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What's bothering you?

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The smiling man thing also makes me think of Nightmare on Elm Street, aside the parts taken from headlines of teenagers refusing to sleep saying they wouldn't wake up and not...The director said he based the dream stalker on a guy he saw when was a kid. Apparently the story was he and his brother looked out the window and caught the eye of an older scary man looking up at them so ducked down and like kids do they peeked through the blinds a little later and the guy as a kick I guess was waiting and when they looked out made straight eye contact smiled and did a little jig jumpy thing.
I've never wanted to smack a kid in my life. Today is my kid's birthday, and I decided to give her one of her presents before she goes to school. I got her a Razor Scooter because I figured she'd want one. And yes, she did and she loved it. On the way to her bus stop I let her ride it and she's showing it off to her friend. And the kid goes "Oh that's a crappy scooter mine is better!" No kid, yours isn't better. Yours is all scuffed up with missing pieces. (They're also the same brand of scooter but my kid is a lot newer.) He then starts teasing her about her scooter.

My kid looked sad for a little bit but the joy of having her own scooter won in the end. But I'm still pissed at this kid. We're having a mini get together for her b-day later after she gets home from her after school program. And I'm thinking of telling her not to invite the kid. -.-
lol i actually got sick

mum says if i get sick like that again shell send me to the hospital, havent been there since i was like. born.

also i missed the fieldtrip. i brought the money to pay for it today, i didnt realize it LEFT today. i was supposed to ask ywsterday but i was also supposed to relax yesterday so i didnt bother, but maybe if i had i wouldve made it?? god im actually so upset about this idk why, im feeling that before u cry feeling?? i need to calm down. i can make it to next years field trip. besides, i have too much to catch up on today, i didnt have time for a fieldtrip.

i need to calm down omfg

also ebola is in texas and were p close to texas.. and a lot of sports fans in my school were gonna go there for the game. wml not getting ebola from texas

I bought ?40 worth of Steam vouchers earlier and the silly employee who served me forgot to activate the second code.
Now I need to go around trying to find out what to do, fml because I really hate talking on phones.
After days of emotional meltdowns and racing thoughts, today's...devoid of anything and it's throwing me off.
Is this normal...? I only felt this way in the beginning of my depression and when I was on drug trials.
I'm not on anything, but I'm empty today... I sat down, ate a plain donut, and didn't have one bad feeling in my body..
And of course I'm thinking about my boyfriend/our relationship and panicking because I can't feel anything. Its like I'm trying to generate a rise in myself and that's sad too. I'm having a quiet day. It feels weird. But it's okay, I think... I need to not think about things I care about when I get like this because it feels like I have nothing inside.
i won't have enough bells to get the october birthstone when it comes out
I'm cold and I can't execute this pose, why do I keep trying to draw when I'm half asleep. u_u
After days of emotional meltdowns and racing thoughts, today's...devoid of anything and it's throwing me off.
Is this normal...? I only felt this way in the beginning of my depression and when I was on drug trials.
I'm not on anything, but I'm empty today... I sat down, ate a plain donut, and didn't have one bad feeling in my body..
And of course I'm thinking about my boyfriend/our relationship and panicking because I can't feel anything. Its like I'm trying to generate a rise in myself and that's sad too. I'm having a quiet day. It feels weird. But it's okay, I think... I need to not think about things I care about when I get like this because it feels like I have nothing inside.

It is completely normal. Just enjoy the quiet day. Relax. <3
After days of emotional meltdowns and racing thoughts, today's...devoid of anything and it's throwing me off.
Is this normal...? I only felt this way in the beginning of my depression and when I was on drug trials.
I'm not on anything, but I'm empty today... I sat down, ate a plain donut, and didn't have one bad feeling in my body..
And of course I'm thinking about my boyfriend/our relationship and panicking because I can't feel anything. Its like I'm trying to generate a rise in myself and that's sad too. I'm having a quiet day. It feels weird. But it's okay, I think... I need to not think about things I care about when I get like this because it feels like I have nothing inside.

r u a vegan by any chance?
I feel like my friends from middle school(I'm in grade 11 now) are drifting apart from me. I feel like I'm a burden to my friends....
The pressures of becoming an adult are hitting me like a semi-truck. I have no idea what I want to do after high school.
I've never wanted to smack a kid in my life. Today is my kid's birthday, and I decided to give her one of her presents before she goes to school. I got her a Razor Scooter because I figured she'd want one. And yes, she did and she loved it. On the way to her bus stop I let her ride it and she's showing it off to her friend. And the kid goes "Oh that's a crappy scooter mine is better!" No kid, yours isn't better. Yours is all scuffed up with missing pieces. (They're also the same brand of scooter but my kid is a lot newer.) He then starts teasing her about her scooter.

