• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's bothering you?

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I'm really nervous for my living arrangements next year. I'll be living with 7 other students, and recently fell out with 2 of them #awkward.
Also the house is the cheapest we could find, so it's not in a very nice area and when I went out to the shops there in broad daylight I got yelled at and wolf-whistled by random gangs of dudes. Some of them are like 12 but it still makes me anxious. Not looking forward to walking home in the dark by myself.
Heh, I am ashamed to say the only thing bothering me right now is being just short of the TBT needed for the gold super mailbox. In case anyone noticed I am posting far more than usual. I really should start working on these equations, even though I have near a week to do them.
i cracked my jaw last night and basically made my TMJ flare up worse than it has in a long time
i cant open my jaw all the way now
thanks obama
i think i sprained my wrist from carrying a lot of textbooks oh my lord it hurts so bad to move it

i had 3 1600 paged textbooks in one arm and then i dropped them but when i did my wrist was turned sideways and idk i just can't
i cracked my jaw last night and basically made my TMJ flare up worse than it has in a long time
i cant open my jaw all the way now
thanks obama

same my jaw has only been able to open part of the way for 4 years now and no one can tell me why, or do anything about it.
but what has obama got to do with it
Okay, this is super depressing. August rent has been delayed week after week for reasons beyond my control. First it was for unfair reasons that my student loans withdrew $500 out of my account without my consent and the cheque would ave bounced. Next, my boyfriend didn't get paid a full work week unfairly so he didn't get a full paycheque for all the hours he worked. Then he lost his overdraft protection when his credit card payments fell through so we lost that coverage for a short time, but long enough to delay rent again to this week where MY credit card withdrew $32 (fine) then $398 today putting me into overdraft meanwhile yesterday I told my landlord he could finally cash the August rent cheque after this painstaikingly long wait, only to be $395 short.

My boyfriend's birthday is tomorrow. We had plans to go out for diner somewhere nice either tonight or this weekend but we are stuck eating macaroni and cheese (he is 25 too, so its a milestone year) and its depressing as hell because we are going to have to get a payday loan advance to get $300 and figure out the other $95 somehow before the cheque bounces and pisses off our landlord. SO MANY TIMES HAVE WE BEEN SO CLOSE to paying it on time and for unfair reason been unable to this month. Worse yet, his family sent him birthday cards with no money in it, when he explicitly asked for money for his birthday and so he feels forgotten about (for reasons other than that, but still, we could REALLY use the cash right now) and my Dad refuses to help even though he is well off himself and in town at the moment spending all his money on his girlfriend. Pay day loan advances screw you over, so we will owe interest on the $300 loan, even if its just a week it will be like $368, so now September rent will be late too by a week because we were hoping to use his next paycheque for that too. My boyfriend deserves a special treat out and he gets nothing for his birthday, that's TOTALLY UNFAIR. All because of a stupid automatic credit card payment.

Its things like this that make me contemplate suicide...... If you're concerned about this, I get help and support already, but seriously. FML. In all seriousness. FML.
same my jaw has only been able to open part of the way for 4 years now and no one can tell me why, or do anything about it.
but what has obama got to do with it

its a meme lol
but that could be TMJ or lockjaw. might want to see an orthodontist if you havent
I work 48 hours a week cleaning stuff at my job.

I just got home, and it appears that our freezer has defrosted by itself.

So everything melted. All over the place.

And so now I get to continue cleaning. .-.

And also cook all the food that was in the freezer, because we don't want it to go to waste. D:
I'm moving to another country in a few months for work and I'm not ready to leave my friends and life here. I also have to fly home sometime before then to see my grandma, who is really sick. Aside from the fact that I don't even know how to deal with her dying, I'm also broke and I can't afford a plane ticket. So I just feel like I'm stuck in limbo and it's making me really anxious and restless all the time.
Okay, this is super depressing. August rent has been delayed week after week for reasons beyond my control. First it was for unfair reasons that my student loans withdrew $500 out of my account without my consent and the cheque would ave bounced. Next, my boyfriend didn't get paid a full work week unfairly so he didn't get a full paycheque for all the hours he worked. Then he lost his overdraft protection when his credit card payments fell through so we lost that coverage for a short time, but long enough to delay rent again to this week where MY credit card withdrew $32 (fine) then $398 today putting me into overdraft meanwhile yesterday I told my landlord he could finally cash the August rent cheque after this painstaikingly long wait, only to be $395 short.

My boyfriend's birthday is tomorrow. We had plans to go out for diner somewhere nice either tonight or this weekend but we are stuck eating macaroni and cheese (he is 25 too, so its a milestone year) and its depressing as hell because we are going to have to get a payday loan advance to get $300 and figure out the other $95 somehow before the cheque bounces and pisses off our landlord. SO MANY TIMES HAVE WE BEEN SO CLOSE to paying it on time and for unfair reason been unable to this month. Worse yet, his family sent him birthday cards with no money in it, when he explicitly asked for money for his birthday and so he feels forgotten about (for reasons other than that, but still, we could REALLY use the cash right now) and my Dad refuses to help even though he is well off himself and in town at the moment spending all his money on his girlfriend. Pay day loan advances screw you over, so we will owe interest on the $300 loan, even if its just a week it will be like $368, so now September rent will be late too by a week because we were hoping to use his next paycheque for that too. My boyfriend deserves a special treat out and he gets nothing for his birthday, that's TOTALLY UNFAIR. All because of a stupid automatic credit card payment.

Its things like this that make me contemplate suicide...... If you're concerned about this, I get help and support already, but seriously. FML. In all seriousness. FML.

i am so, so, so incredibly sorry.
I feel as if I have upset someone on here by asking them something, and when they answered, they had a ton of dots in their VM, and I feel like they are uncomfortable about the subject and Im upset I even brought it up, causing him to be upset and I feel bad now ;-;
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