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What's bothering you?

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It's not tomorrow yet, lol.
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So my suspicions were confirmed. THe prof I work for as his TA is romantically involved with another TA - who isn't a student - but still she is an employee so there is that grey zone. And it is making the workplace environment really awkward. I talked to him about my concerns about how their flirtacious beaviour might be portaryed to the students and compromise his integrity and reputation (because as fasr as the students know, she IS a student) and she evesdropped on our conversation and now is active very hostile towards me. SCANDALOUS! He is like 50. She is like 25. He sees no problem with it. Its not my business wat he does in his free time EXCEPT that her and I are coworkers and this opens the doors to favoritism which is already being seen in the short time we have worked tgether. She has less experienvce than me.... I TA'd te course for 3 semesters, I helped writte the textbook for the course.... I lectured for the course....she has no experience. Yet she got Lead TA and I didn't. That makes no sense. All because she is romantically incolved with the prof. He claims its for other reasons too, but I dispute it and say it isn't fair. I am done fighting for Lead TA. If he wants to favoritize her, fine. So be it. But it is damaging my working relationship with her, and my long-term relationship with him, almost 5 years running now.

That definitely needs to be reported. He can't argue that she's more qualified, so what are his reasons for giving her the Lead TA position? You need to tell him to give you a fair reason or risk being reported.

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Ladyfriend keeps ignoring me for no reason <:I
...I only asked how her Mother was doing, I sent that message over a week ago and it says she hasn't even read it.

I'm not like super bothered because I kinda wanna call things off anyways but still :/

Is this a long distance relationship or are you happy with the lack of conversing??

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Crying...Right now it's the board. I posted a thread, same guy follows me around tells me repeatedly my sentences are to long I talk too much. Question and polite answer were same length, 100 words, like 3-4 sentences, This person knows I am disabled can not use computer use a talk to text it writes what I say as for punctuation and paragraphing it is hard need to use my hands...My hands are cripples hand hard to feel it makes it worse, I explain I mean about device and if you don't like me or want to read my threads I am a lady you can waste time and be mean I will carry on as others are nice. Spent an hour with my hands correcting every tiny thing until they were stuck like claws. Felt better then later after I said thanks to the nice girl and question was answered I look and someone I have never seen says, we get so irritated trying to get through your first sentence we give up. It was clear as day he says couldn't understand and everyone here just skips my posts please edit more proofread. I have an MA in Lit am published, I am having major disability issues cut me a break so fine everyone here doesn't want to hear from me anymore I have no IRL friends or life girls can be selfish guys another story. I am dying, genetic disease spreading to all kinds of cancer, uterine, bone, no one wants to hear it trust me. I am trying to make it to my wedding a kid, impossible I say no but I am tired of fighting when can't even get to the center or a dr too sick one come here no ones looking.. I felt so bad anyway I'm shy why did he have to take this away too. I am a talented writer but right now my hands I can't, I just..Crying. To be told am unwanted here bc of things I can't control. He probably has a computer can use and type if I could no problem. This thing won't even paragraph or put a period without my hands on this hard flat iPad board. And my fianc? still, and being so ill took me two weeks for groceries I can't eat bc my body treats food as poison and attacks me...I want to be normal again no pain, accepted, loved, it is always my illness. Cries.

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As for the tarot cards we tend to misinterpret or if not look back later see it was right but things have changed and it was necessary it gets better some things just need gone through. It can be a good source but usually if another is doing for you so you can't project on it. Then again some things just are but good usually comes from the bad..

Who is this guy? He needs to be reported to any moderator, personally I recommend the ever amazing and understanding Kaiaa. What he is doing is unbelievably cruel. Also, I hope today is a slightly better day for you. If you ever want to vent to someone, I'm all ears.
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Does anyone else get spooked when their animals react to seemingly nothing? Like my cats normally sleep with me in bed all day and night (I am a lazy creature) but sometimes they suddenly jerk upwards and spend 5 minutes absent mindedly staring into the distance. Or worse. Behind me.

So yeah I'm bothered by that atm. I'm just like what is it kitty? Is it an intruder? Or something spooky? Shall I get the salt?

Probably doesn't help that I've been reading stalker stories all day and I've pretty much convinced myself that there is a weird man living amongst the junk underneath my bed ready to pop out and eat my toes when I least suspect it. On that note here's some quick advice: never ever visit gas stations at night or in the early hours of the morning. They are prime locations for creepers. You're welcome.
My dog does that a lot, the random staring usually behind me. x.X Sometimes she'll run barking and growling at the door and I'll pop my head out and see the hallway empty. I always hear the footsteps of people walking in the hallway. She rarely barks when I hear foot steps.
Does anyone else get spooked when their animals react to seemingly nothing? Like my cats normally sleep with me in bed all day and night (I am a lazy creature) but sometimes they suddenly jerk upwards and spend 5 minutes absent mindedly staring into the distance. Or worse. Behind me.

So yeah I'm bothered by that atm. I'm just like what is it kitty? Is it an intruder? Or something spooky? Shall I get the salt?

Probably doesn't help that I've been reading stalker stories all day and I've pretty much convinced myself that there is a weird man living amongst the junk underneath my bed ready to pop out and eat my toes when I least suspect it. On that note here's some quick advice: never ever visit gas stations at night or in the early hours of the morning. They are prime locations for creepers. You're welcome.

