What's Bothering You?

I’m so depressed. I keep having dreams that remind me of something that I don’t want to think about or remember. I’m really lonely too. Also maybe sad. I need to get up and eat and take my medicine but I kinda don’t want to. I want to be happy again and my best friend talk to me like he used to, not to mention have him message me and not me always (and not feeling sad every time we chat).
feeling unwell again. I'm overwhelmed and tired, and I feel nauseous, and I have a bad headache, and I'm honestly so worried about my love. 💔 I don't know what to do with myself. I really don't. I wish I was home. 😭 I don't even know how I'm gonna sleep tonight, I'm so tired but there's so many lights and sounds and I can't handle this. I feel like I'm gonna start crying, I'm tearing up just writing this. I don't know what to do.
Someone I thought I was becoming friends with here on the forum has disappeared. (Or maybe not,... I am kind of tech challenged). This is my life, I make a friend, and for whatever reason they go away. I think it might be me that drives people away, but I can't believe it's always me at this point.

I think I am cursed with making friends with people who are creative and motivated and are destined to move on.

I need to meet some human versions of my snuggly cat.
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I've a painful lump on my arm where a drunk person bit me last night. :cautious:

Wasn't malicious, it was someone I know who thought they were being cute/funny, but I think they were too drunk to be aware of how hard they were biting. I iced it before bed and I think that helped because the swelling has gone down considerably - but ouch. Can still see a row of red marks where their bottom teeth sank in.
I've a painful lump on my arm where a drunk person bit me last night. :cautious:

Wasn't malicious, it was someone I know who thought they were being cute/funny, but I don't think they have any idea how hard they bit.
Haha, I am so sorry for laughing, but it's because I can relate. Stupid bruises thanks to bites.

If I were to punch someone and give them a bruise, I may go to jail, but if someone "playfully" bites and leaves a bruise...

Well... time to heal. Drunk people... 🥴
Haha, I am so sorry for laughing, but it's because I can relate. Stupid bruises thanks to bites.

If I were to punch someone and give them a bruise, I may go to jail, but if someone "playfully" bites and leaves a bruise...

Well... time to heal. Drunk people... 🥴
Nah I agree it's funny. 😂

I stayed sober last night though so not even a nice buzz to numb the pain!
Nah I agree it's funny. 😂

I stayed sober last night though so not even a nice buzz to numb the pain!
Understood, it's not pleasant to have a bite mark on your arm (in my case) for no particular reason.

I sometimes wonder if biters are descendants of cannibals. Probably not, but who knows?
My period decided to start at 2 in the morning 😃(y)

"But pottercrossing, why were you up at 2 in the morning in the first place?"

Because I was finishing The Burning Maze. Those last 100-ish pages have damaged me in ways I did NOT think they would. Speaking of burning, it's been 30+ degrees for the past week and it won't be cooling down until Thursday/Friday. And to make matters worse, we only get about 2 days of relatively cool weather before the heat supposedly starts back up next Sunday.

Yes I am Canadian, no I never get used to the summer heat. I'll still take it over 6-8 month winter any day though.
My period decided to start at 2 in the morning 😃(y)

"But pottercrossing, why were you up at 2 in the morning in the first place?"

Because I was finishing The Burning Maze. Those last 100-ish pages have damaged me in ways I did NOT think they would. Speaking of burning, it's been 30+ degrees for the past week and it won't be cooling down until Thursday/Friday. And to make matters worse, we only get about 2 days of relatively cool weather before the heat supposedly starts back up next Sunday.

Yes I am Canadian, no I never get used to the summer heat. I'll still take it over 6-8 month winter any day though.

You never answered the mystery! Was it because of the book? The temperature? Or ist it because you are Canadian???

Why did it start at 2am?!?! The suspense is killing me...
does anyone else hate windows movie maker now? 😠

cause i do... soooo so much 😫 😫 😫 cause even though i haven't used it in a long time, it's still freezing on me from time to time... & i hate it....:cautious::cautious: 😖😖😖😫
i'm gonna use lightworks from now on whenever i'm making a amv, i think....
after i fix the ones that i can fix...
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I’m so depressed. I keep having dreams that remind me of something that I don’t want to think about or remember. I’m really lonely too.
I keep having reoccurring dreams about something I hate doing too, and i'm also lonely.

My period decided to start at 2 in the morning 😃(y)
Mine started this morning too. UGH! I feel gross!

Anyway, I am no longer part of the 1% who likes Sonic Forces. I'm trying to beat stage 25 (Imperial Tower) but I can't. I just can't. The music in the level was a reason I was looking forward to it too. Now the thought of it is soiled thanks to bad jumping physics and the freak laser that comes from no-where.
Understood, it's not pleasant to have a bite mark on your arm (in my case) for no particular reason.

I sometimes wonder if biters are descendants of cannibals. Probably not, but who knows?
I happened to see her today. She vaguely remembered doing it and felt bad when she saw the damage. 😂

That's a very interesting theory. 🤔
My damn sleep schedule. I know I keep whining about it, but I swear it keeps getting worse. It's gotten to a point where I go to bed at 5-8 AM on average... I also get in this weird cycle where I feel tired when I'm on my phone, but feel restless and unable to sleep when I put it away. :\ I'm so hyperactive at night that it's making it even harder to sleep.

Anyway, I've been more tired than usual and my neck is still hurting from last night (headbanging, lol). My brother and I have even more cleaning to do since we have family over, and it's starting to get exhausting. These are trivial bothers, yes, but having them all accumulated in one day just feeds into my frustration.
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