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I feel like I'm eating way too many calories today.. and I'm going out for pizza later and my mom is making me go. :/ Pizza is my weakness.
People in the Ask acnl questions thread not quoting to questions they're answering.... Seriously, if you're going to answer someone's question, quote (say it with me... QUOTE, now lick the word you see on the screen, think about it, dream about it) the question you're replying to. Barely anyone does this which is really annoying....
A stupid confession I did today.

My chest was pounding, My palms were clammy.
I spoke with my voice shaking, "I-I like you!! I'm sorry, I don't want you to think I treat you nice because I treat everyone else nice equally. I want you to know that, I want you to know that half of my attention goes to you! Am I asking you out? No, I want to tell you my feelings and thoughts. You shouldn't be afraid to tell me things either. I want to know more things about you because everyday I get to see you and I wonder more and more about you. Please, if I made you feel the slightest of uncomfort, we can forget all about this!"
She stared like she was in a trance. She spoke, (She has a very soft voice) "Okay."
Her face turned a deep red?? Her nose was turning red along with her ears.
Did I make her cry?? ;o I hope I didn't hurt her feelings!! She walked away kind of fast :>..
We didn't talk for the rest of the day, She sent me a letter in my locker saying, "Same." In Japanese??
What did she mean same?? Does she have feelings for me back? Also the letter said to call her.
I didn't call her yet, I've been too shy to speak to her. I'm an extrovert, but I can't speak to her the way I would speak in front of a crowd.
If we were to "date" I want her to be my first and last!! I want to do so many things for her. I'm so obsessed with her u~u
I sound ridiculous.

Of course as a freshman, some would say, "Oh, Thomas you're just a kid, you'll grow out of her." "You're just a kid, you know only the slightest thing about what love is." "You probably just want her because of sexual intercourse."

No, I mean it when I say I "like" her. I didn't say love, I like her. If I got to know her more and more, my feelings for her would grow into love. Everyone has their own definition of what love is, right? My definition of love is her(or so it will be). No, I don't want her for sexual intercourse. She's too special for me, she's so pure and sweet.

I really hope I can work things out u,u
A stupid confession I did today.

My chest was pounding, My palms were clammy.
I spoke with my voice shaking, "I-I like you!! I'm sorry, I don't want you to think I treat you nice because I treat everyone else nice equally. I want you to know that, I want you to know that half of my attention goes to you! Am I asking you out? No, I want to tell you my feelings and thoughts. You shouldn't be afraid to tell me things either. I want to know more things about you because everyday I get to see you and I wonder more and more about you. Please, if I made you feel the slightest of uncomfort, we can forget all about this!"
She stared like she was in a trance. She spoke, (She has a very soft voice) "Okay."
Her face turned a deep red?? Her nose was turning red along with her ears.
Did I make her cry?? ;o I hope I didn't hurt her feelings!! She walked away kind of fast :>..
We didn't talk for the rest of the day, She sent me a letter in my locker saying, "Same." In Japanese??
What did she mean same?? Does she have feelings for me back? Also the letter said to call her.
I didn't call her yet, I've been too shy to speak to her. I'm an extrovert, but I can't speak to her the way I would speak in front of a crowd.
If we were to "date" I want her to be my first and last!! I want to do so many things for her. I'm so obsessed with her u~u
I sound ridiculous.

Of course as a freshman, some would say, "Oh, Thomas you're just a kid, you'll grow out of her." "You're just a kid, you know only the slightest thing about what love is." "You probably just want her because of sexual intercourse."

No, I mean it when I say I "like" her. I didn't say love, I like her. If I got to know her more and more, my feelings for her would grow into love. Everyone has their own definition of what love is, right? My definition of love is her(or so it will be). No, I don't want her for sexual intercourse. She's too special for me, she's so pure and sweet.

I really hope I can work things out u,u

If we were to "date" I want her to be my first and last!! I want to do so many things for her. I'm so obsessed with her u~u
I sound ridiculous.
yeah ok this wont last
A stupid confession I did today.

