What's Bothering You?

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interview the day after tomorrow, anxiety is peaking (esp since this is a group interview)
interview the day after tomorrow, anxiety is peaking (esp since this is a group interview)

oooof good luck man -hugs- :)

also shgfjdf why are twins so annoying i mean destroyer and prime were easy beans in comparison
something hit a little bit too close to home and now I'm really upset
I got kicked out of my Pokemon GO account :(

- - - Post Merge - - -

It let me back in but I finally got a photobomb of Smeargle and then I lost it cause the game crashed. I have to wait until tomorrow. :mad:
I'm doing poorly in three of my classes right now, and I'm not exactly sure when our grades will be finalized. I'm hoping to get my priorities straightened out, and to raise those grades before it's too late.

interview the day after tomorrow, anxiety is peaking (esp since this is a group interview)

Hey, wishing you the best of luck with the interview! <3
in gym class me and my friends had to lead a lesson of 11/12 year old boys and we literally got bullied by some tiny kids wow love that
in gym class me and my friends had to lead a lesson of 11/12 year old boys and we literally got bullied by some tiny kids wow love that

and people wonder why some dont like kids yes indeed ^^^

anyway ****ing twins in terraria please die already im tired of you guys
Teeth are KILLING me! Gotta make that appointment!
Watching a couple clips of the new Venture Bros. season made me realize I haven't seen an effective, menacing, motivated villain in a long time.

My mind's been drawn to negativity lately and I really want to chill but I'm finding it hard aaaaaahhhhhhhh
Managed to sleep an hour LOL now it's 2 am and I've been laying awake in bed for 2 hours and can't go back to sleep :,^(
I have to make a CV for work placement but my 2 previous referees can't be my referees anymore and I dunno what to do bc I can't have anyone else D:
****ing the twins can i just get to defeat them like today i wanna move on :( plus i need their loot if anything
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