I’m so stressed right now. I’m still trying to destress from how worked up I got about my switch lite, I had/been having a panic attack earlier when I was trying to find some of my ds/3ds games to play and they were in their cases or the cartridge case that I thought they’d be. I was hoping to look through some of my totes today but I have my niece’s concert to go to. I found out it is going to be a pretty long one too. I love my niece but as mentioned before, going out is so stressful for me. I didn’t sleep much either so I’m really tired too. My foot and leg gets aggravated when sitting long at these concerts too (been having an issue with my leg/foot/scoliosis) too. My mom had a month ago asked if i wanted to go, but she was like i’d really like you to go or it’d be very nice if you went. she never gave me a choice.Even it wasn’t stressful for me, as selfish as it is, I still wouldn’t want to go. I just am not really comfortable going to family events; my depression doesn’t help either. Also going anywhere with my dad is a challenge because he doesn’t treat his anxiety so he has panic attacks, lashes out at us (already he’s freaking out; I’m in the car right now). Over the years it has gotten worse. I’m anxious about something else too.