• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's bothering you?

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Thanks. I'll probably be fine.. I just have to work tonight and after not sleeping all day going in at 10pm to work til 6am on one of the busiest days of the week is going to be murder.
Just don't overexert yourself there. I could imagine it must hurt a lot.
Just don't overexert yourself there. I could imagine it must hurt a lot.

My head is pretty numb besides throbbing. I'm already on some decent pain medication for some GI issues that have been causing me pain, so that's nothing new to me. Thank you for the concern. :)
I have a concussion from slamming my head into something earlier this morning, and I'm not allowed to sleep for 24 hours to make sure I don't slip into a coma.

Pic below. The really, really dark patch isn't hair.. it's a bruise.


Edit: There's loads of pressure behind my left eye. I can barely stand up because the room is spinning, my pupils aren't dialating properly, and I've been up for only around 12 hours yet feel like I'm about to pass out at any second.

Oh, honey... That's terrible. I'm so sorry.
Can't you call off work? :( They have to understand your situation, right?
I don't care for kids, and that's saying it nicely.
My mom got the bright idea to force me to apply at the daycare across the street, after the big mouth neighbor said she could get me hired by saying I've babysat for her, which I never have. I have no experience with kids and id like to keep it that way. They make me nervous. They trigger me. Just no.

I'm flooding the Dollar General with my apps even more now.
If I get hired there, I could just walk AND I could buy some pairs of shoes, lol.
I need flip flops. :/
I walked past a guy who was slapping his dog and yelling "go potty" at it. He then yanked the dogs leash so hard it yelped.
And that's saying something, cause it was a big German Shepherd.
You have to be all kinds of f'ed up to be so rude to a dog -.-
I can only imagine how horrible this guy is to people.

That really pissed me off >.>
I'm still trying to finish a few character descriptions. Someone needs them and I'm beginning to hate myself for letting them down.
have a test i have to submit by midnight sunday and nine chapters to read in this dumb book for english. i won't be home tomorrow until late, so here i am on my stupid birthday doing homework and taking tests.
My boyfriend hasn't contacted me for two days and I have no idea where he is rip
i'm really tired but i have to be up at 6am and its too early to sleep but too late to take a nap ugh
I always forget something important when packing.
This time it's my contacts -.- I realllllly needed them too
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