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What's Bothering You?

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My science teacher is awful oh my god
like I'm sorry I didn't realize this was ****ing Nazi Germany
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Everything is ****ing horrible right now. It's amazingly hot af, i'm trying to clean out my room, I'm trying to look for something extremely important to me, can't find it, the heat is making me die. There is no point in this. I just feel like dying.
I keep getting head aches when I am in my room, I think there is a mold or something causing it since my room has smelled of must apparently for a few months.... it hurts so badly
That I am only 4 days into the semester and already feel like I am swamped with homework .-.
*grabs ice cream and sits in bathtub*
I'm so worried over College, and even though I worked this summer I wasnt able to speak to anyone and was quite literately alone for most of it and I hate this empty feeling I get by myself even though I like being by myself to clear my mind but I had enough of not being able to socialize with anyone :mad:
Crying because I am so tired. No lie. Might have to fake sick on my birthday so I can get some much needed sleep
I just started college and it's so overwhelming.

How many classes did you take? I only took three and one is online. I just started too and I think it'd a lot easier than I thought but maybe because I am only taking 12 units.

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We need an advice thread.
I think I figured out what it was, after a 98 degree day and wearing my usual winter clothing, and not drinking any water all day, I was becoming dehydrated and it made me feel so sick and dizzy. I still am not sure but that probably was not my smartest idea...
There's creeps in my neighborhood. They are parked infront of a house, headlights on, and stopped there.

In October, we caught someone in front of our house.

A week ago, they were spying on my and my friend.

My friend saw them spying on their house.

Also forgot to mention: I"M RIGHT F***ING IN FRONT OF THE STREET.
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There's creeps in my neighborhood. They are parked infront of a house, headlights on, and stopped there.

In October, we caught someone in front of our house.

A week ago, they were spying on my and my friend.

My friend saw them spying on their house.

creepy... o.o

what's bothering me?
middle school.
Also the fact that i have been stuck on one economy question for 20 minutes and I am absolutely stumped
I am super scared right now, I am almost crying its so scary. I can't sleep because I'm afraid they're gonns spy on me or crash into our house.
I am super scared right now, I am almost crying its so scary. I can't sleep because I'm afraid they're gonns spy on me or crash into our house.

Ive had that happen to me,
honestly turn the lights off in your house and stay out of window view (i hid behind my bed when I did it)

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also anyone good a econ and wanna try a word problem for me>.<
Im absolutely stumped.
My answer is 10 cents off the multiple choice answer, so i don't believe its right
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