My kid looked sad for a little bit but the joy of having her own scooter won in the end. But I'm still pissed at this kid. We're having a mini get together for her b-day later after she gets home from her after school program. And I'm thinking of telling her not to invite the kid. -.-

Stuff like this reminds me of how awful little kids can be. Children can be petty and that child was probably jealous, besides he was probably envious of your little girl getting attention on her birthday and wanted to drag her down.

I know this may be pretty extreme, but I wouldn't allow that kid to come to the get together. Your daughter doesn't need a negative person around her on her special day. I know that seems kinda harsh, but you just gotta think like; what else might he have said to her? Little petty comments can hurt after a while. You gotta cut people out of your life who bring you down. Even if you're a little girl.

And I'm sure some people will interpret this as him having a crush on her but can I just nah. Just because you got a crush on someone you don't behave like that. Even if you're a little kid. That kind of behaviour is unacceptable. It's not just 'boys being boys' or just simply 'picking on someone'. It's super uncalled for and shouldn't be accepted.

/Sorry for going off on a rant on your post ;n; I've done a lot of work experience in a teaching environment (I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up as a teacher eventually) and they always start you off with little kids and I see behaviour like this being dismissed as 'they're just kids' and 'don't be so harsh' but nah. Nope. I'm pretty defensive over little girls as when I was a little girl I got teased a lot and it was always dismissed as 'just kids being kids' but no. That doesn't fly.

Also happy birthday to your little girl<3 I hope she has a beautiful day. She's very lucky to have such a caring Mummy! I hope she enjoys her new scooter!!
You would make an amazing teacher! And I have no intention of letting the kid in at all. And if my kid insists I'm going to have a talk to to that kid and tell him if he says ANYTHING to her to make her upset I'm going to toss him off the balcony.
Have you contacted any of the places back that you applied to? Take initiative, pick up the phone or walk in! Tell them thank you again for taking the time to see you, that you are still very interested in the position & you're wondering if it has been filled yet. You can't just send your resume/application out and hope for the best; people like to see that you're truly interested in working for them.

Places have called me back to thank me for applying and showing up for the interview and what not, but no, I haven't called anyone. Maybe I will try that, thank you for the advice, most appreciated. ^^

- - - Post Merge - - -

If it's any consolation, when I was job hunting I applied to a load of places including KFC. Basically I ended up getting this really nice job at this clothes store but I didn't even get onto the interview stage at KFC. They just flat out didn't want me.

So don't lose hope! They're doing you a favour, trust. At least now you have the opportunity to find a nice job!

And seriously. Trust me. And I say this as a fast food enthusiast; working in fast food is not worth it. It's just not worth. Trust me. Some of the gunk those soft serve machines have in them. It is unholy. Obviously if you have worked in the fast food industry before then hats off to you for going in for a second round. I'm not sure I could cut another day feeling like I had been coated in grease. I know that's the most stereotypical aspect of being a fast food worker but literally. I had a coating about half a cm thick of oil. I didn't even smell like yummy french fries. I smelt like... you know when you get really hot at night and the hair near your nape gets all sweaty and oily? Like that. Amazingly some of my friends enjoyed working at places like McDonald's so maybe I just worked at a dodgy place. I worked at KebabsBurgersPizza (nah I'm not making that up. That was literally its name) which was basically all the bad parts about KFC, Pizza Hut and that dodgy kebab place down the street combined. And somehow made much worse.

And don't feel useless, you're being pro-active and tracking down a job. It's not like you're bumming around! Don't beat yourself up over it, you'll get a job soon. Until then just feel safe in the knowledge that at least you're looking for a job. A lot of people can't even get that far.

:O! Wow. I hope I get your luck, lol. Haha, that sounds soo disgusting! I did used to work in a small ice cream shop a few summers back and I thought it was gross when I cleaned out the soft serve machine each evening when closing up, but man... you totally have had it worse! >.< lol. KebabsBurgersPizza? Lol sounds tasty. :p nah, I'm being sarcastic, hehe. xD

Honestly, thank you so much for your words.. I really appreciate your replying to me. You have definitely helped make me feel better in my situation, definitely. ^_^ I will keep trying~ >:3
You would make an amazing teacher! And I have no intention of letting the kid in at all. And if my kid insists I'm going to have a talk to to that kid and tell him if he says ANYTHING to her to make her upset I'm going to toss him off the balcony.

Aww thank you!! I do have a natural urge to teach people things. Like teaching people about my subject just brings me an unsurpassable amount of joy and satisfaction. Thankfully due to the specificity of what I'm doing my degree in, I'm unlikely to be teaching smaller kiddos. Which I'm kinda grateful for as in my few years of shadowing at primary schools and the like (they won't unleash you onto bigger kids if you're just an intern) I have had more than enough of little kids. And I say that as someone who likes children.

