• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

I'm tired of feeling unwell all the time. Every time one problem ends, another one starts or comes back. This medicine I've been taking better start working today because I'm very annoyed I have to take it again after getting past a different problem that lasted about 2 weeks. Though with my luck, that one will come back once this problem is gone. A never ending cycle...
I have really bad luck because although the medicine did start working, the other problem came back. On the same day. I wasn't expecting it to be this fast. I hate living this way...
I feel like I'm just a pain in the ass to everyone right now and making literally everything worse.
I have weak shaky adrenaline legs hhhh. just. wheww
neighbor's big confrontational dog was in a stand-off with my mom by our mailbox and I went out there with a broom to rescue her; he tried to come at us once but thankfully my shout and broom-brandishing was enough to intimidate him. his owner came and got him but ohh man I do not want to find out if I can hold off an aggressive dog with a plastic broom.

really really really wish they'd do something about his behavior. I don't think he's a bad dog, just very protective and insecure with a lot of pent up energy. but he got in a standoff with a little kid on their bike once, and this isn't the first time he's been confrontational with us, and I'm worried he might do something if they don't get a handle on him.
Went manic and deep cleaned the whole house today; now my body aches, my feet hurt, and my eyes burn.
Sounds like me when I decided to harvest, clean, and dice all of the onions I grew last year, in one sitting. I ended up with about 2 5 gallon buckets worth lol. I'm still eating them to this day.

Just kick back and relax as best as you can.
I hate my family’s standards, with some things they’ll be more traditional (these tasks are done by women, those tasks are done by men), but with other things (like having a full-time job) they’ll expect me to do it?? like I’m fine dealing with whichever as long as they’re reasonable about it but I feel like I have to do everything

-“you need a job and be fully independent, but you’ll also need to raise your kids, cook, and do all the housework!”
-you have three capable children, but for some reason the daughter (just me since my sister doesn’t live here) has to make multiple trips going upstairs and downstairs because the boys can’t carry groceries??? we could finish quickly if all three of us helped
and my dad recently found out he has a health condition and he’s taking it so much more seriously than my mom does (she’s had the same thing for a while and doesn’t take as much precaution as my dad is), he’s trying to be really careful because he’s the breadwinner, I have a job but the pay is nothing compared to his, so if something happened to him I wouldn’t be able to do much for my family 🙃 my parents are getting older and sometimes I wish we could tell them “hey it’s fine you guys don’t need to worry about anything”

also I miss my maternal grandma, I miss my dad’s parents too, but she was the sweetest person and I wish she was still around, I only have one grandparent left and I feel like I probably won’t have a chance to visit him ;; it sucks seeing your entire family in another country and feeling like you’re missing out on life, there’s no one here
I don't really know business very well, or the UK legal matters of owning a shop.
But recently, not too recently but at least last year my boss has been doing a sorta sketchy thing?

It's hard to explain, but with the till, normally when we get an order, we make a note, tap the right thing in the till, the customer pays and we put in the till system if they pay cash or card voila, order is done.

But for a while now, when I am not there, and not on till (I know what they do cause they start doing it once they're abut to swap with me), but if they get an order, they make a note of the price on a piece of paper (each time adding it up), but don't actually put it on the till system? They obvs tap the right stuff on the till to see how much everything comes up to, but right after they remove everything so its blank. I-that's not normal right?

She did try and get me to start doing it, but due to poor math skills in head I said I couldn't do it. I wouldn't of done it anyways. Not when we haven't done so inthe past, so I know something is up.
Its not like they hide it very well, they leave the papers by the till. When I see them, I just stash them in the bag that holds the full day receipts.

I just don't know that if anything comes down to it, because I know what, well sorta know what they're doing, that I won't get blamed for not reporting anything, not really sure :/
i feel sick both physically and mentally. i'm supposed to be enjoying being with my family and friends right now but since i'm absolutely dog**** unlucky, i ended up with arguably the worst sched among my teammates, and i'm going to be grilled to the ground by my seniors tomorrow. i even got a few comments from others wishing me luck, and one saying "thank you for being the martyr for us." silver lining is that at least it'll be done sooner than later, but i dunno. i'm going in my first team leadership absolutely blind, and my team i feel is even blinder than me despite me telling them to prepare in advance so we dont fumble so bad. im so nervous i feel i'm going to faint any time. also i have so many things due today idk what to prioritize anymore but i gotta start now
went to bed nauseous and woke up nauseous and too early. took a tylenol and am waiting for it to kick in. honestly kinda hoping i throw up cause it releives headaches. laying here with a bowl like it’s a plushie.
I know I'm on hiatus rn but I really don't feel like trying to explain this to each individual friend so I'll talk about what's going on here.

in memoriam of the lovely Molly, 2013-2024. 🐱💗

a few days ago, while I was at work, my mom sent me a message saying that she would have a friend of ours take our cat Molly to be put down. she wasn't even 11 years old yet. she had been dealing with health issues for a long time and it was probably for the best, but hearing that honestly changed me, and broke me in a way.

