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What's bothering you?

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I've never responded to any of his messages. I don't plan to. I had to double check to make sure my personal info was hidden/removed on Facebook.
Obviously the best thing to do when people don't respond to your messages is to keep messaging them. That'll go down really well.

I'm kinda speechless at the thought process of guys like that though. Like if I'm messaging someone I've got a thing for, I'm terrified to send even one message LET ALONE MULTIPLE ONES. God forbid I make a spelling error in the message and have to make the painful decision; should I send another message correcting myself and look like a double messaging creeper or should I just leave it and let him think I can't spell.

I would just be mortified if I messaged someone even twice in a row and they didn't ever reply. That would warrant me never speaking to them again/burning my computer/moving country. These people have no shame.

This is basically the whole conversation. I did not engage him at all. And if I like someone, I don't bombard em with messages either. It screams 'omg I'm desperate!' The only time I'd send a second message is if I did spell something wrong or worded something wrong. I really REALLY hate when people use AOL speak when they're capable of spelling full words. So that itself is a huge major turn off.

In one of my FB posts he made a comment about 'Oh u have a boyfriend? That'll change when u meet me!' Yeah. Freaking right. Hell would freeze over before I go anywhere near him. And if he goes near me, I have a nice canister of pepper spray.
Some guy asked someone for my number and they gave it to him because they thought he was cute, and now he won't stop sending me prank calls and weird messages because I said I didn't wanna go out with him. :\
My mum keeps burping because she drinks too much Diet Coke. She always does an over-exaggerated "excuse me" and says how she's "sorry". If you're really sorry, then quit drinking so much Coke! >.<
This is basically the whole conversation. I did not engage him at all. And if I like someone, I don't bombard em with messages either. It screams 'omg I'm desperate!' The only time I'd send a second message is if I did spell something wrong or worded something wrong. I really REALLY hate when people use AOL speak when they're capable of spelling full words. So that itself is a huge major turn off.

In one of my FB posts he made a comment about 'Oh u have a boyfriend? That'll change when u meet me!' Yeah. Freaking right. Hell would freeze over before I go anywhere near him. And if he goes near me, I have a nice canister of pepper spray.

Okay messaging someone a few times is just generally creepy and irritating but commenting that on someone's post is just nah. Can you block this creep or would it just provoke him? I suppose at least he's not being threatening, just desperate and annoying.

I don't mind people saying 'u' instead of 'you' if it's part of a joke. But like. If I'm trying to get with someone then I'm gonna want to impress so I pretty much ensure my spelling and grammar are immaculate.

Also guys using text speak is seriously such a turn off. The amount of times I've received texts off guys like 'your pretty'. And they continue to use 'your' instead of 'you're'. Like I know people have slip ups and I'm not a grammar nazi but SERIOUSLY.
Okay messaging someone a few times is just generally creepy and irritating but commenting that on someone's post is just nah. Can you block this creep or would it just provoke him? I suppose at least he's not being threatening, just desperate and annoying.

I don't mind people saying 'u' instead of 'you' if it's part of a joke. But like. If I'm trying to get with someone then I'm gonna want to impress so I pretty much ensure my spelling and grammar are immaculate.

Also guys using text speak is seriously such a turn off. The amount of times I've received texts off guys like 'your pretty'. And they continue to use 'your' instead of 'you're'. Like I know people have slip ups and I'm not a grammar nazi but SERIOUSLY.

It would most likely provoke him. So I'm just going to stick to ignoring him. He also lives in the same town as me. But I highly doubt he knows where I live.
Had an interview with my firearms officer today for a new rifle, she kept insisting I need to declare all my driving convictions even though I have none :|
I have 2 presentations tomorrow. One in drama (I didn't sign up for this class ple ase he lp) and another in Spanish (however I don't know enough Spanish to phrase sentences well?? And I think it's going to be awkward saying "Es David. Es de San Francisco" and about 3 other sentences that all begin with "es").
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I always feel guilty staying home from school when I'm not even feeling that bad. It's just, if I go to school, I'm 90% sure I'll get worse. But I'll feel fine if I just stay in bed all day.
It would most likely provoke him. So I'm just going to stick to ignoring him. He also lives in the same town as me. But I highly doubt he knows where I live.

Yeah, generally with most standard creeps if you just ignore them they'll go away. He seems kinda desperate but not dangerous or anything. Some people are just waaay too eager when it comes to chatting girls up and maybe don't realise when they're being annoying. But still, be careful. There's some weird people out there.

