What's Bothering You?

feel like I've been eating way too much sugary stuff lately and it's kinda making me feel sick. and it sucks because I like to spend my days off getting iced coffee and a donut, but now I'm not even sure if I want to do that. but it gives me an excuse to go for a morning car ride 🥲 maybe I'll get iced coffee and just get a donut for my mum.
Well, today is the 23rd anniversary of the infamous event that struck the United States (and by extension, the world.)
As for me, I've noticed over the past few weeks that my productivity has taken a massive nosedive, mainly because of me constantly procrastinating my homework. My brain does need a rest from the overstimulation and stress, but that's a stupid excuse and it's still my fault either way. :\
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I'm surrounded by idiots. Whenever I try to browse the forum at school, I always have one kid walk up behind me and say "IS THAT A FURRY WEBSITE?" (and they also think its something else but I'm not naming it because its inappropriate) Like, use your eyes. It's a FORUM. For a LIFE SIM SERIES. ignoring them doesn't always work because they are persistent as all get-out, so I just resort to writing stories to calm down, which thankfully works. Sometimes I feel like this forum and my stories are the only escapes from reality I have...
My mental health is taking a serious dive.

Constant work rejections and my school being incredibly unhelpful regarding financial circumstances. (been going in circles with them for 48 hours. i've never seen a more awful system). They don't actually answer questions. Each response is simply 'We want money and here's how you pay us'. It's making my head spin.

I'm stressed. Due to having nobody to speak about this with, I let it get bottled up.

I'm getting so tired. It's melting me away.
just feeling tired and disinterested this morning 😪

edit: also woke up with a headache and the only way I've historically been able to get rid of a headache is by taking a nap, which I'm sure I won't have a chance to do today. fun! 🥲
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The wind is blowing really hard and it's giving me anxiety. It's apparently going to be like this all day because it's from the hurricane.
I just hope a tree doesn't fall near me.
Edit: I forgot to mention the wind woke me up too early.
Feeling stressed because I keep thinking not just about my disorganized math class, but also about my ineptitude at keeping up with work and my elective classes.

I really wanted (and still want) to enter the crafts class, but instead, I got placed in two other electives as the crafts class was full. When I'm working on either of those classes, I just blank out and get overwhelmed because I can't just churn out something just because I'm asked to do it...I need to be interested in what I'm told to do. Especially in my "Intro to Business" class - which I picked because I wanted to know how to sell my crocheted goods on Etsy and this was the only good beginning-level class I could find - we had to work on a leadership portfolio, and I doubt I could come up with something good when I have zero social experience with my classmates and prefer to do things on my own.
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it's 6:30am and I literally just woke up and within like two minutes, I not only woke up with horrible pressure in my belly and pain in my appendix, but I also literally almost passed out in my bathroom and I had to hurry up and lie down. so um... that's fun! 🫠

it doesnt hurt nearly as much now, that's so weird. but I really hope that I don't end up with appendicitis.