What's Bothering You?

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(this is kinda venting. sorry :()

Two of my close friends have been fighting for weeks now and I feel as if I caused the whole dang mess. My friend says it isn't but.. I still think it is. I've been feeling really freaking depressed because of it. I just want everyone to be friends again.
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I know what time zone she’s on. Even so, 2 PM is way too early for a closing time.

Actually no. Some smaller cities close that on Saturdays and if it's a small more private place they might also have earlier closing hours on weekends in general.
I feel so stupid making this stupid present eeeeeugh I wish I was a more talented person. T.T
I feel so stupid making this stupid present eeeeeugh I wish I was a more talented person. T.T

Is it a drawing? Cause if so your drawings are really nice, so I'm sure it's great and they'll love it. Even if not, you took the time to made it, and I think you're pretty talented so it's gonna be good :)
*inhales* when you conflate a non-issue into a severe one, you diminish the severity of the actual issue. idk it just makes me sick how people can't find ANY sense of proportion.
I finally got a reply back from res life asking about whether or not I should receive a confirmation for staying over break, even though I'm already home. Would've been nice if they got back with me on Friday when I sent them the message. And their message sounded really rude like WE DONT HAVE TIME TO SEND EVERYONE CONFIRMATIONS well okay you don't have to say it like that. Stuff like that is why I'm afraid to go to those people for help. I had a similarly bad experience with res life at my old dorm.
I'd rather see this cute bother, but, mah baby boy decided to take a nap on only one sweater that I have and left on my blanket before bathing. It's still cold tonight, especially when the floor heating is not working because boiler has broken just yesterday. And I still haven't beaten this evil fever yet...
I've been indecisive past 30 mins, with shivering a lot - if I should take my sweater back, or would rather enjoy this happiness of seeing his VERY peaceful sleeping face...
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