We don't know anything about AC Switch really, but assuming that we can still name our towns, what are you thinking you might name your new town? You gonna keep with your old name or make a new one?
For me, I feel like Vista will always remain the town on New Leaf, and I'm ready for a new name: Eventide. This name comes from the island in Breath of the Wild and is also a nice way of saying "evening." Also right after I came up with the name, the word popped up a couple times when I was playing the Katrielle Layton game, so even more confirmation!
I still haven't decided yet, and it will probably depend on whether they have finally increased the character limit or not. If they still feel the need to keep it at 8, I might just name it after my Gamecube town Waterlog.
I think for my main town, I'll do Flowert, as it's a traditional name I've always been doing.
I've really been pondering using "Egalliv" though, which is village spelled backwards.
I'm thinking of possibly having a main town and a themed town, so I might use it there.
I've been considering more cute/fairytale themed names for my next town since that's the theme I go for overall. c: Just watch me name a town after dessert lol ~*~super original~*~ I know.
Since I have been using the same town since the GameCube days, I definitely plan on naming my town PARADISE in AC Switch purely for nostalgic reasons! I am very excited what AC Switch has to offer especially since I have put countless hours into each mainstream Animal Crossing game (New Leaf being the one I have put the most hours into).
Taipei. Have had an Asian theme for all of my town's names since 2011 (it was actually just limited to Japanese cities though, but I've been backing away from that).
Like others have said, it will depend on the character limit. I've always named all of my towns with something relating to night or stars, in NL it was Startown, so I might do that again depending on how I feel. Some ideas I was thinking about maybe doing is Insomnia (I love FFXV lol) Spira (this one isn't directly related to night but I love FFX too and Spira always reminds me of night) or Stardew or Stardrop. I also have a lot of other ideas, but we'll be here all day if I tried to list them all lol.
I'd really like to name my town something Christmas-like? I'm either going to do a Halloween or a Christmas town I know that! Possibly split it down the middle and do half/half! Why not?
Maybe Mystica or Luminosa, cause I love the moon and wanted to make a mystic moon themed town for a long time. But if we have get more characters to type a name, then I'm gonna take an advantage of that.