What's bothering you?

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I've been wondering, are you (or anyone reading this) aware if this site has an ignore/block feature? I can't find an answer.

Go to the person's profile, and click "Add to Ignore List".
Crazy girl who's sorta rude at times,yesterday I left something at my B period's place (the last class we had) and I asked her if she can come with me and she replied rudely with,''Why do I need to help you out?'' I know I should get it myself but its female bonding,and she could have said,No sorry I'm kinda busy... or something politer...Shes really immature but I did get between her ''friend'' of hers so I guess she feels that I owe her?I really wish she can leave me alone,shes ruining my social reputation sorta which has been tampered with already.
Agh yeah. I had my ears pierced a while back and when you get it you're like "oh, is that it? Meh that's cool now I have two extra holes on either side of my face I can press metal in hurrah" but on the bus coming home I felt like a snail. "UGH...UGH...WHY?!?!"
Aw. Looks like Ted'll be spending a long spin cycle away from his pal :(

Tell your nose I appreciate its appreciation. :)

Wow you're pretty chill with piercings. I wouldn't say any of mine were excruciating (except for my nose the second time round and my nipple OWWWW) but the sharp jab with the needle was like 'ooooooo nyah'. But always yaaaas to new piercings. There is no greater joy than shoving titanium through your body.

Yeah my nosebleeds and their insatiable desire to creepify my childhood toys are not the most enjoyable. But they do occasionally have moments of greatness.
I had to wake her up, she ended up kicking and punching another kid in her sleep. Her parents say it happens a lot. x.X
Ps, hood piercings are overrated imo but maybe that's because mine just ended up getting in the way / being more troublesome than helpful ;\
Ps, hood piercings are overrated imo but maybe that's because mine just ended up getting in the way / being more troublesome than helpful ;\

Aww for reals? I've got it booked in for Monday! I've got a Christina and I know that can be pretty painful when bumped, but tbh as it's more fleshy it absorbs the shock. The hood is gonna be a lot thinner. Is it troublesome day to day? Or just when it's healing?

Edit: Sorry I'm pretty sure that was more than anyone on this forum ever wanted to know about me ever.
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Aww for reals? I've got it booked in for Monday! I've got a Christina and I know that can be pretty painful when bumped, but tbh as it's more fleshy it absorbs the shock. The hood is gonna be a lot thinner. Is it troublesome day to day? Or just when it's healing?

Edit: Sorry I'm pretty sure that was more than anyone on this forum ever wanted to know about me ever.

I just googled hood piercing to make sure what it was...I assumed and guessed correctly.
Oh dear God, I can imagine that would probably make you very happy but I can't think about it without cringing...that would hurt a TON!
I just googled hood piercing to make sure what it was...I assumed and guessed correctly.
Oh dear God, I can imagine that would probably make you very happy but I can't think about it without cringing...that would hurt a TON!

The first time I ever heard of them I was like 'Jesus Christ why would anyone do that to themselves that's awful ew ew ew' and now I'm just like. Well. Might as well. Had basically everything else pierced at least once. I've taken about 10 piercings out in total because I just didn't suit them. May as well give another one a crack.

My thought process behind things generally consists of 'I shouldn't do this it's gonna disappoint my mother... meh gonna do it anyway'.
Cole was moving, then I was talking to him and he talked about how he's moving. Now he changed his mind and I'm so f****** pissed. I don't want to turn off the game since I already got stuff done and I don't want to redo those stuff.
Aww for reals? I've got it booked in for Monday! I've got a Christina and I know that can be pretty painful when bumped, but tbh as it's more fleshy it absorbs the shock. The hood is gonna be a lot thinner. Is it troublesome day to day? Or just when it's healing?