I don't wanna go on a rant about kids today but ugh. I suppose it's because I'm kind of a strict but firm person, mainly because I believe school and stuff shapes a kid and I don't want other kid's school experience ruined by little bullies like mine was. And school tends to be a breeding ground for little *******s mainly because teachers are too scared to exercise some proper discipline. Like nah it's not just kids being kids or whatever. I completely understand that children at a young age haven't developed a sense of empathy yet which may be why they can be cruel to others, but the point is they learn empathy and respect for others by being corrected. But I've seen so many good teachers try and intervene when a little kid is bullying another, only to have the parents file a formal complaint to the principal about how the teacher is 'interfering' or 'stifling their kids creativity'. Like excuse me we're just trying to teach your little twits how to grow up into decent members of society.

The thing is it's truly not the kid's fault. More often than not behind every misbehaving child is a flawed parent. Either they're neglectful or they enable the kid's behaviour by saying that it's 'just kids stuff'. But eventually kids 'being kids' turns into adults who have no sense of wrong or right. And if you try and tell the parents like, hey. You may allow your kid to run around pinching people at home but in my classroom I want none of that. Like you may okay with your kid's behaviour but I'm not gonna allow them to ruin other kids' childhoods. Sorry. But of course you get shot down for 'being nosey' and 'hey what do you know, you're not even a parent'. Oh wait, I didn't realise you needed to be a parent to realise that bullying other kids is wrong. Sorry about that.

But yeah. That's something that bothers me. Being accused of being nosey when in reality I'm just trying to look out for their kids and other kids. Like yeah I'm interested in how you parent your kid. I wanna make sure the kid is in a safe household. It's what every child deserves. And I want to understand their behaviour so I can help them change. And if their behaviour is due to a bigger problem at home I sure as hell wanna know about it.

And like. How many terrible situations would be avoided if people had been more nosey? We're taught nowadays to not make a fuss and just leave people be, but I'm just like no. People can call me nosey and intrusive all they want. But if my nosiness saves one kid who's about to be lead off by a stranger or saves one girl falling out of a club drunk surrounded by 'friends' who are going to 'take her home', then that's enough. It doesn't hurt to enquire if someone's okay or needs help. Like. If there's a group of people surrounding a passed out chick and you come over and they act all irritated, then it's pretty obvious they have bad intentions. If your friend is in danger then you want as many people helping as possible. So nah I'm not gonna let you take some drunken chick home. I don't care if she's your 'friend' or you're her 'boyfriend'. If she's your friend you won't mind me calling her a taxi or even an ambulance.

Sorry for the rant everyone ;n; kudos if you read it all.

Anyway, don't let that little brat in. I hope your lovely daughter enjoys herself and I'm so glad to hear she wasn't disheartened by his nasty little comments!
Aye. I've heard people tell me "Kids will be kids" and honestly that is just an excuse. I don't know, things were a lot different compared to when I was a kid. In schools, teachers where hard because they wanted to make sure you learn. Teachers this days? Not so much. Some parents hate when their 'specil wittle snowflake' gets in trouble in school.
What's bothering me right now? Skinny shamers. IMO, society's turned around now and they're telling skinny people they're unhealthy rather than obese people. Obesity is unhealthy, and so is starving yourself to the bone, but if you aren't well-rounded, you're gonna have a bad time.
Of course, there are still people who call out even slightly overweight people but it's even worse seeing the amount of girls giggling at you because your bra sags down your spine.
:O! Wow. I hope I get your luck, lol. Haha, that sounds soo disgusting! I did used to work in a small ice cream shop a few summers back and I thought it was gross when I cleaned out the soft serve machine each evening when closing up, but man... you totally have had it worse! >.< lol. KebabsBurgersPizza? Lol sounds tasty. :p nah, I'm being sarcastic, hehe. xD

Honestly, thank you so much for your words.. I really appreciate your replying to me. You have definitely helped make me feel better in my situation, definitely. ^_^ I will keep trying~ >:3

Yeah I've often contemplated the thought process between KebabsBurgersPizza. At what point do you just decide that there are clearly no better names for an eatery that sells kebabs, burgers and pizza and that you might as well just name it what it does on the tin. Imagine if all places were named like that. You'd have shops like 'ShoesBootsSandals' or 'ShampooFoundationMascara'.

I also never ever ate anything from that shop. I used to work night shifts on a Thursday so I'd always get those people who had just left the club and in their drunken stupor were foolish enough to order one of our 'specials'. Whenever I saw nice people my age ordering the horrors we served I always secretly prayed for them. Then occasionally you'd get a middle age creepo who'd chat you up for hours and stare at your chest, and I'd feel perfectly at peace with serving him week old kebab meat.

I'm convinced most fast food places like the one I worked at get their business from inebriated people, because there is no way any sober minded person would make the decision to eat there.
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there was a hole in my bag and my tiny paintbrush is missing. ;c

no painting at work today! hope I find it outside or in my car or something but I doubt it.
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