• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's bothering you?

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I'm literally trying my damn hardest to ignore some threads on here, lol.

I cried at school yesterday because of some gathering thing we have. I don't feel bad though - because most people did, too. It still bugs me though.
I'm not sure if you still need someone to talk to but if so you can message me.

I woke up in the middle of the night and now I can't go back to sleep. :\
I do. I'll message you. Thank you. <3

I hope you managed to get some sleep.
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my dog just turned 9 years old and she's never been to the vet in her life. she never gets sick.

now she's got some sort of rash or something on her stomach and I'm like ah and called the vet. they said they can get her in today (actually in like 45 minutes because they're closing soon) so I hope it's nothing too serious. I'm just nervous because it's her first time and idk if she's gonna be cool with the vet prodding at her.

gah my baby
Thoughts about college even though it isnt for another 4 years. I really want to find a school with a good music AND education program, and I think now is the time to start. It is just scary to think that in 4 years I will be completely independent.
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A couple of things today like some health stuff

and I feel really bad that I accidently screwed things up with a person I considered somewhat of a friend. I dont know if I can fix it but I want to try, sadly I dont think they'll listen to me or consider any apology sincere. I really kind of screwed up but I didnt mean to. I havent felt right since.
I hate living near a restaurant because I sometimes smell food that makes me hungry.

Also, the English language is currently irritating me.
Same thing as yesterday, Battle.net & Amazon/UPS. All 3 of which are ignoring me until Blizzard finally decided "fine we'll live chat you" and finally a nice human being told me what the situation is. After 2 deleted tickets that weren't responded to and 2 forums of which I didn't make that were suspiciously locked that COULD have answered our PSN/XBLA connectivity issues.
I have no motivation to do school work when I really should and my grades are dropping in history even when I literally study for hours. My math teacher literally refuses to help me when I ask, even though my future career is heavily involved in math and she's also telling other teachers that I'm being "disrespectful" when I get frustrated by her "teaching," and then I started to get questioned by teachers that are close with her. I'm stuck between wanting to dye my hair and not. Lunch ladies are refusing to give me food. I'm getting yelled at for being "out of dress code" while others are far more obstructing than I. As my school is primarily African American, I honestly do get criticized more often, and no I'm not racist. I'm a very good student and very polite and respectful, but my school is becoming too much for me to handle and I'm half tempted to be put on home bound.
The urge to punch a wall

Don't do it, you will only hurt your hand. I know anime and cartoons make it seem cool but not only will you hurt your hand, you risk ruining a perfect wall with holes produced by your knuckles impacting the solid concrete.
I have a big problem with the forecast predicting 90 degree weather in October. I can't recall it ever being this hot at the start of autumn.
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