My chest was pounding, My palms were clammy.
I spoke with my voice shaking, "I-I like you!! I'm sorry, I don't want you to think I treat you nice because I treat everyone else nice equally. I want you to know that, I want you to know that half of my attention goes to you! Am I asking you out? No, I want to tell you my feelings and thoughts. You shouldn't be afraid to tell me things either. I want to know more things about you because everyday I get to see you and I wonder more and more about you. Please, if I made you feel the slightest of uncomfort, we can forget all about this!"
She stared like she was in a trance. She spoke, (She has a very soft voice) "Okay."
Her face turned a deep red?? Her nose was turning red along with her ears.
Did I make her cry?? ;o I hope I didn't hurt her feelings!! She walked away kind of fast :>..
We didn't talk for the rest of the day, She sent me a letter in my locker saying, "Same." In Japanese??
What did she mean same?? Does she have feelings for me back? Also the letter said to call her.
I didn't call her yet, I've been too shy to speak to her. I'm an extrovert, but I can't speak to her the way I would speak in front of a crowd.
If we were to "date" I want her to be my first and last!! I want to do so many things for her. I'm so obsessed with her u~u
I sound ridiculous.

Of course as a freshman, some would say, "Oh, Thomas you're just a kid, you'll grow out of her." "You're just a kid, you know only the slightest thing about what love is." "You probably just want her because of sexual intercourse."

No, I mean it when I say I "like" her. I didn't say love, I like her. If I got to know her more and more, my feelings for her would grow into love. Everyone has their own definition of what love is, right? My definition of love is her(or so it will be). No, I don't want her for sexual intercourse. She's too special for me, she's so pure and sweet.

I really hope I can work things out u,u
This story is getting interesting every second. It kinda reminds me of my first boyfriend.
I think that she might have been blushing or just didn't know what to say?? I don't think you made her cry if she feels the same way. You said she was shy, right? Perhaps she was just nervous.

And aww, that's so sweet! I've never really met someone yet who would say that for a girl (my boyfriend obviously didn't lol). I might be just talking bull**** but idk. I think that's sweet of you. I hope she is your only love.

And I don't get why people would think that way, really. Youre so young and I believe that a person your age always looks past the sex and just looks inside. you seem really passionate about this girl, so it's obvious you really like her.

You seem like a sweet man tbh. Good luck!
yeah ok this wont last

Thank you! I'll try and tell her I was kidding or something!! :>

- - - Post Merge - - -

This story is getting interesting every second. It kinda reminds me of my first boyfriend.
I think that she might have been blushing or just didn't know what to say?? I don't think you made her cry if she feels the same way. You said she was shy, right? Perhaps she was just nervous.

And aww, that's so sweet! I've never really met someone yet who would say that for a girl (my boyfriend obviously didn't lol). I might be just talking bull**** but idk. I think that's sweet of you. I hope she is your only love.

And I don't get why people would think that way, really. Youre so young and I believe that a person your age always looks past the sex and just looks inside. you seem really passionate about this girl, so it's obvious you really like her.

You seem like a sweet man tbh. Good luck!

I would do anything to make her happy!! Hopefully she didn't cry ;o
KarlaKGB I have not been on this forum long but you are my favourite poster. Your sense of humour is a straight 10.
I think I suddenly silenced everyone in the "Do you like your voice" or something thread. I hate it when I'm last to post for a while, I feel like I've done something wrong ;-;
Well technically I have, I just posted a link to an audio recording of me speaking. *shrugs*
I really wish my sinuses would stop getting congested every ten minutes. I just want to be able to breathe comfortable through my nose already.
thx, tho ur compliment would mean more if u were a burger queen

What about a Burger Emperess? Or even better, a Burger Goddess? :eek:
(Yes I know what you're referencing don't do a Mariah on me please)
I have a heavy nose bleed which has gone everywhere on my bed and on a stuffed animal. Thankfully I always wear black so the blood doesn't show up on the t shirt. And it's all crusted around my nose screw.

