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What's bothering you?

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A guy at school said they have a crush on me on Tuesday. I thought they were saying this as a joke, so I just kind of laughed and said "Okay, then.".

Today, when I was leaving my geography class he said "I'll miss you." I was pretty creeped out, considering this is the same person who called me "sexy" and said he wanted to rape me then quickly said "Just kidding". If he tries anything, he won't be able to have children anymore. :<
A guy at school said they have a crush on me on Tuesday. I thought they were saying this as a joke, so I just kind of laughed and said "Okay, then.".

Today, when I was leaving my geography class he said "I'll miss you." I was pretty creeped out, considering this is the same person who called me "sexy" and said he wanted to rape me then quickly said "Just kidding". If he tries anything, he won't be able to have children anymore. :<

That really is creepy. I suggest that you make sure he never gets your number, your address etc. And try to not be alone when he's around.
1st period, after a math test, i reported to the fine arts building to take my picture for top 10% or smth and when i was coming back, the bell rang. i ran back to my classroom where my things were but the teacher was gone. it wasn't until after third that he came back (we went out to buy glasses because he lost his) and brely made it to choir with all my things.
What's bothering me right now? Skinny shamers. IMO, society's turned around now and they're telling skinny people they're unhealthy rather than obese people. Obesity is unhealthy, and so is starving yourself to the bone, but if you aren't well-rounded, you're gonna have a bad time.
Of course, there are still people who call out even slightly overweight people but it's even worse seeing the amount of girls giggling at you because your bra sags down your spine.
Body shaming just needs to die already.
Everybody wants to be skinny, but not too skinny.
Everybody wants to be curvy, but not fat.
You can't win for crap and it sucks that you can be laughed at for being too big or too small. :/
I'm sorry you have to deal with that from those girls. I know how that feels, but from the fat side of the spectrum.
People really just need to sit down and be quiet because I'm sure if you turned around and said something about how they looked, they wouldn't appreciate it in the least. I'm sure they're not perfect by any means.
You are lovely.
That really is creepy. I suggest that you make sure he never gets your number, your address etc. And try to not be alone when he's around.
I'll try. Thanks for the response.

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1st period, after a math test, i reported to the fine arts building to take my picture for top 10% or smth and when i was coming back, the bell rang. i ran back to my classroom where my things were but the teacher was gone. it wasn't until after third that he came back (we went out to buy glasses because he lost his) and brely made it to choir with all my things.
Aww, that sucks. Congrats on the top 10% thingy, though. :)
A guy at school said they have a crush on me on Tuesday. I thought they were saying this as a joke, so I just kind of laughed and said "Okay, then.".

Today, when I was leaving my geography class he said "I'll miss you." I was pretty creeped out, considering this is the same person who called me "sexy" and said he wanted to rape me then quickly said "Just kidding". If he tries anything, he won't be able to have children anymore. :<

wow, yeah. I'd at least bring this up with a parent or guardian. No matter how serious he was, rape jokes are always a cause for concern. Especially when made directly to your face. Be careful, and try not to sit on this.
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If he contacts you in anyway, save it. Because if things escalate, you have evidence of how long things have been going on for.
A guy at school said they have a crush on me on Tuesday. I thought they were saying this as a joke, so I just kind of laughed and said "Okay, then.".

Today, when I was leaving my geography class he said "I'll miss you." I was pretty creeped out, considering this is the same person who called me "sexy" and said he wanted to rape me then quickly said "Just kidding". If he tries anything, he won't be able to have children anymore. :<

Um woah. That is just. Not okay. Like not just 'annoying high school dude' kinda not okay. That is a threat. And a hella creepy one at that.

Seriously I'd take action. I'm not trying to scare you but you can never be too cautious. First thing to do is keep a journal dated with everything he says to you that can be construed as creepy.

And I cannot emphasise this enough. TELL AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. Now there is a way to go about this. Firstly you really need to let your parents/parental figures know everything. Every single dumb detail. Ask them to keep journal about this, if possible. Also let your CLOSE friends know. And maybe a few teachers. The reason why you sometimes wanna be careful about publicising the fact you find someone creepy, is that you don't know how they're gonna react. Normal people would be ashamed if everyone at school thought they were a creeper, but normal people don't joke about raping others. I'm not trying to paint this guy as a psycho but I'm saying you gotta be careful. Crazy people tend to misinterpret people wanting them to back off as a sign that they want them even more.

Let your neighbours know too. Just so people are looking out for you. Stay in groups of people. Your life might feel kinda limited for a while but your safety is worth it.

Be careful on Facebook. Make sure you haven't got your email, number or address even visible to friends. Because he might sneak a peek using a friend's profile and BAM instant info. Stay on the DL for a while. It may seem like an overreaction. But it's worth it. Trust. You are the most important person. You need to protect you.

