What's Bothering You?

Severe storms are supposed to be coming up in a bit, including a flood watch. I’m gonna go and pick up the stuff on the basement floor ;-; Oh, and I should go put my bird sculpture my boyfriend gave me in the garage. She could easily be blown over.
So, the internet connection I've been having problems with (saying there's the a strong connection but no internet), seems to really only effect my laptop. Which I really don't understand why. Because I have the correct password and everything to the internet. Usually I just have to wait for it to stop saying that but it is so frustrating 😒
I never got to enter the celebrating diversity thing this year, and last year I had to do a bare minimum entry due to that whole homeless phase I was in. man, when will other people stop ruining my fun? There will be more events, though. I know that much.
Emotional dissonance.

It’s not a problem how few spaces I fit in, but I feel I’m missing on some privilege people take for granted and… dunno. Just hurts. It shouldn’t. It is what it is and I have a boyfriend who knows so much of me and wholly accepts me. And this site.

Here I am though. Always wanted life to be different, less lonely, can’t force it and saw so many people indulge things I can’t stand being around.

I’m not mature enough even after all my pain and effort to just go on and put my love where it belongs despite that… Just how many neg plsts am I going to make here y’know
playing pocket camp, they have a event going on where you find these lil gyroids with paintbrushes in hand. I didn't have enough for the last item you can make ith these things, so I wanted to use my tickets. Tell me why I choose the tickets, and it takes all my gyroids anyways? Whats the point? Now I dont have any ;_:
Why is it anyday I'm in the slightest happy, someone regularly puts a damper on my mood? With my health issues, I try my best for everyone, but feel as if it's never enough. If I tell anyone how I feel it's just 'You're over reacting' or 'I won't bother saying anything to you' or 'I'll have to watch everything I say to you'. If it was a genuine issue, I wouldn't mind. I honestly think my feelings are valid and I don't think I'm over reacting. Sometimes, I feel I'm being gaslighted, trying to undermine the confidence I've struggled to build over the years. I'm doubting myself at things that I'm certain I've done correctly.
I just moved up to the Northeast, which is great! I've been so happy waking up here every morning! But since I've come here, unusual weather patterns more like the South (of which one reason I moved away from there is the awful weather) have been happening. It's been hot, yesterday we had a Tornado Warning 😱, and today we're under risk for more severe weather. 😮

Tornadic storms and heat waves like this are exceptionally rare up here. I've literally only been here for one week. I'm beginning to feel like I'm cursed. 🥲
that is manipulation at its finest and I absolutely cannot stand manipulative people. my dad pulled this with me the other day, because I was angry about all the issues that my car was having and he just said "there's no use in getting so upset over it, just learn to deal with it". I don't like to be/sound accusatory, but that's manipulation, and also projecting. yet you can't call out people on their manipulative behaviour because, of course, instead of acting like a reasonable person and considering how their actions might affect others, they play the victim and deny everything you say to them and never take responsibility for their own wrongdoings. they really just aren't worth anyone's time, and you certainly don't deserve that, with everything else you're struggling with regarding your family and health.
I just moved up to the Northeast, which is great! I've been so happy waking up here every morning! But since I've come here, unusual weather patterns more like the South (of which one reason I moved away from there is the awful weather) have been happening. It's been hot, yesterday we had a Tornado Warning 😱, and today we're under risk for more severe weather. 😮

Tornadic storms and heat waves like this are exceptionally rare up here. I've literally only been here for one week. I'm beginning to feel like I'm cursed. 🥲
It could just be a bad year for weather. Weather has been a lot stranger over the last couple years. There’s no curse.
This heat wave is horrible, I've had to work out in it the last few days and now I'm feeling super sick and still have work...on top of my neighbor still stalking me. Yes I can see you recording me, yes you want to ruin my life somehow and keep telling me you're going to get the cops on me for things I've never even done. Can you just please leave me alone and fall in a hole?
i am not having a great time today and i think im going to go insane 😭

i've been sick for the past few days, and while i'm starting to feel better, there is a persistent issue wherein i just cannot sleep for more than 3 hours at a time. and im not even tired, maybe just delirious. the majority of my "sleep" for the past few days has been me lying in bed with my eyes closed for a few hours, opening them, checking the time, and forcing myself to close my eyes again.

for some reason, at this point, i have ended up having very little appetite, and eating anything even a little to heavy just makes me nauseous. i am responsible enough to still try and eat a normal amount, but it's discomforting.

my phone is low battery because ive been playing around on it since 7am since i couldnt fall back asleep (after falling asleep at 4am). i am relying on its data and tethering. my laptop is also low on battery (and im using that instead of my phone to try and make my phone last longer while still being online.)

aaaand the timing is very amazing because the hide and seek sessions i was super excited to host and have been waiting for the past few weeks now have to be rescheduled -- i really hate rescheduling things when they involve other people!

i feel like im just super delirious right now so im going... to go and close my eyes for a while. and hope i fall asleep. and hope that no telemarketer calls me because that happened already when i actually fell asleep for once.

It could just be a bad year for weather. Weather has been a lot stranger over the last couple years. There’s no curse.