I got Molly when she was a baby in 2013, a month or so before I started high school. So I had her for almost half my lifetime. I loved her so much, she was always so funny and quirky and sweet. when she was younger (as in, up until a year or so ago) she loved to lay across my shoulders while I was doing stuff, or across the back of my desk chair. she was always very photogenic, had a beautiful marbled tabby pattern in her fur and lovely markings on her face, and she was medium-long haired and she absolutely rocked it. I have so many wonderful pictures of her that I should share. she was very mouthy, if you had something she wanted she would let you know. she was the queen of the house for years and years; our cats have their own little "community" and they often partake in legendary (and humorous) battles for glory, but they didn't dare try to challenge Molly, she'd put them in their place. she never had her own kittens but she was always very motherly to the other cats. everyone loved her. she saw a lot of cats come and go in this house and she took care of every one of them. she was a bit skiddish around new people, as most cats are (except Feef, who is absolutely fearless for some reason), but she loved attention and pets from anyone who would give it to her. when I gave her treats I would just open the bag and show it to her because she'd literally reach in with her paw and take as many as she wanted haha. also how could I forget, her favourite pasttime was to sit in the window and absorb the warmth of the sun. she was just so lovely. she was very chill and approachable, but she was also willing to hold her ground. a queen, truly.

she'd not been doing so well for the last few years, because she had health issues for most of her life (most notably, she had dental issues since she was about three years old). for the last year or so she'd been struggling to eat, and at one point her beautiful fur became matted because she couldn't clean herself anymore. then in the last few weeks she lost a lot of weight, she was very bony and frail and weak. so when my mom told me that she would be put down, I was heartbroken, but not in complete shock.

writing this out has kinda helped me process it a bit, but honestly, I've been feeling completely numb ever since my mom told me. I normally cry so much, and now I can only get out a few tears at a time. I feel like I need to cry and I can't. I feel like my nervous system has kinda just gone into survival mode. I've been feeling really tense and trembly and anxious, I can feel a few small tears streaming down my face but I'm not quite crying. I just can't process this. I can't cope with loss anymore, it's been happening so much recently and I just can't deal with it. I haven't even fully comprehended that Molly is gone, I can still feel her presence lingering here and I feel as if she's not actually gone. but she is. she's gone, and I'll never see her again. I didn't even get to tell her goodbye. she's just... gone.

bless her beautiful soul. she was my baby for so long. I'm not religious but I hope she's resting in peace, wherever she is. and I hope my mom's friend treated her with every ounce of respect that she deserved. I almost feel like she didn't and that honestly angers me, but I don't want to discuss details. I feel lightheaded just thinking about it.

I just can't process this right now, my heart feels so shielded yet so raw. I keep hearing a voice saying "oh come on, it's just a cat, she was old anyway." it's amazing how rude and insensitive I can be to myself sometimes. I've just been conditioned to think that way I guess. I don't know, but I'm a broken down, hollowed shell of my former self at the moment. that must mean something. I'm so tired.

anyway, I'll share some of my favourite pictures of Molly. may she rest in peace and forever live on in my heart. 💔💜✨
First pic I took of her on Aug 1st 2013, just a wee thing 🥹

March 30th 2014, not quite a year old.

January 2015, only a year and a half old but she knew she was a queen 👑

March 15th 2015

May 19th 2016, this is my absolute favourite picture of her 🌈🫧

Feb 7th 2017, I loved her stripes and floofs hehe

Feb 18th 2017, doing what she loves ☀️

May 12th 2017

Dec 28th 2020

Nov 1st 2022, one of my last good pictures of her. she was nine and a half years old. Feef makes her look very smol here (and she was smol hehe) but he knew she was the boss. 😌
I don't want to come off as a jerk, but it kind of sounds like text an AI generated to me.

I know I'm on hiatus rn but I really don't feel like trying to explain this to each individual friend so I'll talk about what's going on here.
Those are all such lovely pictures. I agree with Kattea, that picture and all of them are gorgeous. It looks like she wants to pop all of those bubbles and doesn't know where to start.

I am sorry for your loss.
went to bed nauseous and woke up nauseous and too early. took a tylenol and am waiting for it to kick in. honestly kinda hoping i throw up cause it releives headaches. laying here with a bowl like it’s a plushie.
I hope you feel better soon (if you haven't yet) Maybe try to drink some water if you think you can handle it. Just keep resting up today!
I am just very not happy with my current living conditions. If moving out was easy, I would've done it by now. It's just really complicated (I've never even had a job before).
I'm afraid things are going to be the same or worse within 10 years. I'm not good at being hopeful about things, honestly. Especially when there's 0 reasons to make me think something good will happen.
I don't want to come off as a jerk, but it kind of sounds like text an AI generated to me.

Those are all such lovely pictures. I agree with Kattea, that picture and all of them are gorgeous. It looks like she wants to pop all of those bubbles and doesn't know where to start.

I am sorry for your loss.

I hope you feel better soon (if you haven't yet) Maybe try to drink some water if you think you can handle it. Just keep resting up today!
Thank you so much! I woke up feeling all better! ^u^
I'm so close to packing my bags, jumping out the window, and running non-stop until I get to my dad's house. Why? Well, remember when I said I don't feel safe around my mom's boyfriend? It's only gotten worse. I won't go into detail because this is some VERY heavy stuff, but I have never felt worse in my life and I want nothing more than to get out of this house.
Once, my best friend said, "Mom said it was MY turn to steal Evan's stuff!" and I started crying because dear God, I wished we were really brothers. I still do, it would be so much better than the terrible family I do have.