Brb shoving cotton buds up my nose to cry and clean it up in there so I don't get some kinda infection.
I have a heavy nose bleed which has gone everywhere on my bed and on a stuffed animal. Thankfully I always wear black so the blood doesn't show up on the t shirt. And it's all crusted around my nose screw.

Brb shoving cotton buds up my nose to cry and clean it up in there so I don't get some kinda infection.

Won't shoving a cotton bud up your nose just make it worse? The cotton will stick in your nose and just pad it :( If you have some type of metal rod, I'd suggest using that. It's far more deadly but in the long run, you can clean it and it doesn't have bits of fluff to block the flow of the blood.
Won't shoving a cotton bud up your nose just make it worse? The cotton will stick in your nose and just pad it :( If you have some type of metal rod, I'd suggest using that. It's far more deadly but in the long run, you can clean it and it doesn't have bits of fluff to block the flow of the blood.

Nah I mean once the nose bleed's over I'm gonna clean my piercing with some salt water and a cotton bud so it doesn't get infected.

Normally I just let my nose itself chill but I do a quick clean of the piercing just to make sure no rank stuff gets in there.
Oh right! I thought you meant your actual nose, i forgot you got it pierced xD cleaning a nose piercing's better because you can see it more haha~ that should be fine, as long as you take it slow.
How was it then? Better than you expected? :)
Oh right! I thought you meant your actual nose, i forgot you got it pierced xD cleaning a nose piercing's better because you can see it more haha~ that should be fine, as long as you take it slow.
How was it then? Better than you expected? :)

Yeah sorry I never tend to clarify what I'm doing, I can see how you'd misinterpret me. You gave good advice though, it's good to just let your nose deal with it rather than poking it cotton and stuff.

I just figure I should give the piercing a quick clean (the salt water makes it so the cotton doesn't stick) because I'm pretty sure even though it's healed being surrounded by inner nose blood probably isn't that great for it.

Actually having the nosebleed isn't too bad, but the after period is so annoying. I just want to blow my nose but that'll irritate it more >>>>: it's so itchy.

Plus I bled all over my nice bedding and my stuffed animal.

But thank you for asking ^-^ my nose and I appreciate it.
I didn't know kids could have a nightmare/terror while taking a nap. It's extremely freaky when it happens. One of the kids I'm watching woke up screaming, crying and kicking anything that comes near her. Holy moly....><
Yeah sorry I never tend to clarify what I'm doing, I can see how you'd misinterpret me. You gave good advice though, it's good to just let your nose deal with it rather than poking it cotton and stuff.

I just figure I should give the piercing a quick clean (the salt water makes it so the cotton doesn't stick) because I'm pretty sure even though it's healed being surrounded by inner nose blood probably isn't that great for it.

Actually having the nosebleed isn't too bad, but the after period is so annoying. I just want to blow my nose but that'll irritate it more >>>>: it's so itchy.

Plus I bled all over my nice bedding and my stuffed animal.

But thank you for asking ^-^ my nose and I appreciate it.

Agh yeah. I had my ears pierced a while back and when you get it you're like "oh, is that it? Meh that's cool now I have two extra holes on either side of my face I can press metal in hurrah" but on the bus coming home I felt like a snail. "UGH...UGH...WHY?!?!"
Aw. Looks like Ted'll be spending a long spin cycle away from his pal :(

Tell your nose I appreciate its appreciation. :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I didn't know kids could have a nightmare/terror while taking a nap. It's extremely freaky when it happens. One of the kids I'm watching woke up screaming, crying and kicking anything that comes near her. Holy moly....><

I haven't watched kids before (I'm too irresponsible and psychotic xD) but I did watch my boyfriend have a nap while we were in the park. He had a nightmare and it's really creepy when it happens because they don't know what they're doing, having a mini fit spontaneously and you're just there sinking slowly into yourself hoping no one sees. And then you have to explain to them why they scared you and comfort them.
Just reassure them and give them a good cuddle to make sure they get their little butts back to sleep. :)
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