• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

Why the heck is Godzilla not in the Oscar running? It's the most popular movie in our theatre, and it's got booming positive reviews all around.
I have to do a lot of schoolwork but I have no motivation to do any of it. But one of them is due tomorrow, and the other is due Monday (and I think I’m the only person excluding like 5 other people who even started it, even though it’s a fifteen page essay). I feel really stressed, and I’ve felt like this since Tuesday.
I had a consultation today and found out I'm going to need surgery. I was hoping for a quick outpatient procedure, but it seems I'm beyond that point. It's going to be quite invasive and I'll have to stay at the hospital for 2-3 nights. Is it sad that I'm less worried about the surgery and more concerned about how my dog with separation anxiety is going to handle me being away for so long? He doesn't eat or drink when he doesn't know where I am.
I went to the diner today. I enjoyed my time overall, but I still have to get used to my dad not being. Now, his chair is empty. I catch myself looking to see if he's there when I drive by. I wish he'd just pull up just one more time to have coffee with me.

I'm going to sit in his chair now even though I don't smoke.
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I know I didn't comment initially on it, but I just wanted to say I'm really, really sorry about the passing of your father. I can relate as I lost my mom in 2020 due to gastric (stomach) cancer. It was a ten-month battle for her and I kept taking care of her and the house the entire time, prolonging her life as much as I could.

I've had a lot of cries since then and I'm worried that my dad may pass soon as well, even though he's in great health for his age (70's), but the reality is that I really have to focus on the good and keep moving on. The grief will be with me for the rest of my life, but I won't dwell on it, because there's so many more good things in store for me and I know my mom would just want me to live my life and be happy.

I think that's special that you're taking the chair that he used to sit in. Truly. 💚
I know I didn't comment initially on it, but I just wanted to say I'm really, really sorry about the passing of your father. I can relate as I lost my mom in 2020 due to gastric (stomach) cancer. It was a ten-month battle for her and I kept taking care of her and the house the entire time, prolonging her life as much as I could.

I've had a lot of cries since then and I'm worried that my dad may pass soon as well, even though he's in great health for his age (70's), but the reality is that I really have to focus on the good and keep moving on. The grief will be with me for the rest of my life, but I won't dwell on it, because there's so many more good things in store for me and I know my mom would just want me to live my life and be happy.

I think that's special that you're taking the chair that he used to sit in. Truly. 💚

Thank you so much, I really appreciate that! And I'm very sorry for your loss, too.

I'm looking forward to getting to that stage in my grief. It's at its rawest stages now, even though I know my dad would want me to be living my life in peace. That really is a sobering thought- knowing your loved one would just want you to laugh and live and take care of the family they left behind with you!

And taking over his spot does make me feel closer to him. I have squatter's rights to that chair now! lol
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My work day has been incredibly stressful. I'm exhausted and anxious and to top it all off our truck quit running. Genuinely feel like I'm going to cry but I still need to pay the tow truck.
I slipped and fell on the steps of my bus this morning at work, right into my lower back, hurting it even further. I also fishtailed on an icy dirt road, going sideways and taking out a mailbox in the process despite going less than 5 MPH (nobody got hurt if anyone is wondering). I was also forced to miss the afternoon shift due to me getting hurt and having to submit an employee accident report, despite me still being capable of driving.

I'm doing great.
Today someone brought a dog into my work for vaccines (which couldn't be given anyway because of the infection in his legs). The dog ended up having heartworms as well as infection and swelling in some of his legs. The owners declined treatment because they "just wanted his shots so he can breed."

They just got him to breed.....like what? That's a life not a breeding machine. Breed him, fine...but give him the love and respect a pet deserves too!
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Why the heck is Godzilla not in the Oscar running? It's the most popular movie in our theatre, and it's got booming positive reviews all around.
Honestly the Oscars have pretty much lost all relevancy. The last time they were even discussed in detail was during Will Smith's altercation with Chris Brown. Whether or not that was staged, it was the only reason anyone paid attention to it. And if it wasn't staged it shows they don't have backbone because they let Will stay, take his award, and have a speech. Then again anymore it seems like we don't want any of our celebrities/politicians to have any accountability or repercussions. Great message to send to future generations.
Honestly the Oscars have pretty much lost all relevancy. The last time they were even discussed in detail was during Will Smith's altercation with Chris Brown. Whether or not that was staged, it was the only reason anyone paid attention to it. And if it wasn't staged it shows they don't have backbone because they let Will stay, take his award, and have a speech. Then again anymore it seems like we don't want any of our celebrities/politicians to have any accountability or repercussions. Great message to send to future generations.
The Oscars lost their legitimacy since 1978 when they picked Annie Hall over Star Wars as “Best Picture”.
The Oscars lost their legitimacy since 1978 when they picked Annie Hall over Star Wars as “Best Picture”.
I forget what year it was, but their dunking on animation got really old to. One of the animations won a award and the announcer just said paraphrased 'The stuff we shove in front of our kids as we endure it.' as the movie was getting its award/nomination. Animation is such an amazing medium that deserves more respect.
This is small but I burnt my pot of chili yesterday. I still scooped it into containers trying to pretend like it didn't get super burnt on the bottom but it has a harsh after taste. There was like 6 dollars worth of bell peppers in there, which isn't actually that many bell peppers they are just super expensive right now.
trigger warning for cancer talk
it's going to sound awful what i'm going to say but i'm... i'm somewhat unsure of my online friend's cancer diagnosis. as in, i'm not sure they're being truthful about it. i have a lot of reasons for suspicion on it that all culminate into these feelings, when they told me they had it i felt so bad and cried about it for a long while because this is a dear friend of mine, but the longer time goes on and the more they talk about it...? i'm not sure. im not going to call them out or argue with them about it and will 100% support them but their stories are not adding up and ive spotted some lies about the whole ordeal.
I'm tired of feeling unwell all the time. Every time one problem ends, another one starts or comes back. This medicine I've been taking better start working today because I'm very annoyed I have to take it again after getting past a different problem that lasted about 2 weeks. Though with my luck, that one will come back once this problem is gone. A never ending cycle...
The Oscars lost their legitimacy since 1978 when they picked Annie Hall over Star Wars as “Best Picture”.
To be honest,I'm not sure if the Oscars have ever had any legitimacy.There was no way Star Wars was going to win Best Picture that year.It was up against two critically acclaimed comedies,Annie Hall and The Goodbye Girl and also two dramas that the critics of the day were salivating over,Julia and The Turning Point.Mega-popular movies rarely win Best Picture Oscars.I was really surprised that The Lord Of The Rings:The Return Of The King won it.I did see all of the 1978 Best Picture nominees and they were all good to very good/great movies but the best Oscar eligible movie for that year,in my opinion, wasn't even nominated for Best Picture: Close Encounters Of The Third Kind.