What's bothering you?

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I've entered the heavy mucus phase of the cold ugh I kinda wanna be really graphic rn so you all can be at least sort of as grossed out as I am but I guess I wont :mad:
It's like.. why is new years such a big holiday i'd just rather sit at home drink champagne than being with 15 other relatives thanks
OK, so my mom was supposed to get Pokemon ORAS for my brothers.

But instead, she got Pokemon Y, and my brother (Who's like 14 BTW and clearly wanted Pokemon ORAS just as much as I do) didn't mind and just opened the game.

Hah...there goes another 2 weeks without ORAS.. ; v ;
My sleep schedule. I stay up all night pass out at 11 am and wake up at 9 pm. Trying to go sleep any earlier depresses me and I get only like 3hs of sleep when I do
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[spoiler=i'm this freaking close to a panic attack and now i lost my earbud piece and this is just fan-f***cking-tastic, and thanks mom keep yelling at me cos that makes me feel so much freaking better
I just feel so stressed out about everything right now.
I want a clean slate. A new everything. New friends, new school, new life. e v e
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I can't sleep, my stomach hurts, and I've been having anxiety attacks all night. If I could just sleep, everything would be fine ;-; I feel like I wanna die.
period cramps ;o;

also that i need some food but idk what lol i dont really want pasta again
My friend sent me a snap chat and ??? i feel so nervous responding to it w hy
also my former crush showed up in my dream again
I've waited three months to get placed with my current therapist. We've had one session, and today I get a phone call that she is leaving the program and going somewhere else.

Here's to another three months of waiting, just to get F#!&ing started again :mad:
does anyone else here have fibromyalgia? i'm pretty sure i've had it recently and it SUCKS
It takes me like an hour to get going properly in the morning because i'm in so much pain. just hope there's not something more sinister behind it.
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