I'm also probably the worst person to come to for emotional support.

EDIT: You can take the test here. https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test

INFJ I am, which makes sense when I read it.
I'm a sucker for personality tests so I've been taking the 16personalities one about every other year since 2012 and have consistently gotten the ENFP personality type every time. I'd say it suits me pretty well - definitely more than the other types even if I don't agree with everything it says. I personally like the descriptions on verywellmind better - it's shorter and feels a little less exaggerated.

I got ISFJ-T, which is always what I end up getting when I take the 16 Personalities test, lol
I once had to take it for my psychology class last month and I tested as ENTP-A (Debater)
I kinda disagree with it though, I match with some points but not others (for example, I really like discussions but I'd rather try to defuse conflict [often through discussions]), and I had almost no social interaction when I lived in Mexico (0-8 years) so it seems crazy how I was classified as extroverted when I have every reason to be introverted
Plus the margins were a bit slim and I wavered on some of the questions
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