Oh dude that stuff freaks me out. I've been told that some animals have like a 6th sense uwu
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On that note here's some quick advice: never ever visit gas stations at night or in the early hours of the morning. They are prime locations for creepers. You're welcome.

gdi noooooo those are like exclusively the times when I do visit gas stations because of my odd work hours :C
gdi noooooo those are like exclusively the times when I do visit gas stations because of my odd work hours :C

I'm sure you'll be fine ^w^ I didn't mean to scare you!! Just always keep your wits about you. If you ever do see someone creeping at a gas station, go talk to the employees or even call someone you know. It's better to be safe and over cautious then like. Yeah. As long as you're alert and assertive, that's gonna be a pretty decent deterrent. Creepers pick on easy victims who won't make a fuss.

It does seem to be that gas stations are like magnets for weirdos though but that might just be the interwebz scaring me again. STAY SAFE<3
I'm just dreading this week. I've been in such a whiny mood all day and I just wish I could snap out of it.
Report it to Human Resources or the Principal

Its not that simple. First off, its a university, there is no Principal. The profesor claims it infringes on his human rights not to date a TA. I found a Senate bylaew that states that Professors cannot ddate their employeres. I respecxt this professor I don't want to risk hisd career.
I'm usually a quiet, but upbeat person, but lately all that has been on my mind is how I haven't gotten a job yet. It's frustrating not being able to pay for my own things. I've been on at least 3 job interviews and applied to just about every place around where I live and some are out of the area, but still nothing. I've been looking for months now. I kind of start feeling useless because I am living with my boyfriend and his family, so I'm relying on them for food, shelter, wifi, etc. for nothing and I always feel bad when I remember that. >.< I know I am socially awkward and shy, but I mean.. fast food places haven't even called me back. T_T I just want to be on my own feet again. Sigh~
I'm usually a quiet, but upbeat person, but lately all that has been on my mind is how I haven't gotten a job yet. It's frustrating not being able to pay for my own things. I've been on at least 3 job interviews and applied to just about every place around where I live and some are out of the area, but still nothing. I've been looking for months now. I kind of start feeling useless because I am living with my boyfriend and his family, so I'm relying on them for food, shelter, wifi, etc. for nothing and I always feel bad when I remember that. >.< I know I am socially awkward and shy, but I mean.. fast food places haven't even called me back. T_T I just want to be on my own feet again. Sigh~
Have you contacted any of the places back that you applied to? Take initiative, pick up the phone or walk in! Tell them thank you again for taking the time to see you, that you are still very interested in the position & you're wondering if it has been filled yet. You can't just send your resume/application out and hope for the best; people like to see that you're truly interested in working for them.
That definitely needs to be reported. He can't argue that she's more qualified, so what are his reasons for giving her the Lead TA position? You need to tell him to give you a fair reason or risk being reported.

I have worked with this prof for 5 years and reporting him would risk not getting a letter of recommendation and cause friction between him and I. His reason is that he hired me as his research assistant and gave me hours that way instead of lead TA. She graduated with her undergrad. She is not a student. He is mentoring her. I don't know what her degree is in. But I have seniority over her.
but I mean.. fast food places haven't even called me back. T_T I just want to be on my own feet again. Sigh~

If it's any consolation, when I was job hunting I applied to a load of places including KFC. Basically I ended up getting this really nice job at this clothes store but I didn't even get onto the interview stage at KFC. They just flat out didn't want me.

So don't lose hope! They're doing you a favour, trust. At least now you have the opportunity to find a nice job!

And seriously. Trust me. And I say this as a fast food enthusiast; working in fast food is not worth it. It's just not worth. Trust me. Some of the gunk those soft serve machines have in them. It is unholy. Obviously if you have worked in the fast food industry before then hats off to you for going in for a second round. I'm not sure I could cut another day feeling like I had been coated in grease. I know that's the most stereotypical aspect of being a fast food worker but literally. I had a coating about half a cm thick of oil. I didn't even smell like yummy french fries. I smelt like... you know when you get really hot at night and the hair near your nape gets all sweaty and oily? Like that. Amazingly some of my friends enjoyed working at places like McDonald's so maybe I just worked at a dodgy place. I worked at KebabsBurgersPizza (nah I'm not making that up. That was literally its name) which was basically all the bad parts about KFC, Pizza Hut and that dodgy kebab place down the street combined. And somehow made much worse.

And don't feel useless, you're being pro-active and tracking down a job. It's not like you're bumming around! Don't beat yourself up over it, you'll get a job soon. Until then just feel safe in the knowledge that at least you're looking for a job. A lot of people can't even get that far.
I was joking with my mom and I said I was never getting married to some boy she wanted me to be with and she was like "what are you gonna do then, marry a girl? That would be bad." Not that I was planning on marrying a girl anytime soon but I was gonna tell her I liked them and now I'm stuck.
I was joking with my mom and I said I was never getting married to some boy she wanted me to be with and she was like "what are you gonna do then, marry a girl? That would be bad." Not that I was planning on marrying a girl anytime soon but I was gonna tell her I liked them and now I'm stuck.

Just say it and tell her you feel these emotions. Stand up for what you believe in, in this case you liking women. What is she going to do, she will need to learn to be ok with Bisexual natures, it happens and it is one thing she cant control.
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