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What's bothering you?

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The amount of homework I have and the type of homework it is.

I have never wanted to give up on life more than I do right now.
I gav away my first two shinies to a friend because I wanted to delee my Pokemon game for no reason.
Mosquito bites on my feet :mad:

That's no fun. :( Do you have any aloe on hand by chance? That works wonders.

On another note, I really wish my boyfriend and I had a place of our own already because having to put certain things on hold or stop completely because of his brother or his mom or whatever gets frustrating. I love his family as much as I can, but GO TO SLEEP.
That's no fun. :( Do you have any aloe on hand by chance? That works wonders.

On another note, I really wish my boyfriend and I had a place of our own already because having to put certain things on hold or stop completely because of his brother or his mom or whatever gets frustrating. I love his family as much as I can, but GO TO SLEEP.
I do but the itching has subsided for now :) I'll try to use some next time; mosquitoes are getting annoying here from recent rain.

I hate feeling like I have to entertain others! I just slink away and let it be known that I enjoy spending time with relatives etc. but I also value my private time.
I do but the itching has subsided for now :) I'll try to use some next time; mosquitoes are getting annoying here from recent rain.

I hate feeling like I have to entertain others! I just slink away and let it be known that I enjoy spending time with relatives etc. but I also value my private time.
It definitely helps, lol. My nana used to tell us to put it on everything and we do. And it's nice if you have sensitive skin.

It's just awful. My boyfriend and I just wanted some alone time and we spent a big chunk of today doing his brother's homework. He's a Junior in highschool and he couldn't write 5 paragraphs about The Crucible. It was so frustrating because if I wasn't feeding him words, he was just sitting on his phone.
It definitely helps, lol. My nana used to tell us to put it on everything and we do. And it's nice if you have sensitive skin.

It's just awful. My boyfriend and I just wanted some alone time and we spent a big chunk of today doing his brother's homework. He's a Junior in highschool and he couldn't write 5 paragraphs about The Crucible. It was so frustrating because if I wasn't feeding him words, he was just sitting on his phone.

Why was it up to you and your boyfriend to do his homework?
Why was it up to you and your boyfriend to do his homework?
Usually it's on my boyfriend or his dad. I was just there this time around.
My boyfriend helps to avoid his mom yelling at him for the rest of the night and I wasn't in the mood to have to deal with her either.
The kid is spoiled and doesn't do anything on his own. Including his homework. She won't even let him ride the bus to school because "something could happen." He has to have his food a special way, namebrand everything. He's really materialistic.
If my boyfriend refuses, he's guilt tripped about being a crap brother, when it's the opposite.
His younger brother is a self-centered jerk that years of coddling has cultivated; my boyfriend bends over backwards for his brother and that kid is just ungrateful and selfish to everyone if he doesn't get his way.
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I got in trouble with my teachers today. :( (I'd rather not talk about the details)

I feel really bad, and I have to tell my parents or I'll feel really guilty.
@Jade, What you said so just reminded me of original Nightmare on a Elm Street. Halloween marathon, sans part two that one doesn't count.
On a serious note though two days ago I was going out for groceries, I was not feeling great so in the car was texting someone to meet me and bring the bags back in their trunk to help me put them away, carry it all. I am in my car and this dude walks up to my window shouting my name asking if it's me, where is she..so I text inside to my mom weird guy at car watch the window.
Apparently he has supposedly pulled my address from me having voted for someone last presidential election, I guess. He wouldn't go, I didn't wind down the window just said was on way somewhere getting dark am on phone can't talk now. He just stands there, didn't want to hit him so I got out and he keeps asking if it's me, I say am not interested and am late, he says can I sign had some automated addressy thing in one hand and pamphlets in other I said I sign nothing without research am not political...he won't go. Finally going to no other house he goes up the road I go inside. Come back out drive away see he walked up road and hopped into a waiting car. I come home from store weird car watches me pull in and takes off...No clue but it scared me, pull my address from three years ago and hunt me down..ok crazy dude..
pissed bc my dad left my poor budgie covered ALL DAY because he ~~*~~ didnt have time~~*~~ in the morning to rip a blanket off a cage and throw it on the ground before he left for work even though he knew i wasnt there to do it later.
poor baby birdie was covered until 5pm, he was so confused :(
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