You're right there is no actual curse. It's just incredibly poor timing. I have waited countless years to move to the Northeast with the better climate being one of the top reasons. I finally do it and just one short week in and I already have a Tornado Warning. 😱 (I hate, hate, hate tornadoes and have had enough of these warnings where I have to take cover. It's a nightmare for me) It's like someone who is the opposite of me who hates Winter and cold going down to Florida and within one week they have a freak snowstorm. lol.
I have a job. My orientation is actually tomorrow, but I tend to apply for multiple jobs that interest me to find one quicker. I just woke up to a few emails from other jobs telling me that I'm not a good fit or that I'm not what they're looking for (even though it's the same exact position I got hired for, just at a different company??). This is the worst part of trying to find a job. I'll be receiving emails like this for likely the next month.
I have a job. My orientation is actually tomorrow, but I tend to apply for multiple jobs that interest me to find one quicker. I just woke up to a few emails from other jobs telling me that I'm not a good fit or that I'm not what they're looking for (even though it's the same exact position I got hired for, just at a different company??). This is the worst part of trying to find a job. I'll be receiving emails like this for likely the next month.
I hope the orientation goes well!!
I've been having that situation when I apply for things too :/ makes me feel awful when they say that.
I'm literally doing an admin course, so I have some idea of what the tasks are, yet the admin jobs I apply for still think it's not good enough?


Another thing bothering me, I gave the work keys to another coworker since I don't work the weekend, and I've tried messaging to know where they will hide them as I am the one opening tomorrow, but no response 🙃
i am not having a great time today and i think im going to go insane 😭
Oh no I hope you feel better soon! I really don't have any advice on that matter except maybe trying to drink more water if you haven't done so. It's easy to forget to do that with how busy our lives can be. I stupidly kept working outside without drinking and it messed me up haha.

I am sure no one here is upset that the event had to be rescheduled. I didn't even know it was, been so busy today to check in. Your health is more important than hosting a hide and seek game. Even just lying down can help. Maybe try to make your room as dark as you can if it's still light out. Put a fan on or some ambient sounds.

Take care Mistreil, I hope you start to feel better!

I have a job. My orientation is actually tomorrow, but I tend to apply for multiple jobs that interest me to find one quicker. I just woke up to a few emails from other jobs telling me that I'm not a good fit or that I'm not what they're looking for (even though it's the same exact position I got hired for, just at a different company??). This is the worst part of trying to find a job. I'll be receiving emails like this for likely the next month.
You have an orientation tomorrow right? Focus on that one for the time being. I'm not trying to undermine your feelings because they are valid, but you got a job currently that you can focus your energy on during the interview. Good luck!

Some of these postings are not always accurate. Sometimes they were never even looking for a candidate in the first place. Other times they hired someone that already currently works there, or someone got in through someone working there. It's not always about you not qualifying.

You got this! Just do your best with your job tomorrow. We believe in you!
I got to see some relatives yesterday, and I was really happy to see them. But if I had known that we were gonna be there for 6+ hours because my parents wanted to get wasted, I would've stayed home. I know my abstinence and discomfort regarding alcohol shouldn't stop them from drinking (like they would in the first place... A prudish teenager isn't gonna do anything), but... Still. Like, if you wanna spend your evening getting hammered and smoking weed, then don't ****ing drag me to it.

Edit: Okay, I might've jumped the gun a little, and I think my post comes off a little harsh... I'm not dictating how people should live their life, and I don't want to piss off anyone. I just don't like it when my family drinks/smokes/etc., especially around me.
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You have an orientation tomorrow right? Focus on that one for the time being. I'm not trying to undermine your feelings because they are valid, but you got a job currently that you can focus your energy on during the interview. Good luck!

Some of these postings are not always accurate. Sometimes they were never even looking for a candidate in the first place. Other times they hired someone that already currently works there, or someone got in through someone working there. It's not always about you not qualifying.

You got this! Just do your best with your job tomorrow. We believe in you!
Yeah, I’m aware. This was more frustration about the wording of these emails. I know they’re automated most of the time, but the wording is always condescending. I’d prefer to just not hear back from them at all, as that speaks for itself.
Your feelings are completely valid, and it was unfair to be put in a situation like that. I'm in my 30's and I've never smoked, never touched alcohol or any other substance. It's my own choice. I always get asked 'Why?', I ask them 'Well, why do you drink, etc? It's a choice.' It's always the same, my friends wants to drink, etc. I don't. They can never have an alcohol free time. Sometimes, it can make me feel uncomfortable being the 'odd one out', but would I change it? Definitely not. I would prefer to be alone and be myself. It's not harsh sounding at all, you didn't want to be in that situation and if they know how you feel about alcohol then it was 10 times worse that they consumed it in front of you. 🫂
A week and a half out from regular medical treatment and oh my god am I feeling it. 😥

I've done some research and apparently the time between injections can be reduced from every 12 weeks to 8 weeks. Going to need to talk to a nurse about this because I feel like death for a couple of weeks four times a year and this has persisted for a few years now.