What's bothering you?

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All of my friends are talking about applying for an art school and it's worrying me. I've only made one new friend since I was in grade 5, I'm really not that social and I stick within my little circle of friends. I'm too shy to act or sing even though I'm fine at both, I'm not as good at drawing as my friends would have me believe and the school doesn't offer a creative writing program. It may sound really selfish, but a part of me hopes they don't make it if they choose to apply. I don't want to be alone in high school. ;^;
All of my friends are talking about applying for an art school and it's worrying me. I've only made one new friend since I was in grade 5, I'm really not that social and I stick within my little circle of friends. I'm too shy to act or sing even though I'm fine at both, I'm not as good at drawing as my friends would have me believe and the school doesn't offer a creative writing program. It may sound really selfish, but a part of me hopes they don't make it if they choose to apply. I don't want to be alone in high school. ;^;

I'm sorry you're feeling that way. :( I'm gonna be blunt, though, and say that, even if you guys all go to the same high school, you might drift apart. It sucks, but it happens. Most of my friends went to the other middle school in our city, and only like. Two or three of them are people I was friends with in middle school.

So don't fret! Try to enjoy your time with them now, and don't push yourself to do something you aren't really into so you guys can stay together. When do you start high school?

(Also, sorry if this sounded rude, I'm really not trying to be)
I'm sorry you're feeling that way. :( I'm gonna be blunt, though, and say that, even if you guys all go to the same high school, you might drift apart. It sucks, but it happens. Most of my friends went to the other middle school in our city, and only like. Two or three of them are people I was friends with in middle school.

So don't fret! Try to enjoy your time with them now, and don't push yourself to do something you aren't really into so you guys can stay together. When do you start high school?

(Also, sorry if this sounded rude, I'm really not trying to be)

I know that a drift will probably happen eventually, but I'd like to stay with them through highschool. I'm prepared to loose most of my friends sometime but my best friend is considering application and I'd like to at least stay in school with her. ;m;
You didn't come across as mean at all! I'm in grade 8 right now, so I obviously have time. They're not even guaranteed to make it, the only one who I know will leave is my really musical friend but we've been loosing touch anyways.

It may seem petty, I just really don't like meeting new friends. I'm not very outgoing. ;o;
I know that a drift will probably happen eventually, but I'd like to stay with them through highschool. I'm prepared to loose most of my friends sometime but my best friend is considering application and I'd like to at least stay in school with her. ;m;
You didn't come across as mean at all! I'm in grade 8 right now, so I obviously have time. They're not even guaranteed to make it, the only one who I know will leave is my really musical friend but we've been loosing touch anyways.

It may seem petty, I just really don't like meeting new friends. I'm not very outgoing. ;o;

It's not petty at all! I understand how you feel cuz I'm not very good at making friends either. Also, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna drift away from my friends after graduation this year, but I'm not super worried about it (I guess we're in the same situation but on opposite sides lol).

My advice is to just see how this year goes, and no matter what, do stuff you like in high school. Mine has a literature magazine that it puts out every year, so you could see if yours has something similar so you can meet people that way. I've noticed that, even if you're really shy, more outgoing people might befriend you anyway. If your high school offers creative writing as a class, that could be a good thing to look into as well.

Good luck! Try to enjoy the rest of your year. :)
I've decided that angrily posting her is probably not healthy right now because I seem to be in a rage half the time and I'm trying to mellow myself out, so I bought a journal.

anyways, goodbye forever whats bothering you thread
Trying to build my confidence up to think about becoming a department manager. Was asked if I wanted the job if it becomes available. Trying not to tell myself I'm too stupid to apply for the job.
it really bugs me when people have their mayor look way different in art than what the actual mayor looks like. It makes me cringe so hard o.e
school starts tomorrow and my sleeping schedule is basically non existent
i want to eat breakfast but the syrup we have is kinda gross ew i have old cereal
its raining hard and theres something hitting against another something outside and its annoying
its hot but i dont really want to take the blanket off sighs
ants are here in the middle of winter??? wtf go back to your rocks or wherever the hell you disgusting tiny creatures lurk
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boyfriend goes home after i wake up tomorrow... months till i see him again

school the next day..


finals week in 2 weeks
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im scared to spend the night at my sisters
I'm afriad I'll get there and puke, and my grandparents wont pick me u. Or i'll geta cat scrtach and I wont stop bleeding (blood disorder) or I'll get really sick and i wont be able to come home.I feel super sick right now and I cant stop shakingg and i'm just not able to do anything atm. i dont even want to spend the night, but if I dont then my sister will call up rying
and recently I cant fall asleep until 5 am because I feel nausous when I lay down

I just to stay home but i already promised and I am about to have a panic attcks
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