• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's bothering you?

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this is not the "bad" bother but i made this image before and i cant stop laughing and like 1 hr ago i was drving and i started laughing and the i wa s buying something at the store and the girl was like "have a nice day" and i remembered the pic and i started laughing again omG

I change my avatar way too much, lol. Pretty sure people forget who I am each time I do. ^^""
My tablet pen nib is on its last legs ughh. My mucus is suddenly gone but my throat is still itchy so now it's harder and more painful to cough??? and i feel queasy for no apparent reason.

I change my avatar way too much, lol. Pretty sure people forget who I am each time I do. ^^""

I know you =)
well not rly but you know lol
My tablet pen nib is on its last legs ughh. My mucus is suddenly gone but my throat is still itchy so now it's harder and more painful to cough??? and i feel queasy for no apparent reason.

I know you =)
well not rly but you know lol

Hope you feel better :] And yes, I know you too~ A lot of your posts make me laugh. ^^
Normal site with iPad...I may be able to put it in a way that is less descriptive on situation if can't figure it out.

To add a spoiler box in your reply:
(spoiler)Text here!(/spoiler)

But replace the parantheses with square brackets! :)
Ok trying that here goes.. If spoiler doesn't work so sorry skip it...relationship, life vent...

Just do not know what's happening
Ok hope that worked. My fianc?/boyfriend/what...We met in March last year almost a year, I was worried he was 21 I had just turned 30. I had given up on relationships, bad family past history, multiple abusive relationships in every form 2 years of being alone depressed dealing with crippling disability now worse..He was an angel, engaged within 2 months, asked my dad for my hand brought roses for no reason was so caring and sweet. A few months back he changed suddenly, why I don't know, I figured stress of college, med school to be pediatric PA and Nurse Manager, hospital interning, crappy job while double timing school ect. We picked out rings all was good, my family is not supportive of my disability I hit the jackpot... sarcasm...rare genetic disease systemic now tumors ect popping up surgeries needed possible unrelated cancers? Trouble finding good quality of life care needed due to extreme pain attacks he took care of me during one once and they are horrifying I figured if he can see that nothing can bother him. I know I need to go to a big center but can't travel, afford, ect and need to have medicine switched be more functional first tired of being sick all the time and no help here then he just changed...He was an angel once...

He said he was on a medicine that was keeping him from having puberty like normal and was hurting his kidneys once off of it he grew a foot, really muscular, started having sudden attacks of just being really mean for no reason I was a little late to an apt and he was hitting the steering wheel, it takes me hours to get ready and dress in the morning have to pre plan clothes, just normal stuff is hard, literally made me chase his car five min late but he didn't come back left me on side of road I couldn't get home...right up street. First time we went got my ring customized he sent me away said wanted to go up a carrot and half I was fine with smaller, on way to cheap dinner after he freaks yells at me no food said I am ungrateful not sick am dying is different was mean...Said I'd pay dinner people here don't help and I can't cook and was well enough at time to try eat out.

.anyway let him on my medical hippa in case emergency due to his meddling drs got angry he caused issues having trouble finding a pain dr now he also without permission looks up my medical tests before I get the results so if one comes back bad news he know first I said stop he back grounded my whole family, lies makes plans and there is always an emergency turns out not true. Told my mom buy him a lobster we do big Xmas eve dinner meaning I paid she picked it up he didn't show we waited hrs said car was stuck we said would give a ride he said phone stopped working...my whole family got hurt on that one. But little things I guess he overspent on his school money on well ...not me ...new gadgets...but his dad has money but won't help him he blames me apparently to his dad making me sound like a gold digger when I am on disbability more educated would love to work can't love to go out make friends can't stuck home in a place am well aware can get boot anytime family in denial every time bad medical news.

Come to find out, after I spent all credit on him at Xmas he got me nothing, then felt bad one present was so happy but he got stressed and tried to steal it blames being with me for his money issues when I am always nickel and diming it for everything we do...my mom heard us fighting came in and said how and when have you spent 10 grand from knowing her not true and then warned me she heard him messing with my stuff as he bolted for the door he was taking back my gift and some other things yet won't return things I loaned him..anyway he is falling into physically...won't go into, mentally and verbally the place I know logically is emotional abuse. Sweet one minute like new yrs he made me sick, dangerous for me he brought home flu from hospital work and I run an average temp of 102.7 and have chronic pneumonia he has me very ill on top of my issues and is always calling my illness drama but I can't help how was born. We hardly ever go out on New Years he made me get dressed said would go mall whatever where I never get myself due to driving really needed some personal stuff so was happy, he said would pay for dinner if I wanted to do movies or whatever while in mall he found a cute crystal ball music box like I collect and had it engraved with our names on what it said it was beautiful on sale and price about of an affordable dinner...my bday is very soon. We skipped dinner I felt sick lost voice with flu-ish thing and made sure something was here for him to eat I only wanted soup...He fell asleep as always does...I woke him and thanked him for nice day even though he didn't help much take care of me being sick as said more me always him but as soon as said thanks for the gift asked if could bring in and I noted what he wanted his bday is two weeks after me..he started screaming that I cause him to spend money always pounding fists..hit me in face with tv remote..accident..but he just flipped a switch.

