What's Bothering You?

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i really hate how people act like they genuinely care about what's bothering me but the second i say something to vent out they leave or dont reply
like i understand it might make you uncomfortable but if you offer to listen to me talk about my problems and insist i do you could be decent enough to show you're listening

i've been having such a lack of sleep the past several months i'm tired

You can talk about this if you want. I'll genuinely listen. You know where to find me c:
man I hate groupworks with groupmates who are cooperating very, very slowly

they're cooperating so slowly and we have a paper to pass in 2 hours and oh my gosh why aren't they replying at all
man I hate groupworks with groupmates who are cooperating very, very slowly

they're cooperating so slowly and we have a paper to pass in 2 hours and oh my gosh why aren't they replying at all

Yeah, group projects are a real pain. I had two of them this semester.

Hoping to just get through this week and do well on my couple of finals next week.
man I hate groupworks with groupmates who are cooperating very, very slowly

they're cooperating so slowly and we have a paper to pass in 2 hours and oh my gosh why aren't they replying at all

me too especially when they want to change stuff and never reply and whatnot aaah :c good luck!
im half asleep and i need to go to school

after, im gonna run home and knock out until midnight
I really don't want to go to college... Like none of them appeal to me and I can't do what I don't want to do.
I seriously want to punch myself in the freaking face

And also punch my professor in the face for that absolutely BULL**** final that will probably bring my grade down to a B.
I thought my Rosalina Amiibo arrived, but it was just something my dad ordered. The box was the perfect size it fooled me :(.
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