Some people are gonna say this is going too far, but it wouldn't hurt to contact the non-emergency police line and make them aware of this. The thing is stuff like this can escalate, and notifying the police early on can prove to be very useful if things get out of hand. Seriously. Your safety is worth it. There's no such thing as being too cautious when safety is involved. Saying stuff like that goes beyond normal creepy teasing (not that that's okay) but. Ugh. Saying that you're gonna rape somebody. I'd take that as a threat. And I'd take it seriously. I truly am not trying to sensationalise this or scare you, but honestly please please do something about this. Creeps like this need to be stopped before their behaviour takes a turn for the worse and before they do this to someone else.

Hey it might be an overreaction. But how many tragic stories begin with a few 'joking' comments like this and end up snowballing into something a lot more dangerous?

I've dealt with a stalker in the past. And people always dismissed me as 'overreacting' to things but in the end it probably ended up saving me. It begun with little comments. It always does.

(Just like to reiterate, I'm really not trying to scare you. I just really wanna make sure you're safe. Apologies if I come off as a scaremongerer. I just don't think things like this should slide.)

Edited to add: DEFINITELY tell a teacher. But I'd err on the side of caution about the teacher having a talk with him. You don't wanna anger this guy. But you also want to let people know. Also, maybe ask if your teacher could make a note of you coming to see them, and ask them to send a copy to the principal? It's little things like that that can make all the difference.

I'd also like to state that I talk out of personal experiences. I am in no way qualified to be doling out advice so please bear in mind I'm some loser chick whose expertise ranges from biochemistry to comic books. So yeah.

The opinions of your parents and teachers on what to do are also super important.
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Last night I heard about 2 rape cases. In one, a girl, Morgan Dana Harrington, was beaten and raped so badly her bones were splintered. She was murdered.
A passing comment like that is NOT something to take lightly; rape is not something people can continue to normalize through "jokes." I'm absolutely livid every time I hear some something like this from some piece of **** maggot. Users here are right in saying inform others.
Lot of things bothering me.

My backpack is apparently heavy enough to hurt my back in many areas. This seriously sucks lol. It will randomly lock up and it's so hard to sleep comfortably or even bend certain ways. Not sure what to do about it but try to let it heal but it's too bad that I have to carry 2 bags every day.

I also had to walk down my street barefoot on the way home and my feet went completely numb, red, and sensitive. I went to school in moccasin shoes then behold it begins to downpour in the middle of the day. I didn't think it'd be worth it to wear them in the rain and have them get seriously ruined but it took so long to walk home and my sister's friend who usually gives us a ride just drove on by like they saw nothing lol. So that sucks...

And ugh the topic of rape is just so disturbing to me. I hate imagining what she possibly went through since I experienced it about 4 years ago. Definitely not as severe.. just a date rape case as soon as I was released from a mental institute lol.

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Um woah. That is just. Not okay. Like not just 'annoying high school dude' kinda not okay. That is a threat. And a hella creepy one at that.

Seriously I'd take action. I'm not trying to scare you but you can never be too cautious. First thing to do is keep a journal dated with everything he says to you that can be construed as creepy.

And I cannot emphasise this enough. TELL AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. Now there is a way to go about this. Firstly you really need to let your parents/parental figures know everything. Every single dumb detail. Ask them to keep journal about this, if possible. Also let your CLOSE friends know. And maybe a few teachers. The reason why you sometimes wanna be careful about publicising the fact you find someone creepy, is that you don't know how they're gonna react. Normal people would be ashamed if everyone at school thought they were a creeper, but normal people don't joke about raping others. I'm not trying to paint this guy as a psycho but I'm saying you gotta be careful. Crazy people tend to misinterpret people wanting them to back off as a sign that they want them even more.

Let your neighbours know too. Just so people are looking out for you. Stay in groups of people. Your life might feel kinda limited for a while but your safety is worth it.

Be careful on Facebook. Make sure you haven't got your email, number or address even visible to friends. Because he might sneak a peek using a friend's profile and BAM instant info. Stay on the DL for a while. It may seem like an overreaction. But it's worth it. Trust. You are the most important person. You need to protect you.

Some people are gonna say this is going too far, but it wouldn't hurt to contact the non-emergency police line and make them aware of this. The thing is stuff like this can escalate, and notifying the police early on can prove to be very useful if things get out of hand. Seriously. Your safety is worth it. There's no such thing as being too cautious when safety is involved. Saying stuff like that goes beyond normal creepy teasing (not that that's okay) but. Ugh. Saying that you're gonna rape somebody. I'd take that as a threat. And I'd take it seriously. I truly am not trying to sensationalise this or scare you, but honestly please please do something about this. Creeps like this need to be stopped before their behaviour takes a turn for the worse and before they do this to someone else.

