What's Bothering You?

I like helping people, but the worst part about it is my anxiety. I type out some advice, send it, and a few hours later I begin pondering about whether it really was helpful or not. And then I feel like I might have said something unnecessary and I mentally hit myself because of it T^T
I'm nervous for this job interview I have tomorrow over the phone. I've previously worked for this exact company and was already hired once. I'm hoping I can do this again. I was hired someplace else almost two weeks ago but I haven't heard back from them about a schedule yet, and my other job is either scheduling me for fifteen minutes a week or not at all.

This job market is trash.
Me and my mom had a massive fallout. Ever since I spoke about what happened to the family she was angry with me. Telling me how I "broke her trust" and how I "screwed up her life" all because I wanted to explain why I haven't been speaking. I only spoke about it because I didn't want to be shamed on for not speaking up.
Not me related, but our poor dog. She's completely terrified of storms and loud noises. She goes into a trance when she hears thunder.

We've tried everything. Anxiety medicine from the vet, blanketing her, giving her food.

Nothing seems to help. I know that dogs are emotional but I've never seen one have a panic attack.

(As of now the storm has stopped and she's on the floor covering her face).


(marked out the phone number on her collar, hence the black scribbles).
I keep waking up multiple times (it's 3:30am), and also waking up with my arm feeling completely numb. woke up because I thought I heard someone ask if I broke my wrist. 🥲

edit: I woke up multiple more times after posting this, including only half an hour later at 4am 😭 sometimes I wish I could sleep in a straitjacket so I would stop resting my head on my arms and making them numb and waking me up 13 times hfsgsbhncvhdhnjs
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I want a new computer. Mine is still good for my current library and I really couldn’t have asked for better value, but it had its first ever freeze yesterday (after 12 years) and I’m just feeling the strain on some games. That and there are some I know I won’t be able to run smoothly. Also, Windows 11 sucks and new ones all come with that now.

It’s a lot of money. It’ll be a lot of value but it’s a lot of money. Decisions decisions.
I tend not to post here every time I'm mad because I end up regretting it, but it's been over an hour and I haven't calmed down. To put it simply, I got into another argument with my parents and it didn't end well at all.

Generally speaking, I've been doing okay, but today has been pretty crappy for me. For starters, I'm dealing with intrusive thoughts; I cant help but feel alone and unwanted, no matter where I am. Why does anyone put up with me?

I feel like I've let myself go, in more ways than one. My eating and sleeping habits are out of whack, my overall cleanliness is suffering, and I feel like I haven't been keeping up with any of my relationships. All the college stuff I'm supposed to get sorted before my semester starts? I can't even bring myself to do that.

I might delete this later. I'm just feeling like total dog**** right now.
My favorite kitty, Pippi, is currently sick and probably doesn't have much time left. It's unfortunate because she's such a unique kitty and my family could have saved her if they had just paid more for the original cure rather than slapping a bandaid on it with medicine (which costed more over time anyway).

I'm going between feeling sad and apathetic that she's passing soon, and it sucks. Sad because I really feel for her and I want her to live longer if possible, but apathetic because I'm angry at my family for the aforementioned reason. I'm not sure how many more people and/or animals I can lose in my life before I forget my true self. : ' )