What's bothering you?

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My mum keeps bringing up how old my cat is and how I should just, be prepared for her to pass one day. I get it: She's 17 years old. She's as frail and petite as ever since whatever's wrong with her is taking all the nutrients from her food and she's constantly hungry. She doesn't spend as much time with me as she used to and she sometimes needs help on the bed. But she's not dead yet... She's still here and she's as pretty as ever. She still runs when I hum/sing and she still likes to eat lemon cookies. I know I've never lost a pet before and I know she will pass one day. But, can you not mention replacing her in front of her? :(

I'm always scared I'mma find her little body hidden between the wall and the sofa....
Oh my gosh that mention of Bethany Mota has just got me remembering what gets me rustled.

Youtube make-up artists/bloggers. I don't mean the proper professional ones like Lisa Eldridge I mean the ones who are in their mid-twenties acting like young teens to appeal to that kinda crowd. Or the kids who just have a ton of money from their parents to waste on overpriced junk and call themselves 'gurus' like nah I'm not taking a 14 y/o's opinions on make-up seriously sorry no nah not today.

My 18 to 22 y/o friends all go crazy for people like Zoella but I just don't get it.

Yh I know I'm a fat jelly hater and if they bother me so much then I shouldn't watch them but seriously these people always pop up in my recommended channels and they've got ranges at Superdrug and stuff and ugh just let me be rustled for a bit plz.
Oh my gosh that mention of Bethany Mota has just got me remembering what gets me rustled.

Youtube make-up artists/bloggers. I don't mean the proper professional ones like Lisa Eldridge I mean the ones who are in their mid-twenties acting like young teens to appeal to that kinda crowd. Or the kids who just have a ton of money from their parents to waste on overpriced junk and call themselves 'gurus' like nah I'm not taking a 14 y/o's opinions on make-up seriously sorry no nah not today.

My 18 to 22 y/o friends all go crazy for people like Zoella but I just don't get it.

Yh I know I'm a fat jelly hater and if they bother me so much then I shouldn't watch them but seriously these people always pop up in my recommended channels and they've got ranges at Superdrug and stuff and ugh just let me be rustled for a bit plz.

I mean I like certain people and if I'm in the mood I like Zoella but IMO she flaunts her anxiety around so much to the point where it's irritating. She also has this fake little smile (I say little, it basically takes up half her face) that creeps me out. I get it that she's pretty but she just annoys me so much.
I mean I like certain people and if I'm in the mood I like Zoella but IMO she flaunts her anxiety around so much to the point where it's irritating. She also has this fake little smile (I say little, it basically takes up half her face) that creeps me out. I get it that she's pretty but she just annoys me so much.

I started off watching these people a few years back and they seemed relatively normal late teens/early twenties. Like I don't mind some goofiness and I found their blogs kinda cool and interesting. People like Tanya Burr and Zoella are all a bit older than me so it was nice seeing some maturity on Youtube as I'm not ever gonna take make-up advice from someone younger than me sorry no nope.

But over this past year sweet Jesus. They have gone full on tweenie. There's nothing wrong with loving stuff like Disney or cute stuff when you're an adult, but seriously the way these women act is embarrassing. I say that as a person who regularly buys stuffed animals and loves stuff like Hello Kitty, and even I'm like 'woah they are going too far to appeal to the young tween crowd'.

I do think Zoella is super pretty though and has nice hair, and I can see her appeal. But to me I'm just watching a chick a few years older than me act like a middle schooler and I'm just nah.
Not trying to be racist but why are so many white people that I meet so stereotypical? -_-
This is probably silly and it is not entirely any of my own business but loads of pictures have popped up on my Facebook feed from friends that have gone to Uni over this last week, they have all started getting their Maintenance loans from the government and all the pictures have shown them spending the money on crates and crates of booze and that just really pisses me off for some reason... I think it is because I have started chipping in on the bills and food shop so I'm getting an understanding on how to spend my money and it is annoying when I see people spending the money they are meant to be living on on booze (I would also like to point out that the majority are entirely living off this money as they aren't working at all.) Again, it isn't really any of my business but it still winds me up...
yes ur rant is silly. thats what students do, especially freshers.
I know, it just annoys me (It is a part of the reason I didn't want to go to Uni because every time students came to talk to us they always talked about the social life and never about the actual education) :( Plus one of my friends has spent all her maintenance money already and she just called me asking to borrow some money from me as she hasn't bought any food, she apparently spent it all on new clothes and doesn't want to go to her parents as they'll be pissed. (I turned her down as I'm still unemployed and that money she wants to borrow is going towards our water bill)
Yeah that's just what students do. I was the same during freshers. Basically my entire allowance went on nightclub entry, taxis, crates of cider, cigarettes and McDonald's.

I mean the majority of my money still goes on those things but hey. Students aren't exactly notorious for making great financial decisions. A guy in my flat used to spend literally ALL his grant on bets. Like he'd get his loan in and he'd drop every single penny of it on betting on a team. That always used to baffle me.

Most students don't really get a grasp of financial responsibility till they're living in rented accommodation where they gotta pay the bills/internet/sort stuff out. Living on campus usually encompasses bills and stuff so there's not too much to worry about. Except where to store all that booze.