Edit: Sorry I'm pretty sure that was more than anyone on this forum ever wanted to know about me ever.
I think I'm gonna go ahead and put this tmi behind a spoiler :p
Well it has the possibility to heal incredibly fast due to how much blood flow the area receives, but it varies from individual to individual. Mine personally took 2 weeks to heal but I know it can take around 6 for others. The piercing itself is like any other, an exhale & it's over. It wasn't troublesome, I just didn't like it because I got it for 1 purpose, stimulation, and it ended up being an annoyance that got in the way of other things. I guess once again it depends on the individual there.
If I were to get another genital piercing, next time it'd be triangle (which you need to make sure you're anatomically suited for, as you would for vch/hch). It provides more stimulation while also being pretty hidden.

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Lol @ the lurkers

Tytyty that was helpful. I love how quickly that area heals, makes a change from 1 year + navel healing times.

I'm getting it solely for how it looks rather than anything else, but if it annoys me I'll just get my piercer lady to take it out. I just want every part of me to be sparkly and pretty.

I was very close to getting a hand web piercing at one point but my mother nearly passed out at the thought. Unsurprisingly, she is not a fan of piercings beyond the ears as it's not 'lady like'.
I just want a bra that fits.. and doesn't make me self conscious that everyone can see it through my clothes. Why does it have to cost so much?
Yikes, piercing anywhere on the hand is a bad idea, glad you didn't get that. You'll find most reputable piercers don't even offer it.

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I just want a bra that fits.. and doesn't make me self conscious that everyone can see it through my clothes. Why does it have to cost so much?
Nothing to be self-conscious about! Here's a good bra-fitting guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Jk55ep4XUQ
Yeah I'd just turned 18 and was looking for SOMETHING to pierce. It may be dangerous but it still does look super cute. Oddly enough I'd be seriously squeamish about getting it done, which is probably which I didn't get it in the end. Generally I have 0 fear of things but there's something about hand webs that just... give me shudders.

Like even getting a papercut near there really shakes me up. Which is weird because I've broken bones and been like 'lol k'.

Seriously the idea of my handwebs getting cut with scissors or something ew ew ew ughghghg It really disturbs me. Which is a really strange fear to have.

The idea of my achilles tendon getting injured really bothers me too. I dunno what it is about those areas but they get me all rustled.
Think if you've ever seen any of those piercings fully healed, and not just a picture of a fresh piercing lol.
Ugh yeah any tendon being cut... I hate humoring the though, makes me feel so uneasy! X(
Actually that is a good point. Most piercings are tough to heal up anyway and they're not even in places that get knocked, I can't begin to imagine the problems you'd have with a hand piercing. You'd get the bump after about 2 hours.

I suppose it's kinda like 'white ink' tattoos and palm/bottom of foot tattoos. Look rad as hella when first done. 3 months later they're either discoloured or blurry as anything.

Ugh they do that in Hostel. Where they cut the guy's achilles tendon AND MAKE HIM TRY TO RUN. I'd rather someone cut off a limb than do that. It's just so tender and ughughugh it makes me so uncomfortable. I'm gripping my ankles now because the thought of them getting injured has made me all shivery. Spooky night monsters plz don't come and nibble on my ankle meat.
lol @ dinner dad got onto me for something and it was a reasonable complaint but he was such a **** about it?? i was chewing with my mouth open bc my teeth hurt like hell so i cant put too much pressure on them and its harder to keep my mouth closed with my teeth so far apart, and he was an absolute ass about it??

god i was so close to crying ****

i def lost my appetite tho, then he got onto me for not eating and said that i was trying to make him out to be the bad guy but i honestly just felt sick??

my mom felt bad for me and was like trying to give me nice comforting notions secretly and also i think my brother was bc when dad turned away he asked if i was ok and pet my hair

like i am ok just god why does he have to be such a **** about literally everything?? he says he doesnt like it when people attack others or talk aggressively/sarcastically but thats ALL he does

Yikes, piercing anywhere on the hand is a bad idea, glad you didn't get that. You'll find most reputable piercers don't even offer it.

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Nothing to be self-conscious about! Here's a good bra-fitting guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Jk55ep4XUQ

Thanks for the video! It's helpful to see how it's NOT supposed to fit. According to the video and reddit, I'm a 28-D but that's not a real size in the US so I'm going to try ordering the sister size (30-C) online and hope for the best haha.
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