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My boss told me today, before I left, that next week her and some of her family will be away; out of the country. Meaning, lil' old me will have to do most days next week and all hours, by myself. We open at 7am,and close about 4:30pm on the weekdays. Mind you I get up at 5am, so I can actually do something before work, and calm me before the day happens.
It's gonna be a nightmare.
This hasn;t been the first btw. A single worker should not be used to this!
And like, half the time, nothing happens at work. I do as much as I can (with what I am being paid) so sometimes I do try and bring in some writing work to focus on, but they've been complaingin that I have been doing stuff at work that isn't work. If she tries messaging me about this, since she can see me through the cameras, I won't care. She can't stop me. But even doing that, I feel like Im wasting my time.
I really am trying to find another job, but the energy to do any of the things needed is hardly there half the time, and my self esteem in my skills is so low.