What time do you usually go to sleep?

3-4 am? It depends. On weekends, it's much worse because I'm usually awake the whole night but asleep during daytime lol
I have wicked insomnia, so I don’t sleep much. Before I was up until 2 or 3am and waking up at 7 or 8am, uncontrollably. But I just started a new job where I’ll be working 8 hours every morning, usually either from 6am to 2pm, 7am to 3pm, or 8am to 4pm, so I’m trying (keyword, trying) to get to bed by 12am or 1am at the latest so I can be up by 5am/6am/7am (because I don’t have a car, and my job is 30 minutes away, so I have to be on the bus an hour earlier). Hey, at least I work in a bakery where I get endless amounts of coffee though, ha. Humans can function off of only 5 hours of sleep and three triple shot espresso drinks a day, right?.... right????
early bird. i usually go to sleep ~12-1am and wake up at 8am. i just can't keep my eyes open if going past 3am, and wake up at 8am no matter how late i go to sleep ;-;
I have an awful sleep schedule lol anywhere from like 3-6 am honestly. I really need to change it lol
sorry i'm bringing back an old-ish thread D:
i usually go to bed around 11 pm-2am, i'd try to sleep earlier but staying up is so tempting ....
Around 11pm. I get up early for work during the summer & early for class in the fall/spring semesters, so I have to be in bed around then so I won't feel like death the next day.
Regardless if I have to be up early or late, I always sleep from 2AM-5AM. I am always up by 11AM on days I don't have to be anywhere early.
10-11 pm if I have work, maybe longer on weekends/holidays etc. if I'm not too tired already
Usually around 12am..I have to at least sleep 6 to 7h to not feel horrible in the morning
I normally hit the hay around 9 or 10 but that's about to change with my new shift coming up here at the end of july
I don't think I'm physically meant to fall asleep before midnight.
When it comes to school, I go to sleep at 9:30, preferably before 10. With summer break into action, I go to sleep at 11pm.
currently: like 5-6am

ahh wow, I see that some people are night owls. That’s pretty cool.

I don't think I'm physically meant to fall asleep before midnight.

Same with me!!! The longest I can stay up until is until 11pm (which is like the time right now haha).
Even on the holidays, I can’t risk changing my sleep pattern then going to work after the holidays are over and not getting any sleep.
That and jet lag are one of my biggest fears, haha.
uhhh when I've got school or have to actually be a Productive Member Of Society usually around like 10-12 but otherwise it varies anywhere from like 12-4 usually
I kind of fear sleep to be honest, it's why I always try to stay awake as much as I could. I usually sleep between 2 and 3 am, for me any time before that is "early"
I'm a night owl when I have the freedom to be, but I have to sleep 7.5-9 hours depending on how I tired I am.
I’ve fixed my sleep schedule! I’ve been going to sleep around 11 p.m. and waking up at 8 or 9 a.m. for the past couple days. Getting geared back and ready for university in a month! :D