Hey it might be an overreaction. But how many tragic stories begin with a few 'joking' comments like this and end up snowballing into something a lot more dangerous?

I've dealt with a stalker in the past. And people always dismissed me as 'overreacting' to things but in the end it probably ended up saving me. It begun with little comments. It always does.

(Just like to reiterate, I'm really not trying to scare you. I just really wanna make sure you're safe. Apologies if I come off as a scaremongerer. I just don't think things like this should slide.)

Edited to add: DEFINITELY tell a teacher. But I'd err on the side of caution about the teacher having a talk with him. You don't wanna anger this guy. But you also want to let people know. Also, maybe ask if your teacher could make a note of you coming to see them, and ask them to send a copy to the principal? It's little things like that that can make all the difference.

I'd also like to state that I talk out of personal experiences. I am in no way qualified to be doling out advice so please bear in mind I'm some loser chick whose expertise ranges from biochemistry to comic books. So yeah.

The opinions of your parents and teachers on what to do are also super important.

I agree with this, you can't let this go unreported. I was sexually harassed by somebody for about a week straight before I yelled at them myself and it got a teacher involved. It really helped, he doesn't even speak to me anymore.
Also just to add to the discussion about ultra creepy rape joke dude:

It might also be a good idea to set up a texting system with a parent and a close friend. Basically text them once an hour or so with a codeword. Just so they know you're okay. Maybe delete the conversations so that should anyone take a looksie through your phone, they wouldn't get suspicious that you've got a system set up.

Also by having two people to text with this code, it means that if one falls asleep or is busy doing something and misses the fact that you haven't texted in a while, then the other will notice and raise alarm. Maybe even do this with a few people. It'll be annoying as hell to keep up with but in the long run it is not a bad plan.

Also, any time you go somewhere or change locations; tell someone about it. Sounds tedious and like a complete overreaction. But it can save your life. Just a simple 'walking home' text can make a lot of difference. If your mum/friend hasn't received confirmation that you've arrived at where you're going to, then they'll know something's up. They'll also know roughly where the situation went down. Which can be a MASSIVE help. For realz.

AND THIS IS IMPORTANT please please ensure your close friends have your parent's phone numbers so they can contact them if something is up. This is vital.

And again, please try and go places in groups. I mean that's generally quite good life advice. Unfortunately, bad things happen to people when they're alone. Creepos pick the easiest victim and the easiest victim is the lone victim. If you've always got people around there are people to raise alarm that you're in danger and that is seriously the most important thing.

Another disclaimer: I may seem like I'm overreacting to this but I'm just trying to keep you safe ;w;

And maybe ask the googles about walking home apps. There are cool apps like Kitestring which can send messages to your family/friends if you don't make it back by a certain time. Safetrek is also a good one, where you hold down on the touch screen on your phone till you reach your destination and if you take your hand off before then it alerts the police (I believe). But yeah certainly take some time to google that kinda stuff.
Also just to add to the discussion about ultra creepy rape joke dude:

It might also be a good idea to set up a texting system with a parent and a close friend. Basically text them once an hour or so with a codeword. Just so they know you're okay. Maybe delete the conversations so that should anyone take a looksie through your phone, they wouldn't get suspicious that you've got a system set up.

Also by having two people to text with this code, it means that if one falls asleep or is busy doing something and misses the fact that you haven't texted in a while, then the other will notice and raise alarm. Maybe even do this with a few people. It'll be annoying as hell to keep up with but in the long run it is not a bad plan.

Also, any time you go somewhere or change locations; tell someone about it. Sounds tedious and like a complete overreaction. But it can save your life. Just a simple 'walking home' text can make a lot of difference. If your mum/friend hasn't received confirmation that you've arrived at where you're going to, then they'll know something's up. They'll also know roughly where the situation went down. Which can be a MASSIVE help. For realz.

AND THIS IS IMPORTANT please please ensure your close friends have your parent's phone numbers so they can contact them if something is up. This is vital.

And again, please try and go places in groups. I mean that's generally quite good life advice. Unfortunately, bad things happen to people when they're alone. Creepos pick the easiest victim and the easiest victim is the lone victim. If you've always got people around there are people to raise alarm that you're in danger and that is seriously the most important thing.

Another disclaimer: I may seem like I'm overreacting to this but I'm just trying to keep you safe ;w;

And maybe ask the googles about walking home apps. There are cool apps like Kitestring which can send messages to your family/friends if you don't make it back by a certain time. Safetrek is also a good one, where you hold down on the touch screen on your phone till you reach your destination and if you take your hand off before then it alerts the police (I believe). But yeah certainly take some time to google that kinda stuff.

I'd agree with all of this. Even if it is overreacting, at least it will keep you safe :)

I'm bothered because it feels like Thursday, but it's only Wednesday :(

You know that feeling when you're driving and a cop drives next to you, and you've done nothing wrong

but you're still driving like you've committed murder?

