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What's bothering you?

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We're reading the same thread!! What ever you do don't go to /r/nosleep. That place was the cause of a few nightmares.

I torture myself by constantly perusing /r/nosleep. I have like an entire page of favourites dedicated to my favourite creepy stories. I just don't get spooked by ghosts though, it's ALWAYS creepers.

Like I read this story on sixpenceee about this stalker dude called Dr Ramsey and just nah no nope NO NO NO. I'd link it but I'm not sure how strict this forum is on stuff like that. If anyone is gonna google it plz bear in mind there's mention of sexual assault. Also it's just generally super creepy.

And oh gosh. Stay away from /r/LetsNotMeet. Some of the stories on there are pretty meh like 'creepy dude smiled at me in supermarket' but LAWD. Occasionally you stumble upon the most horrifying things. And it's so unexpected too. You're just like 'meh another creepy bus guy story' then BANG no sleep for the next 2 weeks.

There's still a story on /r/NoSleep that bothers me to this day. If it was a joke then it was a pretty elaborate joke. Basically the user posted this phone number that related to his story (which was kinda stalking related) and when you call the phone number you apparently hear the exact same message as the user did in the story. That still goes down as the freakiest thing I've ever read. Actually I should find that again, I quite fancy reading that particular nightmare inducing story again.
I read both those forums. The one I vividly remember from No sleep was some guy walking home late at night and he sees some guy dancing in the street with a huge creepy ass grin. x.X
I'm not feeling so great.
The nightmares kept me up last night.
I'm tired and kind of lightheaded...
I'm not sure I can get through my classes.
I'm not feeling so great.
The nightmares kept me up last night.
I'm tired and kind of lightheaded...
I'm not sure I can get through my classes.

What kind of nightmares do you have? Just curious, because some of things I dream stay with me throughout the day. Like I had a rough time at school and I often see the people who bullied me. it's kinda annoying because it's like ugh. That was like 5 years ago. Why hasn't my brain let it go yet? It's so annoying to have constant reminders of people who caused you so much pain. Like just let me be. It took years to stop being terrified of seeing you round every corner or in every bar. Do you seriously have to haunt my sleep.

Sorry I rambled a bit but yeah. I feel the same way when something I dream affects me for the whole day. I feel kind of sluggish. It's especially annoying because there's literally nothing you can do about it. I seriously don't even think of these people during the day at all, so I'm confused as to why they keep cropping up in my dreams.
There's still a story on /r/NoSleep that bothers me to this day. If it was a joke then it was a pretty elaborate joke. Basically the user posted this phone number that related to his story (which was kinda stalking related) and when you call the phone number you apparently hear the exact same message as the user did in the story. That still goes down as the freakiest thing I've ever read. Actually I should find that again, I quite fancy reading that particular nightmare inducing story again.

ah yes, boothworld industries. very creppy. supposedly, you'll get a text or smth saying that a representative or someone is in the area and will be with you shortly. spooky.

I read both those forums. The one I vividly remember from No sleep was some guy walking home late at night and he sees some guy dancing in the street with a huge creepy ass grin. x.X

there's a short movie about that, creatively called 'the smiling man'.
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Ladyfriend keeps ignoring me for no reason <:I
...I only asked how her Mother was doing, I sent that message over a week ago and it says she hasn't even read it.

I'm not like super bothered because I kinda wanna call things off anyways but still :/
ah yes, boothworld industries. very creppy. supposedly, you'll get a text or smth saying that a representative or someone is in the area and will be with you shortly. spooky.


there's a short movie about that, creatively called 'the smiling man'.

Oh god where do I stat...
When someone leaves my room without closing the door >.<
When ppl think I'm shy....I'm not shy I just quiet there's a difference
School :/
When ppl force me to do things I don't want to do
When I don't like a specific food items and then someone is just there like " ur so stupid for not eating this u don't know what ur missing out on"
When someone wakes me up, especially when I'm dreaming
And much more
My fu**** job. ( back again because they ask for it) they want me to draw art to them so they can sell it. I was fine at the first but realizes I dont get a sh** of the stuff im doing. A couple weeks ago a lady wanted to borrow a picture Imade for her shoestore as deceration. SShe came back with it and gaved me a small gift as thanks. Which was a waterproof spray for shoes. My leader took it AND said it belongs to them because MY art belongs to them. I got so frustrated and disappointed... This is a cafe. What the fu** are they going to use it for???
So my suspicions were confirmed. THe prof I work for as his TA is romantically involved with another TA - who isn't a student - but still she is an employee so there is that grey zone. And it is making the workplace environment really awkward. I talked to him about my concerns about how their flirtacious beaviour might be portaryed to the students and compromise his integrity and reputation (because as fasr as the students know, she IS a student) and she evesdropped on our conversation and now is active very hostile towards me. SCANDALOUS! He is like 50. She is like 25. He sees no problem with it. Its not my business wat he does in his free time EXCEPT that her and I are coworkers and this opens the doors to favoritism which is already being seen in the short time we have worked tgether. She has less experienvce than me.... I TA'd te course for 3 semesters, I helped writte the textbook for the course.... I lectured for the course....she has no experience. Yet she got Lead TA and I didn't. That makes no sense. All because she is romantically incolved with the prof. He claims its for other reasons too, but I dispute it and say it isn't fair. I am done fighting for Lead TA. If he wants to favoritize her, fine. So be it. But it is damaging my working relationship with her, and my long-term relationship with him, almost 5 years running now.
i am home sick again.... this bites

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So my suspicions were confirmed. THe prof I work for as his TA is romantically involved with another TA - who isn't a student - but still she is an employee so there is that grey zone. And it is making the workplace environment really awkward. I talked to him about my concerns about how their flirtacious beaviour might be portaryed to the students and compromise his integrity and reputation (because as fasr as the students know, she IS a student) and she evesdropped on our conversation and now is active very hostile towards me. SCANDALOUS! He is like 50. She is like 25. He sees no problem with it. Its not my business wat he does in his free time EXCEPT that her and I are coworkers and this opens the doors to favoritism which is already being seen in the short time we have worked tgether. She has less experienvce than me.... I TA'd te course for 3 semesters, I helped writte the textbook for the course.... I lectured for the course....she has no experience. Yet she got Lead TA and I didn't. That makes no sense. All because she is romantically incolved with the prof. He claims its for other reasons too, but I dispute it and say it isn't fair. I am done fighting for Lead TA. If he wants to favoritize her, fine. So be it. But it is damaging my working relationship with her, and my long-term relationship with him, almost 5 years running now.
Report it to Human Resources or the Principal
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