What was your first TBT username?

This is my first username here and I have no plans to change it, even if all my other site usernames have something to do with Springtrap. xD
This is, and always will be, my first username. :) I think I stole it from someone on a Harvest Moon forum, but I don't remember! :p
This is, and always will be, my first username. :) I think I stole it from someone on a Harvest Moon forum, but I don't remember! :p

It's the default guest username Cher set on fogu.com/hm forums (I've been a member since 2004 :p).
I've always had this name. Thought about changing it a few times but didn't want to confuse anyone xD
Star Fire

i hated this name, so not gonna say it
Then Aithycou

Then Bunny Bento.
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