• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's bothering you?

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have to move into my new house on saturday, that i'll be sharing with 7 other students. pretty nervous, although I'm friends with them they're all extroverted and i'm worried i won't fit in.

then on monday I start my course and none of my friends are on my cardiology rotation and i have GP placement in some random place and I don't know how to get there *panics*

thanks guys, but i don't think things are going to go so well over here.

i hope you all have a good day and go hug your family :(

If it makes you feel any better my friends family was told that there was nothing they could do for her grandad but he just came out if hospital and even renewed his vows. They checked him and whatever he had is gone. So just don't give up hope yet
I feel incapable of being happy for more than five minutes but oh well I guess
i really want to drop out of 1 of my AP classes, maybe 2
i feel hopeless in those classes. i almost never know what is going on. /:
but the thing is, i am a senior and i have never been in a non-advanced class before, but i imagine i wouldnt be able to stand a bunch of the students in them.

idk if its just senioritis kicking in or what but im tired of school already bc of these 2 classes and this is only the 3rd week
I need to break in clarinet reeds. But I hate practicing in while others are in the house. Yesterday I couldn't since my dad needed to do some cleaning. And today, my mom is off from work, seriously.....out of ALLLL the Tuesdays, TODAY is the day where you don't work? I pretty much brought my clarinet home for nothing....

I know...Im horrible for wanting everyone to get out....
I want to punch this one guy in the face so bad, I have no words to describe it.
I've been putting myself down too much 8)
I don't mean to, but I'm used to taking the blame for everyone.
Math :/ There's stuff I don't get that I spend about 15 minutes on one question. I really need a tutor
i want more people to talk to but then the second i get someone new i push them away?? i need to try harder for others, i cant leech attention off of one person forever

taLK To ME
I feel anxious for no particular reason, the feeling just came out of the blue and I want to know why.
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