• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's bothering you?

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I have an addiction for the 90's Donkey Kong Country CGI thing.

It's so terrible yet I love watching it, I've lost all my sanity now.
I keep messing up and snapping at my loved one by accident... he already addressed how much this bugged him a few days ago and how he wishes I could act normal. If I want us to be together again I have to stop messing up..
I've been trying for months now to lose the last of my baby weight, which sucks because I'm taking a supplement that basically suppresses my hunger to the point of almost starvation. I wish I could go to the gym and things like that but I don't have a babysitter and I can't tote my one year old to the gym since only the really expensive ones have like a child center for it.
I got fired today
What happened? Let me know if you want to talk, even privately. I can imagine all the problems that'll arise from losing your job, and I really hope you're able to find a new one soon.

i'm over my ex but he messed me up so much...
I know that feeling. My relationship has been over for nearly a decade and it still has huge effects on me because of how much I was used. If you want to talk, feel free to PM me, I'm always willing to listen.
The fact that someone BROKE INTO MY LOCKER and stole my 3DS and Phone...I am just so upset, and we still don't have a clue who did it. :(

It pisses me off, knowing people can just take whatever the heck they want and get away with it just like that...​
my back is killing me and i need a physio but i can't afford private cover and the waiting list for the hospital physio is so long fml
i'm so sleepy
i feel like i have to stay up for something but idk what and usually when i get these feelings i miss something
Woke up to an empty house.
Mum's in the ER...
Had to go to class, left early.
Back home.

I wish they told me what hospital...
I wish they told me something.
someone knows a really big secret and i dont want them to spread it
or they might thats the confusing thing
Oh honey, I can definitely relate ;__; *hugs*

thank you *hugs back*

I know that feeling. My relationship has been over for nearly a decade and it still has huge effects on me because of how much I was used. If you want to talk, feel free to PM me, I'm always willing to listen.

thank you - wow I'm really sorry you still feel like that :( relationships can really suck

I know that feeling.
Can't believe I fell for his lies.
Hope it gets better soon.

it really blows doesn't it, i had a similar thing of falling for lies. Thank you, you too :)

My ex messed me up too, but I got back at him when I had to call the FBI on him for online dating a 11 year old.

wow :l I hope all's ok with you now
thank you *hugs back*

thank you - wow I'm really sorry you still feel like that :( relationships can really suck

it really blows doesn't it, i had a similar thing of falling for lies. Thank you, you too :)

wow :l I hope all's ok with you now

It was a long time ago. So yeah. Everything is alright now. =D
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