Some guy asked someone for my number and they gave it to him because they thought he was cute, and now he won't stop sending me prank calls and weird messages because I said I didn't wanna go out with him. :\

Um. Just to clarify. Who is are 'they'?!

But seriously this is not cool and this is harassment. I don't know what kinda environment you're in, can you talk to your parents/teacher/close friends? Let them know what's up and what's happening.

Also, I feel I tell this to literally everyone with a creeper, please please keep a journal of the dates of when this is happening. And also what is said in the messages/phone calls. Although personally I wouldn't advise answering your phone, in hopes that by ignoring him he'll get bored and leave you alone.

It might just be sour grapes at being rejected and he may be super immature and figure that you 'deserve' it for rejecting him. But this is harassment and you gotta tell people around you and start saving these messages and making a paper trail.

Seriously is it just me or does the amount of creepos who can't take a hint grow exponentially everyday?


I have 2 presentations tomorrow. One in drama (I didn't sign up for this class ple ase he lp) and another in Spanish (however I don't know enough Spanish to phrase sentences well?? And I think it's going to be awkward saying "Es David. Es de San Francisco" and about 3 other sentences that all begin with "es").

What are you trying to saying in Spanish?

I'm also super sorry for replying to a ton of people on this thread I feel that I am getting annoying and condescending I will stop I AM SORRY.
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I always feel guilty staying home from school when I'm not even feeling that bad. It's just, if I go to school, I'm 90% sure I'll get worse. But I'll feel fine if I just stay in bed all day.

That's how I always feel too.
Or I feel like I'll miss out on too much.
School, school, school. I have a exam tomorrow and I have just got no idea what to do at all. I dont want to bug my teacher anymore but I'm still just not getting it at all. I don't know why I'm so stressed (I can re-sit if necessary). I guess it's a case if the feather on the camels back but seriously I'm getting pretty tired.
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I'm supposed to be at school not but I'm not since I don't have anything to wear. My dad was going to do it last night but he procrastinated and I woke up this morning to find out that the basket of laundry was actually the dirty pile and not the clean pile. I'm not complaining, but I kind do want to be at school since I don't want to come back to school with stuff to catch up on. I'm supposed to be in geometry right now.
I'm on mobile so I'll probably mess up the quote but
Yeah, generally with most standard creeps if you just ignore them they'll go away. He seems kinda desperate but not dangerous or anything. Some people are just waaay too eager when it comes to chatting girls up and maybe don't realise when they're being annoying. But still, be careful. There's some weird people out there.

Um. Just to clarify. Who is are 'they'?!

But seriously this is not cool and this is harassment. I don't know what kinda environment you're in, can you talk to your parents/teacher/close friends? Let them know what's up and what's happening.

Also, I feel I tell this to literally everyone with a creeper, please please keep a journal of the dates of when this is happening. And also what is said in the messages/phone calls. Although personally I wouldn't advise answering your phone, in hopes that by ignoring him he'll get bored and leave you alone.

It might just be sour grapes at being rejected and he may be super immature and figure that you 'deserve' it for rejecting him. But this is harassment and you gotta tell people around you and start saving these messages and making a paper trail.

Seriously is it just me or does the amount of creepos who can't take a hint grow exponentially everyday?


What are you trying to saying in Spanish?

I'm also super sorry for replying to a ton of people on this thread I feel that I am getting annoying and condescending I will stop I AM SORRY.
"They" is a girl I talk to a lot in one of my classes. I asked her why she gave him my number and she said it's because he said he knew me and he was cute so she thought I wouldn't mind. I never answer when he calls, he just leaves a lot of voicemails on my phone so it was getting annoying having to delete them all, but I'm ignoring him so I'm not really bothered by it anymore unless he keeps it up.

Edit: I couldn't read all of what you said before but yeah, I'll take your advice and let the people around me know if he keeps it up. I'm not worried or anything because it's been a few days and I stopped listening to the messages so I'm not even sure what he's saying anymore, it was just getting on my nerves.
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I'm supposed to be at school not but I'm not since I don't have anything to wear. My dad was going to do it last night but he procrastinated and I woke up this morning to find out that the basket of laundry was actually the dirty pile and not the clean pile. I'm not complaining, but I kind do want to be at school since I don't want to come back to school with stuff to catch up on. I'm supposed to be in geometry right now.
Now that you're home it's a perfect opportunity to learn how to do your own laundry, yes? It basically does itself, you just have to push some buttons / twist some knobs, throw in the appropriate amount of soap and then you can continue doing whatever else :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

And an upset stomach is bothering me. It has been for a while! I'm starving but then I immediately feel full. Tired of living off small meals & glasses of tea this past week.
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