Sum up I prayed for love, a friend, a reason to be here, with nothing but endless days alone and pain and god I thought or whatever supernatural source as I say sent him I thought he made me believe in things was great but now the things he says won't repeat and acts and stand me up or takes for granted or stress causes problems makes..Come to find out med he was on was for bi polar, was told wasn't for that his disability not physical won't tell me for sure...but said his psych was mad because he won't take what is told to now..I assume he is bi and in denial which is fine but the guy I met is not this guy who swears and hurts for fun and leaves me sit for fun says will be there if need help or makes apts and then won't take me. Or at dinner ect will talk about me like I am not there if I say I am paying so can get what I want with no guilt knowing one day he will need to help support me he says don't give her options ect or she talks too much, gets that way at apts he undermines me. I loved who he was, now I don't recognize him, meanwhile know I need to focus on my health need a woman's surgery a tumor ect if ever want kids if can need a lot and am sick his stress is making me harder to be around...but he is all I have. I wish I knew why he started being so mean and some things have crossed line of no matter how much stress he has you don't treat or talk that way to anyone but me being sick he thinks he can. Am scared he has issues that aren't healthy for me, I know I was told get married or get out and can't be alone or get out but don't want put myself in this situation I said yes to a different person...no ring yet so...anyway am sick, scared of test results, in pain, family issues, and the one is turning into another abuser like I have a sign that says I love and trust and am old fashioned and honest take advantage of my good nature on my head...
I want to cry

I hate everything and nothing is ok

Crying will let you get your feelings out. If you want to cry, cry for as long as you need to. It'll make you feel better in the end. ^^"

Things may seem dark right now but think of it this way, this is just a struggle you need to go through in order to wake up stronger tomorrow. Try to have little things to look forward to as well like... "Tonight, I'll play (insert game) for an hour and I will have fun."

Eventually, your sadness will start to disappear. I hope that helps somewhat. Also, if you ever need to talk things out, you should find someone you can trust and I'm sure they'll be okay listening to you vent or rant. It's not good to keep your emotions bottled up or they'll eventually explode out and that won't be good. My inbox is always open as well if you need to talk. Good luck~
i need someone to talk to but i dont know who so i'll just write this here... i've struggled with food so much in the past 5 or so years and i've consistently been under 50kg (110 pounds) for the past 4 of those years (i'm 19 if it matters). every doctor and psychologist i've talked to (i go to them for anxiety and depression) have told me 'its not a big enough issue for them to worry about). I've restricted my eating to stay thin and 'happy', and i have periods of severe guilt and disgust when i do eat. a main problem area for me is my stomach, it gets to me even when its flat.
So i went on this new antidepressant medication a few months a go, and it gave me a CRAZY appetite! i can't stop eating, i'm always hungry etc etc. its so bad, it didnt worry me for a bit, but now it haunts me... i've put on 5kg since i started and my stomach sticks out so much, i hate it, i look huge and i can't stand it. people are mentioning things, my doctor told me today that i'm not 'like fat or anything, just round haha' and it hurt me so much. even when i suck it in it sticks out. i can't look in a mirror without it sticking in my face. its making me so much more stressed and depressed and no one is acting like its an issue even though i'm telling them it bothers me so much! my sister is skinny and muscular and her stomach is as flat as a board with abs. she is confident with friends and never spends a minute at home because she has so many people to see and things to do. i feel like i'm just getting so much further away from my goal of being mentally healthy. i've been trying to get there for over a year and a half and i've seen 2 psychologists and taken so many different medications and all i keep getting is WORSE.
so i booked in to see my doctor to get OFF this horrible medication but because of this other medication i'm on (for an illness that literally makes me bed bound for several months when it flares up) we are running out of options. now i'm starting a new mediction for that illness but i'm so scared it will make it flare up and i'll just be sitting at home with my condition deteriorating for several more months.
i'm also booked in for a one off psych test to change my antidepressants, but thats not until mid february, so who knows how much more weight i'll put on before then. i'm scared that i'll get there and they will tell me theres nothing wrong with me, that i'm just lazy and making it up.
my relationship is falling apart. i moved back to my home state for my job over the summer and we have barely talked at all, we're so distant. and you know what? i can't feel anything. sometimes i feel sad about it but 99% of the time i feel nothing...
i have no friends at all, we have all fallen out of contact with each other, but that happened months or years ago, not to say it doesnt hurt as much as it did when it first happened.
i just don't know what to do... sorry this was so long, i havent told anyone this except a crisis chat line haha, it feels good to get it off my chest, i suppose.
thanks for listening