(Again I'm generalising and I'm sure there's plenty of financially responsible non-alcohol chugging students out there. Somewhere.)
It's been 3 months since I last had my period, and I think I might be pregnant. I took 2 tests 2 weeks ago, but they were both negative. I just now spotted but didn't get my period and there was no cramping >.<
I don't know why I haven't gone to the doctor yet, I guess I'm afraid of what she's going to tell me. Sure, I'm 24 and have a career, but still I'm not ready for a kid right now. I'm selfish and want to do so many things before I have a kid. I'm terrified right now. QQ
Yeah that's just what students do. I was the same during freshers. Basically my entire allowance went on nightclub entry, taxis, crates of cider, cigarettes and McDonald's.

I mean the majority of my money still goes on those things but hey. Students aren't exactly notorious for making great financial decisions. A guy in my flat used to spend literally ALL his grant on bets. Like he'd get his loan in and he'd drop every single penny of it on betting on a team. That always used to baffle me.

Most students don't really get a grasp of financial responsibility till they're living in rented accommodation where they gotta pay the bills/internet/sort stuff out. Living on campus usually encompasses bills and stuff so there's not too much to worry about. Except where to store all that booze.

(Again I'm generalising and I'm sure there's plenty of financially responsible non-alcohol chugging students out there. Somewhere.)
Yeah, I think I was too brainwashed by my Aunts' image of all university students being always sat down studying and what not when I was a child :/ My friends always used to say that if I went to Uni I would be the one making sure people got back to their dorms safely and making sure everyone was fed- basically I'd be a mother hen :p I think I also get annoyed because I have had money saving ideals drilled into me by my parents, my dad was a Bank Manager and my mum an Accountant, so I've always been careful with my money... I think hearing this has helped me get over it, as long as people don't keep coming to me as a second maintenance loan :p
Yeah, I think I was too brainwashed by my Aunts' image of all university students being always sat down studying and what not when I was a child :/ My friends always used to say that if I went to Uni I would be the one making sure people got back to their dorms safely and making sure everyone was fed- basically I'd be a mother hen :p I think I also get annoyed because I have had money saving ideals drilled into me by my parents, my dad was a Bank Manager and my mum an Accountant, so I've always been careful with my money... I think hearing this has helped me get over it, as long as people don't keep coming to me as a second maintenance loan :p

Well I suppose it depends on what kinda uni you're at, but yeah. I go to a pretty decent uni and a lot of my friends are training to be doctors/lawyers/scientists and tbh they only really study last minute because in first year you've only gotta get 40% to pass. Some uni students spend all their time sat down studying (more common amongst internationals) but I'd say a good percentage of us are away from home for the first time and away from your mum nagging you about drinking too much.

And a lot of students have never had to budget before so when they see a month's worth of money in their account it doesn't feel... real? So they go out spending like mad and then bang, you've only 80 quid left and you've still got 3 weeks left of the month. It's a learning curve tbh. But don't worry everyone who irresponsibly spends does eventually come unstuck.

Normally once you get into second year, and you realise the standards are hella higher and you've actually got to hand in a decent lab report and not just one you knocked out a few hours before the due date, things tend to calm down.

Although there's nothing wrong with being a mother hen. Honestly some of the things I see my fellow students do. Leaving the flat front door propped open so their friends can get in... ALONG WITH ANY CREEPER WHO HAPPENS TO BE AROUND. I've also escorted a girl I didn't know all the way back to her dorm from a club in town as she was blind drunk and her friends just gave her a tenner and told her to get a taxi. Of course no taxi would let her in because they thought she was gonna puke. She was so drunk she probably didn't remember me but hey, I'm not gonna allow an inebriated girl to wander home on her own at night.
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I've just come back from school (period pains :p) and the kid in front of me in the Matron's office had swallowed two magnets that weren't going down properly and I could see them going up and down in his throat o_o it was really spooky and the worst part was he was crying about it. He was taken away in an ambulance but I'm scared something's happened to him now :(
It's been 3 months since I last had my period, and I think I might be pregnant. I took 2 tests 2 weeks ago, but they were both negative. I just now spotted but didn't get my period and there was no cramping >.<
I don't know why I haven't gone to the doctor yet, I guess I'm afraid of what she's going to tell me. Sure, I'm 24 and have a career, but still I'm not ready for a kid right now. I'm selfish and want to do so many things before I have a kid. I'm terrified right now. QQ
Go to the doctor. It's better to know the truth than worrying. Also if you are pregnant, arrange so you can get an abortion. If not, congrats and move on.
I'm so over people mispronouncing my name I'm permanently changing its spelling as I cannot go one more day with people butchering its pronunciation come on people I've told you how to say it a million times it's not even hard LAWD.
I'm so over people mispronouncing my name I'm permanently changing its spelling as I cannot go one more day with people butchering its pronunciation come on people I've told you how to say it a million times it's not even hard LAWD.

I know right I'm so ****ing tempted to do this as well. And I hate it too, so.
I also just got PMed some really weird spam.

It wasn't even funny spam or a good attempt at spam.

Plz no.
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