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What scars do you have?

I have quite a few scars actually.

-My first and most prominent is a scar above my upper lip which I got from my brother throwing a toy at me when I was five

-I have a scar on my left foot above my little toe from climbing onto a dock out of a lake and hitting that foot really hard on said dock

-There's a scar on my left thigh but I have no idea what it's from or when I got it, it's just there

-I have scars around both my left and right (but mostly right) ankles from my dog wrapping his leash around them while I was barefoot

-Matching scars on that inner ankle bump (you know) on both feet from missing with a razor. Twice. And it left a scar. Both times.

-Scar on my left hand, first knuckle from scraping my hand against the top of the oven?the result was both a burn and a cut ?\(ツ )/?

-Another on my right forearm near my elbow from bumping into a hot tray on the counter and getting a burn (that also bled for some reason?)

As far as I recall that's all of them, so 9ish in total? Not too bad.
i have a mysterious scar on my leg, but i dont remember ever getting it...
well i have lots on my legs and arms (yea i'm not emotionally stable) and a big one in my face from my cat, one in the shape of the letter a (just don't ask) because of my dogs and some on my ankles from roller scooters eh
I have... four due to three chest tubes, one from lung surgery, one on my eyebrow from when my piercing got knocked out, one under my eye from falling on a toy firetruck when i was a toddler, one on my ankle from shaving which has lasted a surprisingly long time, and I think that's it. So eight total right now, though I'm sure my ankle one will disappear eventually and make it seven.

I'm going to be in surgery again soon though (nothing life threatening if anyone's wondering) and so I'll have at least two more. :lemon:
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I used to have a couple of scars, one from surgery many years ago, and one from a cat scratch when I was really young, but they are gone now. I've yet to get anymore, but hopefully not. :/
I have a very very faint scar from when I was younger and cracked my head off a glass table. Mom said it's a little bit above my hair line.
I have one on my chest that I got from when I dropped a thing of soap in the tub and the pump cut me. I've had that one for about 11 years. I have a couple on my arms from falling into a thorn bush while backpacking, and one on my leg which I'm not so sure how I got but it's probably from skating.
The most prominent scars I have are on my left knee, which are due to having surgery to repair my ACL years ago.
I have one of those crescent-shaped scars too near my nose that I got from a dog bite when I was a baby, though mine's not very noticeable anymore. I also have a really faint scar on my knee that's been there for a while and I think is probably from a scrape after falling off my bike or something, and a few tiny ones on my arms that I'm not sure how or when I got.
Most of mine are from pretty stupid stuff, but here goes. When I was around 2, I split my lip open because I was climbing on something and it fell on top of me, and I have a scar from the stitches there. I have a scar on my shoulder from swimming into a wall last summer, and one on my knee from scraping it over and over. I have small ones on my leg, elbow, and hand from jumping off a scooter while going downhill (it was dumb, but it was either ditch it on the hill or get launched into the street). I've learned the hard way that gravity is not my friend.
I've got a few on my back, one on my left wrist that has been there since I was a baby from a needle in the arm I guess, one very small but not totally noticable above my lip, one on each knee, and one on my inner lower left forearm that came from a burn, then I ripped the scab open while lifting boxes. So now it's a faint little scar to remind me to 1 put aloe on burns my dumb self and 2 watch where my arms go when I pull out of the oven at work. Door is hot. Door inside is metal. I'm sure I have more little ones from acne, but those are the ones that come to mind.
I've got one on my ankle, years ago my brothers were playing baseball or something similar and they hit the ball over my neighbors fence. I went to retrieve the ball and somehow I tripped for something, I ended up falling onto the stone edge of my neighbor's sandbox and scuffed myself up really badly, I eventually did get the ball after some time just laying there.
My scars are all mental. Damn hallucinogens!
I have a scar on my heart from betrayal.
Some on my elbow and knees from falling down in the playground at school and stitches
Burn, scrapes, chickenpox, knee surgery, weight loss surgery, one stupid moment scar
I have a scar on the side of my leg and on three places on my hand from separating a dog fight (Someone's lab was off a leash and came running at my leashed dog) I got bit pretty bad on my hand, I honestly don't know which dog bit me but they're very noticeable. On the inside of my leg I also have a small black scar from the lead tip of a pencil. I always sharpened them before school got out as a kid and one day I stuck them in the side/waterbottle pocket in my backpack. On the bus I had my backpack on the floor and I pulled it up from the straps in between my legs and the pointy pencil stuck me.
I have 4 scars on my left ankle from multiple operations. I also have old scarring from self harm (I'm alright now).
I have a small dent in the top of my right cheek (the dent is also in the bone, not just the skin, and the bone dent is larger-- which I didn't realize until just now). I bashed my face into the corner of a coffee-table when I was two years old, and had a legendary black eye for weeks (which did not make things easy for my parents in public...I feel really bad for them). We haven't had a coffee-table for 18 years because of this.
I've got quite a few on my legs, due to me scraping my knees and such when I would play outside with my neighbors.
I have a half inch tear drop on my ankle from falling off my bike because I was riding it in the rain and essentially hydroplaned down my driveway lol.

Ooh and a vertical 1 inch scar on my cheek from fighting with my brother as a kid.
When we fought, we always drew blood lol. We got in trouble a lot.

Also have a couple of burn scars on my arms from being too careless with the oven.
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