I'm glad that 'ranting' has made you feel a little bit better, I took my time to read your post, even though right now you might feel like 'what's the point anymore, what am I doing with myself?', things WILL get better - just in time.
I've had similar issues with weight - although I've improved and I'm a healthy weight currently - I'm a 46 kg but I'm 16, and I'm really small (height), which is healthy. My tummy isn't flat either - I swear it's impossible to get it perfect - and I compare myself to my friends, who are sporty and 'fit' and popular and just seem so much better than me, I could rant about this myself but I won't xD Although I shouldn't be doing this, like you shouldn't with your sister. Please don't worry about putting weight on, it's healthy, and even when you are craving snacks and you're still paranoid about putting weight on - you could resort to healthy options with low calories, thinks like carrot sticks, it might help you feel more comfortable about food. The number on the scales doesn't determain how physically fit you are, you could weigh 60kg but you're really fit - with a flat tummy. My goal is to become fitter, and get abs and become 'tonned', but I'm really lazy so I don't know. If non of these things are helping, I found this special tea called 'Flat Tummy Tea', I don't know many details about it, but it gives you quick results. - http://flattummytea.com/ - I hope I kinda helped somehow and made you feel a bit happier, it sucks being lonely. Please just remember that things are going to get better, a lot of people here on tbt will support and help you~
Alvin & the Chipmunks must be the worst series of children films. Especially dubbed.
I'm glad that 'ranting' has made you feel a little bit better, I took my time to read your post, even though right now you might feel like 'what's the point anymore, what am I doing with myself?', things WILL get better - just in time.
I've had similar issues with weight - although I've improved and I'm a healthy weight currently - I'm a 46 kg but I'm 16, and I'm really small (height), which is healthy. My tummy isn't flat either - I swear it's impossible to get it perfect - and I compare myself to my friends, who are sporty and 'fit' and popular and just seem so much better than me, I could rant about this myself but I won't xD Although I shouldn't be doing this, like you shouldn't with your sister. Please don't worry about putting weight on, it's healthy, and even when you are craving snacks and you're still paranoid about putting weight on - you could resort to healthy options with low calories, thinks like carrot sticks, it might help you feel more comfortable about food. The number on the scales doesn't determain how physically fit you are, you could weigh 60kg but you're really fit - with a flat tummy. My goal is to become fitter, and get abs and become 'tonned', but I'm really lazy so I don't know. If non of these things are helping, I found this special tea called 'Flat Tummy Tea', I don't know many details about it, but it gives you quick results. - http://flattummytea.com/ - I hope I kinda helped somehow and made you feel a bit happier, it sucks being lonely. Please just remember that things are going to get better, a lot of people here on tbt will support and help you~

thank you for taking the time to reply, it really means a lot and i made me feel better :) i'm gonna try my hardest to accept myself
I want out of my house. I spend the entire day in my room hiding away from my parents and it makes me feel bad that I don't get along with them and that I'm wasting so much time because of it. They took money from me, and I thought that when I earned it back I could use it and try to maybe move out, but I know itd be a bad idea totry. I also thought maybe I could buy a plane ticket but that wouldn't be smart, I'm just getting desperate for ways to change the situation somehow.

I complain way too much about my parents but hopefully I won't need to anymore, I just needed it out of my system.
I want out of my house. I spend the entire day in my room hiding away from my parents and it makes me feel bad that I don't get along with them and that I'm wasting so much time because of it. They took money from me, and I thought that when I earned it back I could use it and try to maybe move out, but I know itd be a bad idea totry. I also thought maybe I could buy a plane ticket but that wouldn't be smart, I'm just getting desperate for ways to change the situation somehow.

I complain way too much about my parents but hopefully I won't need to anymore, I just needed it out of my system.

I really hope your situation improves. :( Are there any relatives who would take you in?
I really hope your situation improves. :( Are there any relatives who would take you in?
Some of them probably would, but they're all on the opposite side of the country, so I'm not sure if I could go to them yet.
My brother and I got into a fight a couple days ago and he's still not speaking to me, even though I apologized to him (I didn't even do anything wrong but okay).

Some of them probably would, but they're all on the opposite side of the country, so I'm not sure if I could go to them yet.

I really hope you can go to a safe space sometime soon. Just message me if you ever need to talk, okay?
My brother and I got into a fight a couple days ago and he's still not speaking to me, even though I apologized to him (I didn't even do anything wrong but okay).

I really hope you can go to a safe space sometime soon. Just message me if you ever need to talk, okay?
Okay, thank you. <3

I hope you and your brother make up soon. :(
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