What's bothering you?

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I want to watch an anime I've been wanting to watch but I'm too embarrassed to ; v ;
Well, it's not that much of a big deal anyways, but thanks xD

it is if you ever feel shame for the things you love. we won't ever win the war against otaku shaming until we fight back, so grab a sword, son. let us fight that fight together!
It's been a week since my ex and I broke up. And I already heard through the gossip vine that he is going on a date with a co-worker.

So there WAS someone else. *sigh*
I'm worried about this year because I'm going into year 10 and we have to study really hard. I'm afraid that I'll fluke out this year's grades. ; ~ ;
People who can't be bothered to talk to persons themselves and expect me to tell them everything -_-
SonAmy shippers irritate me. Shippers in general annoy me. Eh.
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