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What's bothering you?

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I have serious daddy issues.... I don't know if that term applies to me, but my mother died, he found himself a girlfriend, WHO HAS THE SAME NAME AS ME, WHO IS FROM THE CITY I GO TO UNIVERSITY IN (meanwhile he lives 5 hours away, though I think she recently uprooted and moved in with him AND IS SLEEPING IN MY CHILDHOOD BEDROOM!), and HE has made it perfectly clear to me that she is more important to him than me. Meanwhile she claims to be PSYCHIC and says my mother's death was an elaborate suicide. Meanwhile I have no other siblings and my father has no other commitments other than her. He chose her over me. Yeah. Daddy issues. He won't help pay for my education either which is a bummer because he own a half million dollar house, drinks a LOT and has a supped up car and flys recreationally. He doesn't even care to know what I study in university. Meanwhile his Psychic Girlfriend has all the best intentions wants us to have a better relationship but doesn't realize she is driving us apart. Daddy issues.

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THAT and I JUST managed to get myself back into school and my university is thinking about going on strike.... COME ON, GUYS!!!!! AFTER ALL THAT!
The ALS challange. It's great that the ice water has raised awareness and all but it's really made me think. We could be reserving that water for ourselves and just donate the money saved. It kind of makes me sick seeing gallons of water wasted per video like all these folks from third world countries dying of dehydration but us here in America have so much to spare we dump it on our heads then turn around an take 10 minute showers afterword.
The next door neighbours are having a massive party and are blasting the music so loudly. Also they are obviously getting really stoned, and although I wouldn't normally disapprove, there are young kids at the party.
i've posted here like daily i am sorry for not having my life in order here ok

i have to do discussion responses on one of my history textbooks every week, but next week and the week after he doesn't have any discussion responses scheduled so i'm not sure if i need to do one or if he just decided not to do any those weeks because we have tests????

like i just wish my teachers were more clear with what they want idk i just hate having to figure everything out it's so stressful
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Lol I post here daily as well, don't feel bad.

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The ALS challange. It's great that the ice water has raised awareness and all but it's really made me think. We could be reserving that water for ourselves and just donate the money saved. It kind of makes me sick seeing gallons of water wasted per video like all these folks from third world countries dying of dehydration but us here in America have so much to spare we dump it on our heads then turn around an take 10 minute showers afterword.

This.. so much this.
sometimes i get super depressed about everything and feel like i have no friends but i really do. I have a really hard time making friends because i don't know how to talk to people and meeting new people scares me. I feel like every new person i talk to thinks i'm weird and doesn't want to talk to me. I never know what to say because i'm so awkward and ugly. My best friend just moved back to where i live and i'm really happy about that! :D I feel like everyone i talk to is annoyed by me so i don't talk to anyone. I never look in the mirror or take pictures of myself because i can't stand my face and i wish i had more self confidence
Oh gosh, same. Mine doesn't start tomorrow, but I'm crazy worried (starting Junior year...aka "hell year" apparently).

Nice makar avvie btw :p
I'm starting junior year too, it's gonna be rough, good luck to you.

Thanks. :) yours is perfect.
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5 pieces of homework. Not so bad, right? No, you're wrong. I have 3 pieces of homework in my worst subject (Math.), each are packets with 4-5 pages with 9-10 questions each page, and 2 pieces of homework class in Writing (Not a big deal, but still boring.) which are 2-3 pages long with about 7 questions on them each page. It's the first week of school and they're already killing me. We took tests for 3 days, and now I have to turn in my homework that I know I got almost all questions wrong. So I'm going to be starting off with a horrible C or D grade (as to be expected.) and I probably won't be able to earn it back up since I'm stupid and don't know how to do basic math.
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I have to go get results for the six exams I did back in May today :( I think I've done well, but here's always that little twinge of doubt...
Woke up around 3:30AM and couldn't fall back asleep. Ended up twisting a muscle in my neck while trying to get comfortable and now it hurts like hell.
I'm so sad... I broke my graphics tablet pen for the umpteenth time T^T... and this time, I really don't have the money to buy a new pen. Heck, I don't have any money to buy a new tablet. *cries*...

Why do these things happen to me!!!
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