• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's bothering you?

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I have to go to a Funeral all day and I dont like being around sad people
Well you don't go to it to enjoy it typically.. It's not usually fun but it's the right thing to do. My grandpa passed recently and the memorial service was actually full of a lot of laughter and sharing stories, though.
The honey always gets stuck to the side of the jar and it takes 10 minutes for it to get to the nozzle ;A;
I have a lot of things on my mind lately.

Being essentially guilt tripped almost daily by my old hag of a grandmother in law (fianc?s grandmother) about how she misses "us" so much but yet she's only talking about my daughter. She complains almost daily and sends messages like "OHEY if you guys are coming over today let me know, I'll be busy doing old hag lady stuff until 3pm but you come over anyways"
My fianc? hasn't had a day off in like 3 weeks and barely gets to see our daughter since he works from 9:30am to 11:30pm 7 days a week right now. If he gets a day off, there's Zero chance in hell I'll be letting that old ***** take the time my fianc? has with her daughter just because she so damn old that all her kids grew up and moved away from her super control freak ways.

Other problem is my mom. She's in an abusive relationship with someone 30 years her junior but she complains of him every day. I told her she can come stay with me for a week or two to spend time with my daughter who she hasn't seen since she was 2 months old, but every time she says she's ready to leave the guy, she gets cold feet then starts crying about how she loves him. She's just lonely and is clinging to this 20 something year old because he's young and because my mother doesn't know how to cope with being alone after my dad died.
If my sister can't put up with me, why doesn't she just get out. If my neighbors can't put up with me, why can't they just move out. If my classmates can't put up with me, why can't they just move to another school or better, go to ****** Mars. **** you, I'm not doing anything dangerous or doing anything that can be a threat to others or anything that can hurt you. :mad:
I fell at work today and ended up really hurting my back, hips and left shoulder. Nearly ripped my hips out of their joints when I fell but I think I just pulled 10,000,000 muscles.
Currently, a pretty nasty headache. Advil isn't kicking in just yet (or it's not working at all, but I'll hold my judgment). I hope I'll be able to get rid of it before I sleep, since it would be very unpleasant to feel like this at work in the morning.
I got invited to go to my first con. I don't know how to tell my friends I can't afford it, even though I really want to go.
They're so gung-ho about it and I'm like, "I don't know, guys..."

I actually have an idea for a cosplay, my first one ever, and I would love to go.
But money. :/

- - - Post Merge - - -

Want to jump off a cliff.

Or you can come over and I'll make you some brownies.
Everybody I like is either straight or not interested. Which is okay, I don't begrudge them that. I'd just like to know how it feels to like someone and have them like you back. I want to feel wanted.
I always feel like things now should be like they were in the past and I get upset when they aren't the same sometimes.

That's such a bad habit and it needs to stop. Especially right now :/
I've been having sharp shooting pain coming from the bottom of my right foot all day. I just thought that it was from laying down so much...but its been doing it all day every time I stand up.
my parents keep telling me that having a good, personal relationship with god will make me feel better, and it honestly makes me feel extremely uncomfortable...
I basically ran my mouth out of my insecurities/personal issues and started a fight with my boyfriend. I'm that pathetic. I'm that sad.
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