Well, needless to say, I let my boyfriend onto my facebook account and it feels EXACTLY the same way. Seriously, I did nothing wrong, but I keep thinking: WHAT IF HE GOES TO THAT TIME IN 2008 WHEN I MESSAGED A GUY WHO SAID HE COULD SEE GHOSTS AND ASKED ABOUT GHOSTS

I literally haven't done anything but I'm terrified he's gonna be like

woa, she used to wonder about ghosts, I'm done
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People saying I'm rude when I'm just being honest and/or trying to help.

People who can't handle honesty or constructive criticism and want to sugarcoat everything.
People saying I'm rude when I'm just being honest and/or trying to help.

People who can't handle honesty or constructive criticism and want to sugarcoat everything.
Are you being tactful or aware of the manner you present yourself?
Um woah. That is just. Not okay. Like not just 'annoying high school dude' kinda not okay. That is a threat. And a hella creepy one at that.

Seriously I'd take action. I'm not trying to scare you but you can never be too cautious. First thing to do is keep a journal dated with everything he says to you that can be construed as creepy.

And I cannot emphasise this enough. TELL AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. Now there is a way to go about this. Firstly you really need to let your parents/parental figures know everything. Every single dumb detail. Ask them to keep journal about this, if possible. Also let your CLOSE friends know. And maybe a few teachers. The reason why you sometimes wanna be careful about publicising the fact you find someone creepy, is that you don't know how they're gonna react. Normal people would be ashamed if everyone at school thought they were a creeper, but normal people don't joke about raping others. I'm not trying to paint this guy as a psycho but I'm saying you gotta be careful. Crazy people tend to misinterpret people wanting them to back off as a sign that they want them even more.

Let your neighbours know too. Just so people are looking out for you. Stay in groups of people. Your life might feel kinda limited for a while but your safety is worth it.

Be careful on Facebook. Make sure you haven't got your email, number or address even visible to friends. Because he might sneak a peek using a friend's profile and BAM instant info. Stay on the DL for a while. It may seem like an overreaction. But it's worth it. Trust. You are the most important person. You need to protect you.

Some people are gonna say this is going too far, but it wouldn't hurt to contact the non-emergency police line and make them aware of this. The thing is stuff like this can escalate, and notifying the police early on can prove to be very useful if things get out of hand. Seriously. Your safety is worth it. There's no such thing as being too cautious when safety is involved. Saying stuff like that goes beyond normal creepy teasing (not that that's okay) but. Ugh. Saying that you're gonna rape somebody. I'd take that as a threat. And I'd take it seriously. I truly am not trying to sensationalise this or scare you, but honestly please please do something about this. Creeps like this need to be stopped before their behaviour takes a turn for the worse and before they do this to someone else.

Hey it might be an overreaction. But how many tragic stories begin with a few 'joking' comments like this and end up snowballing into something a lot more dangerous?

I've dealt with a stalker in the past. And people always dismissed me as 'overreacting' to things but in the end it probably ended up saving me. It begun with little comments. It always does.

(Just like to reiterate, I'm really not trying to scare you. I just really wanna make sure you're safe. Apologies if I come off as a scaremongerer. I just don't think things like this should slide.)

Edited to add: DEFINITELY tell a teacher. But I'd err on the side of caution about the teacher having a talk with him. You don't wanna anger this guy. But you also want to let people know. Also, maybe ask if your teacher could make a note of you coming to see them, and ask them to send a copy to the principal? It's little things like that that can make all the difference.

I'd also like to state that I talk out of personal experiences. I am in no way qualified to be doling out advice so please bear in mind I'm some loser chick whose expertise ranges from biochemistry to comic books. So yeah.

The opinions of your parents and teachers on what to do are also super important.
I'll try to keep some sort of record of what he says. I'm really scared about it now that you've said this, but I agree that it's necessary to stay safe.
I'll try to keep some sort of record of what he says. I'm really scared about it now that you've said this, but I agree that it's necessary to stay safe.

Oh gosh no please don't be scared!! I really wasn't trying to spook you ;n; as long as you've got people aware of your situation, you'll be fine!

Hopefully it was just some dumb kid making some stupid joke. But at least by being cautious you are prepared for the worst. It's not necessarily going to come to that!

I'm a pretty overtly careful person, so take everything I say with a pinch of salt.

Stay safe and please please don't worry!!
Oh gosh no please don't be scared!! I really wasn't trying to spook you ;n; as long as you've got people aware of your situation, you'll be fine!

Hopefully it was just some dumb kid making some stupid joke. But at least by being cautious you are prepared for the worst. It's not necessarily going to come to that!

I'm a pretty overtly careful person, so take everything I say with a pinch of salt.

Stay safe and please please don't worry!!
Thanks, this means a lot!
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