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What's bothering you?

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Do you have an anti-virus program that might be acting up?

It's just bugging me. Some of the stuff is starting to come back up but, I'm kinda' trying to do homework here, and I kinda' need to look stuff up, lol.
I tripped while I was going up stairs to my apartment to do something and now i have this huge nasty scar on my arm. :( it doesn't help that my neighbors saw so now I have the embarrassing part...

My ******* scar hurts. It's not as bad as this morning, but I keep thinking I burned myself and not scratched myself.
@ Lady Timpani thank you for that. I have no imaginings on how family can become so hateful of their child because they are ill, mocking, refusing help, I prayed to be let go the next day I met him. Lately my fianc? has been having mood swings and has lashed at me but I understand someone in my mind it is not me. We talked about it, he apologized and he is sweet but young I fear as my mom constantly yells into my ear he won't be able to handle all the issues...What making some appointments, helping me when I am very ill, calling my ins for me things I used to do, driving me doing the grocery thing he has been fine but he is in school stressed not much time. He is all I have, I know if we can make it out of here and I'm still holding on we will be ok. All my real friends well they set sail long ago and wish had made more before became shut in so I don't think he gets when he is here the few hrs he can be or such that's all I've got but I think he will get it. As for being at the mercy of a family who pretty much wants me gone...I feel like I fell into a storybook the beautiful girl in the tower, luckily someone made their way in if he can hang in with me until the emergent complications and issues are fixed but more and more it is hard to do normal things dress drive make the calls. As for the family they could have gotten me help as a child, taken me to a center earlier, but there is a history of under the rug secrets and histories and my sister well I have no family really now just a room am allowed to lay in the dark in. I have to believe I am still here for a greater purpose even if it takes almost dying to find a cause I was just born with this stubborn will to survive. Always be kind even when being traumatized and try to help others.Empathy I used to think was a curse, sensitivity in this world as one ex told me someone like me can't make it alone in this world but luckily I don't think I will have to anymore. One more almost year then one day I hope karma rips through this family like a sword of justice.

For all the girls with relationship issues especially younger a recurring theme I see here, remember to love yourself most, I've had three abusive all different in their own ways relationships and can say sometimes the world will throw that same situation at you again number two was one again but worse to see if you learned your lesson or will try to play his savior and be the one who loses a piece of themselves. Know that there is a soul out there meant for you, kind brings flowers no reason, stops by with gifts, will love you to the point they can't see anyone else. Yes ups and downs will come but know your worth believe your worth being loved and don't settle. I had to give up on all before I found that, it was fated how I know is a strange story but don't lose hope. Do not let others break you.If he is an alcoholic you can't save him, drugs same, he will lie steal call you up at night that's bad guy one, the one who makes you feel like less cuts you down tells you how to dress, he escalates until he's drained you and you have to leave to pull yourself back up, the one who uses force hurts you in ways you may not recognize until later were assault but is a charmer self centered walk away. The right one won't have you in torment, not on purpose, being apart in true lev can be torment but it is always because of obligations not because of not wanting to be there every second he can, he will be a man and admit his fault, and he will likely not be what you have in your mind, you won't see him coming, he's waiting for you to be in the right place. The rest are learning, take the lessons in and become stronger. When I was 18-21 I lived with a 30-33 yr old alcoholic bc I wanted out of here I came home went to school got 3 degrees two MA then was disabled and stuck where I said would never return. I journalized that relationship and many years later wrote out all I had to say to the big three then burnt it spent two years alone gave up stopped looking went for groceries and he found me, guys were always too scared to ask but he said he knew right then I knew too and he didn't give a darn I was disabled he said we were a team he was my protector and would take care of me. Now if we can make it to his first degree and get married it may be a year until he can care for us both and pay for the wedding/honeymoon I deserve that my family doesn't want to see me happy or loved but love always wins. So to guys too don't think she or anyone is out of league just ask...his advice not mine there.

To the girls with the family issues can't be mentioned, I know, write to me if you want you may know what I mean if your one, it never gets easier until you forgive. To the ones struggling with self image it is what you think that matters look in the mirror every morning tell yourself your beautiful as you are and every time a doubt of that comes up learn to replace it with a self confident one. You are unique there is no one better and if anyone especially a guy can't see it toss him back.
I had a dream, that thankfully I'm already struggling to remember, that was basically a repressed memory of a traumatic event that I let happen to me. It's weird when suddenly the person you're dreaming about isn't your boyfriend anymore and how it doesn't stop the flow of the dream. I feel even more messed up.
I know those dreams, you feel paralyzed in place, maybe even know your dreaming and fight to come out of it. But do not ever say you let it happen to you. This one I know too well so if you need to talk in private I am here.
I keep getting these cuts on my arm while I'm sleeping,its like a cat's scratching me or something every night.And I've been ''unsick'' for a week but I still am thanks to the mucus and headaches
I used to wake up with the scratches nail marks in my arm bites in my lip, it wasn't until I woke up in bizarre positions and some mouth stuff realized was a seizure in sleep type thing, if you have nasty headaches too check that one out.
Monthly girl issues *weeps*

Its okay,after a week it'll be over!

I used to wake up with the scratches nail marks in my arm bites in my lip, it wasn't until I woke up in bizarre positions and some mouth stuff realized was a seizure in sleep type thing, if you have nasty headaches too check that one out.
Oh thank you! I certainly will!
This online game I play just opened and it keeps crashing... They should have known this would happen. They should have done the updates BEFORE the game opened!!! They know how many accounts they have, and how many people would try to get in at once!!! I got all my hopes up for nothing, didn't sleep very good last night because I thought they would fix it today. I'm so mad.
me and some of my friends have basically pushed these 2 people out of our lives who used to be friends because of an incident of disgusting sexism 2 weeks ago and today i found out one of them asked my friend if she was "done being pissed" and it really confirmed the reason we arent friends any more
This freaking cold is preventing me from tasting/smelling the vapor from my E-Cigs. My friend sent me a batch to test out and I can't freaking tell anything! ><
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